Network Slicing; Lets The Users To Maximize Return On Investment Through Effective Usage And Management Of Network Resources And Supplies Varied Services At Scale

Poonam Cmi
2 min readMay 9, 2022


Network Slicing
Network Slicing

Network slicing is a technique of creating several unique logical and virtual networks around a common multi-domain infrastructure. Utilizing SDN, NFV, analytics and automation. Service operators or the mobile network operators instantly make network slices that can assist a specific application, service, a group of network or users. Network slices can extent several network domains comprising access, core and transport and are installed over multiple operators. Network slicing with its usage cases are one of the most essential technologies in 5G. It assists the new services with widely varied needs such as — from connected automobile to a voice call, which need different output and reliability.

There are three main classifications of use cases that are identified for Network Slicing and 5G.They are Extreme Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC) and Ultra-reliable Low-Latency Communications (urLLC). The eMBB applications are very video-centric and need a wide range of bandwidth and produces traffic of the mobile network. mMTC is totally known as Internet of Things at a larger scale with several devices being linked to network. And these tools would create very less traffic compared to eMBB apps however, will have more magnitudes. urLLC will permit things such as surgery or v2X communications and need network operators to have mobile edge computing.

Along with the network slicing every slice has its own architecture, arid security to assist a particular use case. Whereas working components and sources can be shared over several network slices and capacities such as capability, quality, latency, data speed and reliability and the facilities can be personalized in every slice to follow a particular SLA. Automation is an important compound of network slicing and it is projected that mobile network operators have to design and regulate thousands of network slices. Mobile Network operators cannot regulate this volume of slices and the required speed by the end users.

In a trial, a connecting link was established between Germany and Poland with the usage of a 5G network slicing. The trial comprised the usage of SD-WAN. Ericcson says that merging both 5G and SD-WAN technology permits the network to be more reliable and flexible and it also states that 89% of German people surf the net several times daily and DT program manager calls for fixed and mobile industries to support their hard-work in advancing the next generation technology.

