Importance having website for startup business

Swetha Rajendran
4 min readMay 5, 2020


You have to start business means website is very important and through website only we improve the business and also communicate with client .

“A website is simply a tool of communication.”

Having a website is a need in today’s world. It is very much required to show your visibility as your brand’s or your online presence and to amplify the brand identify.whether you are a small business or large enterprise or even if you are an individual with content or resources to share , website is a must have and easy platform to reach out to people present in every corner of the world.

Having a small business website isn’t just about selling your goods and service -it’s also about providing something of value to potential customers?

Still not sure how having a website will help you grow your business?

Here are three major reason why every business needs a website:

1. your customers expectation.

When people are looking for a product or service they turn to online search. They may search based on keywords or they will search specifically for your business name.

Consumer want to know if you are the right business for their needs.with technology today’s customers have the ability to be fully informed.customers can see reviews and opinions, but a website allow s information they need to make an informed decision.

2. you’ll show up in Google search result.

Inclusion in Google’s search results is free and easy; you don’t even need to submit your site to Google. Google is a fully automated search engine that uses software known as "web crawlers" that explore the web on a regular basis to find sites to add to our index. In fact, the vast majority of sites listed in our results aren’t manually submitted for inclusion, but found and added automatically when our bots crawl the web.

3. Showcase your products and services.

Not only can you display your products or outline.your service in detail with beautiful images.but you can provide short video tutorials or downloadable PDF instruction to give hesitant customers no reason to go elsewhere to purchase.

“This website was created by me and I really to done this it is very interesting experience for me”

Top reasons why startup need a websites:

1. Pull your idea into action:

Unlike the conventional method of starting up a business without a website, a startup with a website helps you to know the response of your potential customers towards your service, products or latest idea. The first and foremost thing a customer checks is your website, so make it all attractive with your creativity or just approach someone who can really help you in this. Once finances are in place, employees are fixed for work and there you go is to spread the word. Showcasing your ideas doesn’t mean than you focus all your budget and time in selling online. Instead you can actively trade from your store-front but having a website will drive business partners, potential customers, employees for your future business.

2.Markets your products that even before:

Marketing is an important tool for every business, but it is inevitable for startups. As said earlier about the approximate number of users who depend on internet, it is also been noted and publicized how business must include SEO, SMO and email marketing to their marketing strategies. Anyhow, before reaching in front of your customers, you must have something to market before them to drive potential customers and clients to website. It won’t be exaggerating if we say even big deals of business has signed contract just through a website and their new ideas into actions. Make it yours next!!

3.Increase your brand visibility and awareness:

A business website is an online shop front to show your brand among new customers and all that what you provide and offer. Marketing ideas and results are driven in same manner as in conventional marketing but instead of people walking to you store, they are browsing web and they stumble upon your website. Having a website will promote your organization less expensive. Many offline advertisements are free sometimes.

5. Satisfaction through increased customers:

Choosing your marketing strategies through a website will be the perfect choice if you need more customers and leads. Website makes it easy to purchase or avail a service from you. Many will be simply inspecting what you offer rather than buying in the first go. It is better if they don’t have to ask anything. They can find it in your online store and if it satisfies them, they will turn to be your customers. Increased customers have increased popularity as a website takes your brand not among locales but worldwide.

6. Accessibility:

Being startup you main objective will be to drive sales by working hard day and night. But, if you have a website, your job is half done as it has any time accessibility without a closing time and can be visited at any time. People will see through website instead of going to shop more as it is more accessible. All you need to do is to update about products and services. You can even track on whatever is happening on your website. You will have a clear idea on how many people visited your site, how many messaged you or emailed you. Without any expense like a printed material, you can even update your new thoughts anytime.

“Be positive and be unique with others “


