StoryServer — Preview 11 — b56 — MyPhoneExplorer, Folder Types, Cloud API Keys, Calendar, Phone and Forms

Polywick Studio
3 min readNov 29, 2018


MyPhoneExplorer integration — no changes required

It’s funny how the Netizens at the Ecco Yahoo groups asked if StoryServer is compatible with MyPhone Explorer.

Suppose you’re a business owner and you need Apps to work without incurring additional expenses, time or a developer to hover around to update legacy apps or scripts. What would you do?

Building API Bridges

MyPhoneExplorer uses DDE integration to communicate with a certain one-pane organizer. (See how StoryServer’s UTF7 DDE integration was made)

What if, an API-compatible DDE interface was built, such that, third-party apps which interact with StoryServer can obtain similar results?

Netizens would scoff at this idea— “DDE is outdated”, “DDE is for idiots” and so on…

StoryServer provides a compatible API such that third-party apps, an example — MyPhoneExplorer can query StoryServer’s folders, notepad-views, items and calendar.
StoryServer provides a compatible API such that third-party apps, an example — MyPhoneExplorer can sync initiate an “Ecco-Sync”. Notice the filename coming from StoryServer exposed in MyPhoneExplorer.

MyPhoneExplorer no longer bugs-out or hangs. It works and the MyPhoneExplorer log reports “success.” Customers will need to test this as well — there are many phones brands and many contacts and calendar items to sync.

You can enable API logging in StoryServer to see the DDE API calls to and from MyPhoneExplorer.

Folder Type

The folder-type system is exposed to the menus. This allows a customer to easily change folder-types.

Less art is more

StoryServer uses an old-school look to provide a clear and consistent UI interface. The tiny 16x16, 16-colors icons have been updated.

Folder Menu — notice the beautiful icons and type-compatibility on the menus
Calendar Menu — notice the stylized UI icons and layout

Cloud API Keys

In order to access Google Contacts, Google Calendar, Google Notes, Apple iCloud, Microsoft Win-Contacts, you, the reader, must setup the app to use client-access.

Dialog-box to enter Google, Microsoft and Apple Client Keys

The world’s hardest holiday system

One of the unique features about Ecco, is the dual-holiday, unique calendar system and multiple ways to specify Start of Week, Start of Week.

File | Properties | Calendar has a sample calendar so you can instantly see what changes you made.

The calendar system features many holidays…

Jewish Holidays
Islamic Holidays
A drop-down system with 200+ countries

Phonebook? Form? How about both?

There are two ways to add forms —

If you add via “Tools | Manage Forms…” the form is available in PhoneBook view.

If you add via “Phonebook | ChangePhoneBook form”, the form is only specific to Phone-Book

In StoryServer, this has been conveniently merged into one dialog-box, with multiple button-headers on top.

The button-headers allows you to filter the dialog-box by form-type.

Magic | Form| Manage
PhoneBook | Change PhoneBook form | Manage Form

By allowing customers to specify if a form is available to Phone, Form or available to both, customers can reduce data-entry and restrict or allow certain forms to be available in Phonebook mode.


** Note: The above screenshots are Beta screenshots and may change without notice. The functionality contained herein are near-ready screenshots, not prototypes and represents in-app user-interface.

