Kidney Transplant Has Saved Millions Of Lives In The Recent Years

Poonam Cmi
2 min readMay 30, 2022


Kidney Transplant Market
Kidney Transplant

transplanted can either be from a deceased organ donor or from a living donor. Living donors can live with one healthy kidney. The patient receives a single kidney from a deceased donor while living donors often get two kidneys from the deceased donor. The transplanted kidney is usually placed in the abdomen on the front side of the body.

During the transplant procedure, surgeon will make an incision in the lower abdomen and place the new kidney inside the patient. The new kidney will be connected to the blood vessels and the ureter (the tube that carries urine) in the abdomen.

Before a transplant, the patient must be in good health and have adequate blood levels. A transplant team will also want to see if the patient has any other illnesses, such as substance abuse. The transplant team will also want to know if a patient has a supportive family or significant other. This will help them make sure that the transplant goes well. A transplant team also ask about dialysis treatment before making a decision.

Living donors must pass a series of medical, psychological, and social tests before they can be considered suitable donors. The donor must have realistic expectations and reasons for donating. If a donor’s blood type is incompatible with the recipient’s, a kidney paired donation may be the best option. Often, the patient can have a kidney transplant as a child without undergoing dialysis. Kidney Transplant transplants are the most successful and efficient treatment for young people with kidney disease. During the transplant, the team will perform tests to determine if a deceased donor is available for transplant. Then, they will make a rank-ordered list of organ offers to recipients. Once they find a matching candidate, the transplant team reviews detailed medical information about the potential donor, and decides whether to accept the offer or reject it.

