Polkadot token sale: UPDATE

Polkadot Network
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2017

Over the past few weeks, we have seen deep community interest in Polkadot. We appreciate your thoughtful questions, enthusiasm and support. We believe that Polkadot is an important protocol that will open the gates to interesting and ambitious community projects, and we aim to continue this collaborative work alongside you.

After careful consideration (and a rather large invoice from our legal team — more on that later), we have deemed it necessary to adjust our token pre-sale to later than our projected target of mid-August. We still intend to issue a 14-day countdown once we have the specific date confirmed. All updates will be posted on polkadot.network and on @PolkadotNetwork as they are available.

The Polkadot genesis block launch is still estimated to happen in Q3 2019.



Polkadot is the first project to be funded and developed from the Web3 Foundation (W3F). The Web3 Foundation was created to nurture and steward technologies and applications in the fields of decentralized web software protocols, particularly those which utilize modern cryptographic methods to safeguard decentralization, to the benefit and for the stability of the Web3 ecosystem.

The Web3 Foundation (W3F) operates Polkadot communications exclusively on the following channels:

https://polkadot.network/ — our official website.

https://twitter.com/polkadotnetwork — our official twitter account.

These are the only two channels for guaranteed accurate information about the upcoming Polkadot token pre-sale.

As you are probably aware by now (given that you have landed here), we also have a Medium account. Anything posted to our Medium account will be confirmed by our official website and Twitter account.

We will be publishing further information on the Web3 Foundation in the coming weeks.

We collaborate with our development partners on the following channels:

Polkadot.io — maintained by Parity Technologies, the development team commissioned for the build-out of Polkadot.

Polkdadot Watercooler Riot Channel — chat channel regarding all general Polkadot conversations.

https://gitter.im//w3f/polkadot-white-paper — channel to discuss technical matters related to Polkadot.

https://www.reddit.com/r/polkadot_io/ — technical discussion of the Polkadot project on reddit.

