Polygranite vs PVC Wallpaper: A Comparative Study

Polygranite India
7 min readMay 16, 2023


The Importance of Wall Coverings –

Wall coverings play a vital role in enhancing the look of any interior space, be it a home, office, or commercial building. Choosing the right wall covering material can make a significant impact on the overall aesthetics of the space. Polygranite sheets and PVC wallpaper are two popular choices for wall coverings. Both materials have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, and deciding between the two can be a daunting task.

Introduction to Polygranite Sheets and PVC Wallpaper –

In this blog, we will conduct a comparative study of Polygranite Sheets and PVC Wallpaper to determine which one is superior. Polygranite sheets are a type of composite material that is made up of stone powder, PVC resin, and other additives. They are known for their durability, water resistance, easy maintenance, and eco-friendliness. On the other hand, PVC wallpaper is made from polyvinyl chloride and is available in limited designs.

We will start by examining polygranite sheets in more detail, including their composition and advantages. We will discuss their durability, water resistance, maintenance requirements, eco-friendliness, and cost. Then, we will move on to PVC wallpaper and describe its composition and advantages. We will also discuss its disadvantages, such as its non-biodegradability, short lifespan, and susceptibility to damage.

After examining the advantages and disadvantages of both materials, we will conduct a comparative analysis to determine which material is superior. We will compare their durability, water resistance, maintenance, eco-friendliness, and cost. By the end of this blog post, you will have a better understanding of the differences between polygranite sheets and PVC wallpaper, and you will be able to make an informed decision about which one is the best fit for your needs.

Polygranite Sheets -

A. Polygranite sheets and their composition: -

Polygranite sheets are a composite material made up of stone powder, PVC resin, and other additives. They offer durability, water resistance, easy maintenance, and eco-friendliness. A popular choice for wall coverings, polygranite sheets are a great option for those looking for a long-lasting and sustainable solution.

A. Polygranite sheets offer several advantages as a wall covering material, including: -

1. Durability: Polygranite sheets are highly durable and can withstand wear and tear from daily use. They are resistant to scratches, impact, and other forms of damage.

2. Water resistance: Polygranite sheets are water-resistant, which means they can withstand exposure to moisture without warping, swelling, or deteriorating.

3. Easy maintenance: Polygranite sheets are easy to clean and maintain. They can be wiped clean with a damp cloth and mild detergent, making them a practical choice for high-traffic areas.

4. Eco-friendliness: Polygranite sheets are made from sustainable materials and are non-toxic, making them an eco-friendly choice for those who are conscious of their environmental impact.

5. Aesthetics: Polygranite sheets are available in a range of designs and colors, allowing for customization to suit any interior design style.

Overall, polygranite sheets offer a combination of durability, water resistance, easy maintenance, eco-friendliness, and aesthetic appeal, making them a great choice for wall coverings in both residential and commercial spaces.

C. Cost of Polygranite Sheets: -

The cost of polygranite sheets can vary depending on the manufacturer, the specific product, and the quantity purchased. Generally, polygranite sheets are more expensive than PVC wallpaper, but less expensive than natural stone materials like granite or marble.

On average, the cost of polygranite sheets can range from $10 to $20 per square foot, with some high-end products costing up to $30 per square foot. However, it is important to note that the cost may also depend on other factors such as the thickness, design, and installation method.

Despite the higher cost compared to PVC wallpaper, polygranite sheets offer several benefits including increased durability, water resistance, and eco-friendliness. Additionally, polygranite sheets can add value to a property due to their high-quality appearance and long-lasting nature.

PVC Wallpaper –

A. PVC Wallpaper and its Composition: -

PVC wallpaper, also known as vinyl wallpaper, is a type of wall covering material made from polyvinyl chloride. It is created by layering PVC film onto a paper or non-woven backing material. The PVC film is then embossed with a design to give it texture and pattern. The resulting wallpaper is available in a wide range of colors and designs, from simple solids to intricate patterns and textures.

B. PVC wallpaper offers several advantages as a wall covering material, including: -

1. Affordability: PVC wallpaper is relatively inexpensive compared to other wall covering materials, making it a cost-effective choice for those on a budget.

2. Ease of installation: PVC wallpaper is easy to install, and it can be applied directly to walls using adhesive.

3. Easy maintenance: PVC wallpaper is easy to clean and maintain. It can be wiped clean with a damp cloth and mild soap, making it a practical choice for high-traffic areas.

C. While PVC wallpaper offers several advantages, it also has some notable disadvantages, including: -

1. Environmental concerns: PVC wallpaper is not biodegradable and can emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) during production and installation, which can be harmful to the environment and human health.

2. Durability: PVC wallpaper has a relatively short lifespan compared to Polygranite sheets, and it can be easily damaged by sharp objects or heavy impacts.

3. Heat sensitivity: PVC wallpaper is sensitive to heat and may warp or peel if exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight.

4. Difficulty in removal: PVC wallpaper can be difficult to remove, as it is often strongly adhered to the wall surface.

5. Limited breathability: PVC wallpaper does not allow for air circulation, which can lead to moisture buildup and mold growth.

Overall, the disadvantages of PVC wallpaper may make it a less desirable choice for those who prioritize sustainability and durability in their wall covering materials.

Comparison of Polygranite Sheets and PVC Wallpaper -

Polygranite sheets and PVC wallpaper are both popular options for wall coverings in residential and commercial spaces. However, when compared side by side, polygranite sheets offer several advantages over PVC wallpaper, making them a better option for many applications.

· Durability: Polygranite sheets are highly durable, and they can withstand heavy impacts and wear and tear better than PVC wallpaper. Polygranite sheets are also resistant to scratches, scuffs, and other damage, which can make them a better long-term investment for high-traffic areas.

· Water Resistance: Polygranite sheets are highly water-resistant and can withstand exposure to moisture without warping or peeling. In contrast, PVC wallpaper can be easily damaged by water and may need to be replaced after exposure to moisture.

· Eco-friendliness: Polygranite sheets are made from natural stone powder and PVC resin, making them a more sustainable and eco-friendly option than PVC wallpaper, which can emit harmful VOCs during production and installation.

· Customization: Polygranite sheets offer a wider range of customization options than PVC wallpaper, with a variety of colors, designs, and textures available to suit any design style.

· Maintenance: Polygranite sheets are easy to clean and maintain, and they do not require any special cleaning products or techniques. PVC wallpaper, on the other hand, can be more difficult to clean and may require special cleaning products or professional cleaning services.

Overall, the durability, water resistance, eco-friendliness, customization options, and ease of maintenance make polygranite sheets a better option than PVC wallpaper for many applications. While polygranite sheets may be more expensive than PVC wallpaper, the long-term benefits and increased lifespan may make them a better investment in the long run.

Conclusion -

In conclusion, when it comes to wall coverings, both polygranite sheets and PVC wallpaper have their pros and cons. While PVC wallpaper may be a more affordable and easy-to-install option, polygranite sheets offer superior durability, water resistance, eco-friendliness, customization, and maintenance.

For those seeking a long-lasting and sustainable option that adds value to their property, polygranite sheets are a better choice. While the initial cost may be higher, the increased lifespan and added benefits make them a worthwhile investment in the long run.



Polygranite India

Polygranite sheets known for their durability, resistance to moisture and stains, and easy maintenance.