Tell Dunkin — Get a Free Donut — Dunkin survey

2 min readJun 20, 2024


Comprehensive Feedback Channels
The Tell Dunkin’ survey gathers customer feedback through a variety of channels, including:

  • Post-transaction surveys: Customers receive a short questionnaire after making a purchase at Dunkin’, either through an in-store receipt prompt or a digital follow-up.
  • In-store intercepts: Dunkin’ crew members proactively approach customers within the restaurant to invite them to participate in a brief on-site survey.
  • Targeted outreach: Dunkin’ leverages its customer database and loyalty program to conduct more in-depth surveys and interviews with specific customer segments.
  • Social media and online reviews: The Dunkin’ team closely monitors customer comments and feedback shared on social platforms and review sites.

This multi-faceted approach allows the brand to collect a robust and representative sample of customer input, capturing perspectives from both frequent and occasional patrons.

Advanced Data Analytics
Dunkin’ has invested heavily in building out a sophisticated data analytics infrastructure to extract maximum value from the Tell Dunkin’ survey results. The company utilizes advanced statistical techniques and machine learning models to uncover hidden patterns and correlations within the feedback data.

For example, Dunkin’ employs predictive analytics to identify leading indicators of customer churn or shifts in brand perception. This allows the company to get ahead of potential issues and proactively implement mitigation strategies.

The data is also integrated with other customer data sources, such as loyalty program activity and point-of-sale transaction details, to provide a 360-degree view of each customer’s relationship with the Dunkin’ brand.

Empowering Franchise Partners
As mentioned, Dunkin’ franchise owners and general managers have direct access to the Tell Dunkin’ survey results for their respective locations. This visibility empowers them to make more informed, data-driven decisions to address specific pain points and improve the customer experience within their local market.

Dunkin’ provides its franchise partners with user-friendly dashboards and reporting tools to help them quickly identify trends, benchmark performance against system-wide averages, and determine the most impactful areas for investment and optimization.

The company also facilitates cross-learning and best practice sharing among its franchise network, ensuring that successful initiatives and innovations can be replicated across the broader Dunkin’ system.

Ongoing Improvements
Dunkin’ is committed to continuously enhancing the Tell Dunkin’ survey to ensure it keeps pace with evolving customer preferences and emerging industry trends.

Some key areas of focus for future improvements include:

  • Increased personalization: Leveraging customer data to customize the survey experience and questions.
  • Real-time feedback loops: Implementing more immediate feedback mechanisms to capture in-the-moment customer sentiments.
  • Predictive modeling: Using advanced analytics to forecast future customer behavior and needs.
  • Omnichannel integration: Connecting customer feedback from all touchpoints, including in-store, digital, and loyalty program interactions.

By maintaining this customer-centric mindset and a relentless focus on innovation, Dunkin’ is confident that the Tell Dunkin’ survey will continue to be a strategic competitive advantage for the brand in the years to come.




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