The Future of ChatGPT: What to Expect and When to Expect It

Poonam Soni
10 min readSep 18, 2023


Future of ChatGPT (AI)

In a bustling tech office in Tokyo, a team of journalists was facing a deadline for an extensive report on global economies. With just hours to spare, they turned to a tool powered by an AI model reminiscent of ChatGPT. Instantly, heaps of data transformed into coherent narratives, charts became summarized insights, and the seemingly impossible task was completed with precision.

This isn’t science fiction; it’s a testament to the dawn of the AI era we’re witnessing. This narrative delves into AI’s transformative potential, underscoring the importance of discussing its future.

Furthermore, as we unlock boundless possibilities, we also encounter the pressing significance of copyright concerns in AI, a topic warranting thoughtful conversation and insight.

The Copyright Landscape in AI

In the ever-changing world of artificial intelligence, the issues of copyright and ownership of AI-generated information have become critical. The traditional bounds of intellectual property are being tested as algorithms learn to write, paint, and even compose music.

Let’s dive in and examine existing copyright positions on AI-generated content, the necessity of preserving human-authored works, and new regulatory developments with the EU’s AI Act.

Overview of Current Copyright Stances on AI-Generated Content

Definition of AI-Generated Content

AI-generated content refers to the output produced by artificial intelligence without the need for continuous human intervention. This encompasses a wide range of media, including textual material, visuals, music, and even digital art. Think of ChatGPT producing a poem, DeepDream crafting visuals, or OpenAI’s MuseNet composing melodies.

Traditional Copyright Framework

Since the inception of copyright laws, their primary focus has been on safeguarding human creativity. These laws thrive on originality stemming from human intellect. The challenge emerging is the applicability of such laws on the byproducts of sophisticated algorithms, posing a genuine jurisprudential conundrum.

Current Standings

As of now, in most legal jurisdictions, AI-generated content doesn’t enjoy copyright protection, simply because these creations lack the human touch — a fundamental prerequisite for copyright. Nevertheless, the debate rages on: should the creators or trainers of AI models get copyright privileges?

This is a grey area; while the AI is the “creator”, humans are the architects behind these AI models.

Intellectual Property and Protection of Human-Authored Works

Value of Human Creativity

At the heart of any masterpiece is a human’s ability to weave emotions, cultural nuances, experiences, and a unique perspective. No AI, irrespective of its sophistication, can truly replicate the depth of human sentiment and the intricacies of individual experiences.

Dangers of Blurring Lines

If AI-generated pieces were to gain copyright protection, it could undermine the essence of human creativity. An AI’s ability to closely imitate human creations raises concerns. Imagine an AI producing content reminiscent of Shakespeare or mimicking Picasso; it treads a thin line between homage and infringement.

Protecting Human Authors

In the rapidly evolving digital realm, it’s imperative to safeguard human-authored works. Digital watermarking, content fingerprinting, and evolving licensing models emerge as shields against inadvertent AI-led infringements.

The EU’s AI Act and Its Implications

Introduction to the EU’s AI Act

The European Union’s AI Act is a pioneering effort to reign in AI applications, particularly from an intellectual property viewpoint. It’s not just about regulations but the ethical considerations surrounding AI and its broader societal implications.

Intellectual Property Provisions

The AI Act acknowledges the value of human input in AI’s growth. An interesting provision suggests that human creators, whose works have been instrumental in training AI models, deserve recognition and possibly compensation. This isn’t just about ethics; it’s also about acknowledging the foundations upon which AI models stand.

Implications for Developers and Companies

If the Act becomes law, it could revolutionize the AI landscape. Organizations like OpenAI might need to be more transparent, elucidating the origins of their datasets. While this could be challenging, it would ensure AI evolves within an ethical framework.

Challenges and Critiques

Critics argue that the Act, in its zeal to regulate, might inadvertently curb innovation. The EU is poised on the edge of a double-edged sword: ensuring ethical AI progression without stifling the innovative spirit that drives it.

The Need for Transparent Source Details in AI Tools


Transparency in AI technologies has never been more important in this age of misinformation and quick content dissemination. As AI models such as GPT become more incorporated into our daily lives, people must understand where and how the information they receive is obtained.

Brief on Current GPT Plugins and Web Browsing Functionalities

Overview of GPT Plugins: A snapshot of GPT’s current plugins, which allow it to harness information from the web, enhancing its ability to provide more updated and specific details.

Web Browsing Capabilities: Elaborating on how ChatGPT, with its web browsing features, can scout the internet to gather data. However, it often lacks the provision to cite these sources explicitly.

Importance of Showcasing the Sources of Information

Building Trust: Citing sources in responses not only adds credibility to the information but also strengthens the trust between the AI tool and the user.

Combating Misinformation: In an era where false information spreads like wildfire, showcasing sources can act as a first line of defense, ensuring users can cross-check and verify details.

Educational Benefits: For users looking to delve deeper into a topic, source citations provide a pathway for further research and understanding.

Responsibility & Accountability: By disclosing sources, AI developers signal a commitment to ethical information dissemination and hold the model accountable for its outputs.

Benefits of Specialized AI-Based Tools that Prioritize Scientific and Trusted Sources

Reliable Information: Tools that prioritize scientific and peer-reviewed sources ensure the data dispensed is of the highest quality and reliability.

Avoidance of Confirmation Bias: By tapping into a diverse pool of reputable sources, these tools reduce the risk of perpetuating existing biases or false beliefs.

Promotion of Science Literacy: These tools can play a pivotal role in promoting scientific literacy among users, offering them a consistent stream of factual and validated knowledge.

Support for Critical Thinking: Providing users with information from trusted sources equips them with the necessary tools to think critically, discern facts from fiction, and make informed decisions.

Tackling Misinformation with AI

The rise of artificial intelligence in the digital age brings forth numerous advantages, especially in information dissemination and content creation. However, with great power comes the challenge of ensuring accuracy and transparency.

Demand for Transparency in Generated Insights

  • Public Trust: People rely on AI for accurate and objective information. Transparent operations and processes can fortify this trust.
  • Clarifying Sources: Disclosing the origins of the data AI uses can mitigate concerns of biases or inaccuracies.

As we harness the capabilities of AI, especially models like ChatGPT, there’s a growing emphasis on tailoring them to possess specific domain knowledge. This allows for more refined and accurate responses, especially in niche fields or industries. Imagine a ChatGPT tailored specifically for medical professionals or law practitioners — the possibilities are vast.

However, the true game-changer would be the inclusion of in-built biases and misinformation detection in ChatGPT. With the proliferation of fake news and the potential misuse of AI in propagating misleading information, having an AI that can self-regulate and identify biases becomes invaluable.

Building an Internal AI Knowledge Base

In professional operations, AI promises a paradigm shift. From automating mundane tasks, and offering unprecedented data analytics, to enhancing customer interactions, AI’s integration is revolutionizing workspaces.

For instance, AI-driven chatbots are not merely customer service tools; they are evolving into sophisticated interfaces that offer personalized user experiences around the clock.

The Move Towards Self-hosting AI Tools like ChatGPT

  • On-premise AI: Businesses gain control, reduced latency, and opportunities for bespoke model training.
  • Independence & Flexibility: With local hosting, organizations are not tethered to external servers, offering strategic advantages in business continuity.
  • Tailored Solutions: Self-hosting allows for more seamless integration with existing systems, paving the way for customized AI tools that fit an organization’s unique needs.

Amidst all the potential, concerns about security loom large. AI tools, with their vast data repositories, are treasure troves for malefactors. As we push boundaries with AI, ensuring the sanctity of user and business data becomes paramount.

Adopting robust security measures, understanding the ethical facets of data sourcing, and maintaining regulatory compliance are essential steps in this direction.

ChatGPT’s Evolution: A Timeline

The odyssey of OpenAI and the GPT series is a testament to the dynamic advancements in the AI realm. Delve into the origins, developments, and anticipated milestones of this revolutionary series.

Introduction to the History of OpenAI GPT Releases

OpenAI, a pioneering name in the AI ecosystem, has been instrumental in defining and shaping the AI narrative. The development and release of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series is one of the many testaments to their commitment to pushing the AI frontier.

OpenAI’s endeavors surpass mere technological advancements. Their mission lies in ensuring that artificial general intelligence (AGI) benefits all of humanity. This commitment is manifested in their dedication to transparency, collaboration, and safety-driven research.

A Dive into the History

  • Formation of OpenAI and its Early Days: Incepted with the ethos of ensuring accessible AI for all, OpenAI began as a safety-conscious alternative to the cutthroat competition in AI advancements.
  • Release of GPT-1: A stepping stone in natural language processing, GPT-1 was introduced with modest datasets but showcased the potential of transformer architectures.
  • Introduction and Growth with GPT-2: Making headlines with its unprecedented capabilities, GPT-2 was initially withheld due to concerns over potential misuse. But, reflecting OpenAI’s commitment to transparency, the model was later released in its entirety.
  • GPT-3’s Emergence: A watershed moment in AI’s capability to generate human-like text. GPT-3, with its 175 billion parameters, can write essays, answer questions, and even generate poetry.
  • The Revolutionary Impact of ChatGPT: Evolving from GPT-3, ChatGPT gained widespread fame for its conversational prowess. It became a key tool for businesses, developers, and researchers alike.
  • The Arrival of GPT-4: Building on its predecessors, GPT-4 marked a further leap in capabilities and datasets, solidifying OpenAI’s place at the pinnacle of AI development.

Anticipating the Arrival of GPT-5

OpenAI’s consistent trajectory of innovation makes the anticipation for GPT-5 palpable.

Given the pattern of releases, GPT-5 might focus on nuanced understandings, enhanced context retention, and even deeper domain-specific expertise. OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, hints at a model that’s not just bigger but smarter, with an emphasis on safety and controllability.

Speculations on the Release of GPT-4.5: A potential intermediary step, GPT-4.5 could refine the gaps of GPT-4, serving as a bridge to the revolutionary GPT-5.

The Road Ahead for ChatGPT

While the current AI landscape boasts of profound advancements, the future promises even more transformative changes. Here’s a glimpse of what lies ahead for ChatGPT and the larger AI universe.

Acknowledging ChatGPT and GPT-4’s Contribution to AI

The journey of ChatGPT, especially its GPT-4 version, has been monumental. Bridging the chasm between AI and human-like conversation, GPT-4’s advancements have paved the way for AI to not just assist but to truly understand and engage with users.

This has established a robust foundation for what’s next in AI dialogue systems.

An Overview of Competitors like Bard and Claude

Bard: A dynamic AI text generator, Bard is distinguishing itself with unique training mechanisms and diverse output capabilities. Its distinct approach challenges traditional methods and provides fresh perspectives in AI-generated content.

Claude: As another significant player in the NLP arena, Claude offers a unique blend of machine learning and linguistic nuances. Its contributions emphasize the rich tapestry of the evolving AI ecosystem.

These competitors, with their distinctive approaches, reflect the vibrancy and potential of the AI conversational space.

Notable Updates: Google’s PaLM and its Implications

Google’s PaLM (Prefix-tuned Language Model) marks a significant leap in how AI understands context. By refining prefix tuning, PaLM can generate responses that are more contextually accurate. This innovation, while amplifying Google’s foothold in the NLP sector, also pushes competitors, including ChatGPT, to further innovate and refine their offerings.

The Potential of ChatGPT Plugins for the General Public

ChatGPT plugins herald a new era of AI accessibility. With these:

  • Individuals can seamlessly integrate ChatGPT into various applications, redefining the user experience.
  • Customizability becomes paramount, enabling users to fine-tune AI responses.
  • The potential for domain-specific applications multiplies, ranging from healthcare to finance.
  • The democratization of AI, facilitated by these plugins, signifies boundless opportunities and applications for the general public.

The Significance of OpenAI API and the Integration Possibilities

The OpenAI API is more than just an access point; it’s a gateway to a realm of possibilities. By facilitating a seamless interaction between developers and ChatGPT, the API:

  • Enables the crafting of tailored applications and services.
  • Expand the horizons of AI in sectors like education, entertainment, and business.
  • Fosters a symbiotic relationship between AI innovation and real-world applicability.

Partner with OnGraph for a Bright AI Future

As we chart the trajectory of AI, the convergence of innovation, expertise, and application becomes paramount. OnGraph, with its profound expertise in Generative AI, stands at the forefront of this AI revolution. We don’t just discuss AI; we help you integrate it.

Whether you’re considering consultation on AI development or seeking seamless integration with your in-house developers, OnGraph bridges the gap between AI’s potential and its practical implementation.

Our team of AI leaders and developers collaborates to turn your vision into reality. As the AI horizon expands, aligning with a partner like OnGraph ensures you’re not just part of the future, but actively shaping it. Embark on this AI journey with us, and let’s co-create AI’s next big milestone.

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Poonam Soni

I helped companies develop a brand voice that resonates with their customers through engaging website copy, blogs, case studies, and Q&As.