All About Min-max scaling

Pooja Vivek Singh
4 min readSep 23, 2023

Min-max scaling, also known as normalization, is a technique commonly used in data preprocessing. It is used to transform numerical features into a specific range, typically between 0 and 1. Min-max scaling can be useful in various situations, such as:

  1. Machine Learning Algorithms: Many machine learning algorithms perform better when the input features are normalized. By scaling the features to a specific range, you can prevent any particular feature from dominating the learning process. This is especially important when working with algorithms that are sensitive to the scale of the data, such as k-nearest neighbors (KNN) and support vector machines (SVM).
  2. Neural Networks: Deep learning models, such as neural networks, often benefit from input data that is scaled between 0 and 1. Scaling the features can speed up the convergence of the training process and improve the stability of the model.
  3. Distance-Based Algorithms: Distance-based algorithms, like KNN, calculate the distance between data points. If the features have different scales, features with larger values can dominate the distance calculations, leading to biased results. Min-max scaling can help to alleviate this issue by putting all features on a similar scale.
  4. Visualization: When visualizing data, it is often easier to interpret features that are on the same scale. By using min-max scaling, you can ensure that the features are within a consistent range, making it easier to compare and understand the visualizations.

However, it is important to note that min-max scaling may not always be the best choice. If your data contains outliers, they can distort the scaling and affect the results. In such cases, you might consider using other scaling techniques, such as standardization (Z-score scaling) or robust scaling, which are more robust to outliers.

Formula for Min-Max Scaling

The formula for min-max scaling, also known as normalization, is as follows:

In this formula:

  • x is the original value of a feature.
  • min(x) is the minimum value of that feature in the dataset.
  • max(x) is the maximum value of that feature in the dataset.
  • x’ is the scaled value of the feature between 0 and 1.

By subtracting the minimum value from each data point and dividing it by the range (maximum value minus minimum value), the values of the feature are transformed into a range between 0 and 1. This process ensures that the minimum value becomes 0 and the maximum value becomes 1, while preserving the relative relationships between the other values.

It’s important to note that this formula assumes that the input feature values are continuous and numeric. Also, it’s a feature-wise scaling technique, meaning that the scaling is calculated independently for each feature/column in the dataset.

Is min-max scaling applicable to all types of feature values?

Min-max scaling is typically applicable to continuous and numeric feature values. It is commonly used for variables that have a clear minimum and maximum value, such as age, income, or temperature.

However, min-max scaling may not be suitable or necessary for all types of feature values.

  1. Categorical variables: Min-max scaling is not appropriate for categorical variables, as they don’t have a meaningful numerical order or distance between categories. For categorical variables, other techniques like one-hot encoding or label encoding are typically used.
  2. Ordinal variables: Ordinal variables have a natural order but may not have a clear minimum and maximum value. In this case, alternative scaling techniques like ordinal scaling or normalization based on the estimated minimum and maximum values can be considered.
  3. Binary variables: For binary variables that take on only two values (e.g., yes/no, true/false), min-max scaling is not necessary as the values already have a clear interpretation.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that min-max scaling may not be appropriate if your data contains outliers. Outliers can disproportionately affect the scaling process, potentially resulting in distorted scaling values. In such cases, alternative scaling techniques like standardization (Z-score scaling) or robust scaling methods may be more suitable.

So, while min-max scaling is commonly used for continuous and numeric features, it is important to consider the nature and type of your data before deciding which scaling technique to apply.

