Polygon NFT Bridge to transfer token from Ethereum to Polygon and vice-versa.

Polygon community channel
4 min readAug 29, 2021


Nft Bridge(bridge.mintnft.today. ) is a trustless two-way channel between Polygon and Ethereum, one can transfer tokens across Polygon without having any third party dependency and liquidity limitation. A bridge build by a community member. Repo is live at https://github.com/PolygonNFT-MinterBridge/NFTbridge. One can even use https://bridge.xp.network/ bridge for nft for fast deposit and withdraw, but in this you have to whitelist your contract on there platform.

So first of all you will need a mapped contract between Ethereum and Polygon. So let’s say we have contracts deployed on Ethereum and Polygon which is for ERC721 token and we have already submitted a mapping request on mapper. And it got mapped after 3 days with this Ethereum and Polygon.

Check for Mapping:

If you want to check mapping on Polygon then you can paste your Polygon contract address And click on check, if its map you will know that it is mapped, if its for testnet select testnet and check for polygon mumbai testnet. If you want to check mapping on Ethereum then you can paste your Ethereum contract address and click on Ethereum checkbox(If its on goerli testnet then you need to click both Ethereum and testnet checkbox) then click on check. You will see popups like below as per it is mapped or not.

Transfer Tokens:

From Eth -> Matic

Lets say I have already minted tokens on Ethereum . Now we want to transfer a token to the Polygon network. We need to go to ETH -> Matic where we need to write a token address(Contract address), Receiver address(Wallet address)on which I want my token on polygon, and token id . Then press deposit this will be a two transaction process as first we need an approval, then another transaction is for the deposit. After this transaction it will take around 5–8 minutes to get this token on our address on the Polygon network .

From Matic -> Eth

Now if I want to withdraw it from matic -> eth, then I need to change my network. You can do it by clicking on matic mainet and it will add to your metamask. Then we can use contract address and Token id . Then click burn then you have to submit burn request then after submitting burn request it will take around 30–40 minutes to state sync with the root address. It will take time for checkpointing . Then In notification(bell icon) you will be able to see your exit transaction . Then you need to do exit with the transaction hash which will automatically populate there(You need to be on Ethereum network in your wallet ). Then you will be able to see your token on Ethereum network. If you stuck with exit then you can use https://polygon-withdraw.matic.network/ after checkpoint by putting your burn transaction hash here then you can exit on Ethereum network.

Feel free to test this on Mumbai-Goerli testnet by using test nfts from faucet.polygon.technology/, these nfts are already mapped by pos portal.



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