Ponder’s Community Race Airdrop is Almost here!

3 min readJun 21, 2024


Get Ready for an Epic Platform & Epic Rewards

Tired of Web3 headaches? Overpaying for swaps? Frustrated by fluctuating rates? Searching endlessly for the best deals on memecoins, NFTs, or RWAs?

We get it.

That’s why we built Ponder — the ultimate Web3 comparison tool, powered by AI and EigenLayer. In just a few clicks, you can compare, contrast, and execute the best swaps, bridges, DeFi opportunities, Memecoins, Ordinals, NFT & RWA Markets, Fiat On/Off-ramps and more across the entire Web3 ecosystem. Guess what!? Ponder is almost here! We will be launching our platform and our Community Race Airdrop on 24th June.

Introducing the Ponder app

Our app is entering its Beta phase! You’ll be able to seamlessly compare DEXes and bridges, allowing you to swap any token from any chain to any token on any chain in the most cost-effective and fastest way possible. The Beta version will include swapping and bridging functionalities. In our next phase, we will integrate staking, borrowing and lending opportunities, giving you access to a wide range of opportunities regardless of what token you hold. And we’re not stopping there. Our goal is to simplify all of Web3 for our users by also incorporating RWAs, NFT marketplaces, and more, making them comparable on Ponder.

Introducing the Ponder Community Race Airdrop

We’d love for you to discover what Ponder can do, so we’re offering this opportunity to earn rewards while you explore. That’s why we’re launching the Community Race Airdrop together with our friends at Lumia, Swing, Quickswap, Connext & Hybrid! There will be a prize pool of $15,000 and 1 lucky winner will take $1,000 worth all for themselves!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose Your Team: Pick one of our partners you want to score points for!
  2. Trade, Follow & Earn: Follow our partners & every swap or bridge you make through Ponder will earn you points for you and your team.
  3. Win Big: Win rewards depending on your score. Not only can you win prizes for the points you accumulate but if the team you’re scoring for comes top, you can win even more bonus rewards!

Ready to join the battle? Keep locked in to the Ponder socials to be the first to start accumulating points…

Why You’ll Love the Community Race Airdrop (and Ponder):

  • Maximize Your Crypto: Ponder shows you where to get the absolute best swap and bridge rates, putting more tokens in your wallet and less on fees.
  • Effortless Web3: Our intuitive interface makes comparing options and executing trades a breeze. No more headaches, just seamless transactions.
  • Built for Everyone: Whether you’re a Web3 degen or just getting started, Ponder simplifies your crypto journey.

Let the battles begin!

Ready to earn awesome rewards? The Community Race on Ponder is where it’s at. Don’t miss it, the battle begins 24th June 2024!

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