My unique experience of hiring for AgTech

Pooja Mangtani
4 min readApr 25, 2020


The folks who make a difference!!

While my network knows me as a TA (Talent Acquisition) Specialist at AgroStar, not many know that I have been privileged to be associated with this awesome Company much before I could even join them officially. When I got associated with AgroStar, I was assigned the task of hiring Agri advisors, and I was like “Agri what?” On exploring further about this domain, I realized that there are groups of specialists who are dedicated to solving the problem statements of the Agri world. After knowing this, I went “WOW!”

When I started hiring Agri Advisors for AgroStar and reached out to this amazing talent pool of agri students cum candidates, I realized that the background they come from is so very humble. In fact, with almost all of them being children of farmers themselves, conversations with them have been opposite of what I was used to, as prior to this I had hired for tech, operations, and pharmacy. Hiring for agri has been a completely different experience altogether.

Christmas Day Celebration

I still remember my first call with a boy called Jatashankar from Patna, Bihar. An Agriculture Post Graduate, he was like the many others from his domain, waiting for a good job opportunity. Most of them aspire to get a Government job and struggle with multiple attempts at the exams. Today, the AgriTech sector brings a new set of opportunities for these agri graduates. I had an amazing conversation with Jatashankar. When he got to know of the scope of work and the impact it would create on the farmers, his sense of eagerness to join, his energy, wanting to prove himself attitude, and most impressively his earnest desire for helping farmers was rated above all emotions.

One thing, which has commonly stood out in almost all the calls that I have had so far with these prospective employees, is the awareness of the work we do at AgroStar. They are keen to join our army and dedicate their services to serve farmers in all possible ways, thereby making the most of their education by serving in agriculture. When they are selected and they come on board, the smile on their face says it all!

Here is a small note shared by one of the agri advisors I hired for our Uttar Pradesh team:

“मैं जब कभी नौकरी करने को सोचता था तो गांव के लोग और नौकरीपेशा भाई बंधु कहते थे कि नौकरी करने जाओगे तो तिज-त्यौहार और खुशियों के पल कब आएंगे और बीत जाएंगे पता भी नही चलेगा। इससे मेरे दिल मे नौकरी के प्रति एक डर बैठ गया था कि नौकरी कौन सी मिलेगी, कहा मिलेगी, कैसी मिलेगी औऱ वहाँ के लोगों कैसे होंगे। उसी के चलते मैं जब इस कंपनी से जुड़ रहा था तो कही न कही ये सभी डर मेरे मन मे बैठे थे। एग्रोस्टार परिवार के साथ जुड़कर मुझे कभी नौकरी का अहसास नही हुआ क्योंकि यहाँ मुझे हमेशा एक परिवार के सदस्यों के जैसा ही प्यार मिला …..मुझे गर्व है मैं एग्रो स्टार परिवार का एक सदस्य हूं..”

English translation:

Whenever I used to think of taking up a job, my friends and relatives used to tell me that if I do a job I will have to forget all the festivals and fun and will not find time for anything. This had created a fear in my mind about jobs. Where will I get a job, How will it be? How would the people there be? So, when I was joining AgroStar, all these fears were in my mind. After joining AgroStar, I never felt like it was a job because it has always felt like a family. I am proud to be an AgStar.” — Vipin Maurya.

These inspiring conversations have made me realize the magnitude of the responsibility assigned to me in fulfilling our mission statement of ‘Helping Farmers Win’. The feeling is overwhelming when you hire such talented resources for your company who are the best fit in terms of their passion and in terms of their contribution to our mission.

My best moments so far have been the last couple of months in which my colleague and I have been busy hiring not one or two but more than a hundred advisors for our multiple states of operations namely, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, UP and MP. In this mode of hiring, what is quintessential is to change gears from suave English conversations to our grounded ‘Matru Bhasha’ Hindi. This helps us the most in building connect and to translate emotions well. I have been enjoying this thoroughly!

When I sit back and look at the work done so far, I feel satisfied. The agri advisors whom I have hired are creating a positive impact on the lives of farmers. This is what makes me feel super proud of working at AgroStar.

Jai Kisan!

