Clueless why people buy iPhone SE? Hear me.

Rahul Shravage
3 min readMar 20, 2022
Photo by Filipe Alves on Unsplash

Coming from the generation of blackberry phones, which had physical keyboards, I always loved the simplicity, usefulness.

Almost got addicted to blackberry phones so much at one point of time, I thought, this is it. Any fancy, gimmicky phones which other companies introduced were going to get blown off like soap bubbles.

2007, Enter iPhone.

Probably the only device which turned things so drastically that every single phone user is compelled to think, talk and try this.

Joining the bandwagon I got iPhone 4 as my first iPhone while keeping the blackberry running in parallel.

The simplicity of the interface, perfection of the touchscreen, ease of use, slowly pushed me to use iPhone more and more. Nothing bothered me, not even antennae gate. I was loving this every day.

Around the same time, a huge controversy erupted about how Samsung tried to copy iPhone. This really solidified the iPhone fan base. I never got much attracted by Android, well, only with the exception of blackberry. The iPhone 4 served solidly for more than 5 years, to the point that I again thought, should I really go with bigger and plus sized phones? Why should I? I am a single hand phone user and a one finger user of virtual keyboard. Tried out the big 6 plus and rejected it hands down. Towards later part, I resisted the temptation of another physical keyboard blackberry.

SE to the rescue. iPhone got their first SE at the perfect time to my liking, wholeheartedly jumped into it. Loved the svelte form factor. Perfectly sized screen, I give it to Steve Jobs for the screen. And, damn good processor. Used it for ever. Almost 6 years. Meanwhile in 2020, iphone launched SE 2 with a bigger screen size. And a very tempting price tag.

But really, I am not a fan of changing phones every couple of years. Neither do I use many camera features, I like good performance up to a point. Not taking the bait of SE 2 or any other larger screens I kept going on my first generation SE.

Rumors flew thick around 2021. The launch of SE3 was imminent, hence I was all ears on the iPhone 13 specs. Any one who understands “Apple way” of thinking had personified the SE 3 in their minds, immediately after the launch of iPhone 13. There is a simplistic, no nonsense approach. Something which goes without saying with the huge number of iPhone SE users.

They like to pocket this as soon as it comes and then just get on with their life. After all this is the very intention of keeping the old dog running. Thank you, Apple. I am relieved for the next 5 years.

There is no other fun than taking out the phone from your pocket, while using the touch ID finger print unlock, seamlessly, unmatched.

Come March 2022.

Carpe Diem!



Rahul Shravage

IT Consultant ~ Inspirational Writer ~ Spontaneous Poet ~ Traveler.