Ghost Bike Ride For Sezgin

Joey S-IVB
2 min readMay 8, 2024
The third Ghost Bike Memorial on this section of Avenue Road between Davenport Road and Bloor Street.

About 100 cyclist came out tonight to honour Ali Sezgin Armagan. Last week, a truck driver killed Armagan while he was cycling on Avenue Road. Cyclists started gathering around 5:45 p.m. at Matt Cohen parkette, the southeast corner of Spadina and Bloor Street West.

Riders at the gathering point, Matt Cohen Parkette at Bloor St. W. and Spadina.

Some media showed up, as did a few local municipal and provincial politicians: area councillor Diane Saxe and the area’s MPP, Jessica Bell. Joel Hardin, an Ottawa MPP that has a back history in the area, also was present to show his support.

Geoffery Bercarich waiting at Bernard Avenue with the Ghost Bike he built. David Shellnut is on the right, directing traffic as we wait for everyone to catch up.

ARC’s route was very similar to the previous ride last month for Vlad Zoltov. We went north on Spadina to Bernard Avenue and the east to Avenue Road. We took over Avenue Road for about 20 minutes, blocking all southbound lanes. Geoffery Bercarich removed the bike from the carrier and installed it on a pole north of where the collision happened.

David Shellnut directed The Bike Brigade marshalls that were helping “cork” the lanes to keep everyone safe.

We had the ceremony and had a minute of silence. Then we installed the name plate and fellow riders affixed flowers to the frame. Then we dispersed to go back home.

This was the fourth death in Toronto this year, and the third cycling death in that general area of Avenue Road in the past nine years. Crown prosecutors charged the driver today. A 52-year-old man is facing a charge of careless driving causing bodily harm or death, an Ontario Highway Traffic Act provincial law charge. The crown did not put forward a more serious federal law charge of manslaughter.

Avenue Road needs a road diet, needs wider sidewalks, and protected bike lanes. Unfortunately, Ali Sezgin Armagan will not be around to see these improvements when they eventually happen.

