Published inDataDrivenInvestorDave Ramsey Thinks You Are StupidHere is how to prove him wrong.Dec 31, 20242Dec 31, 20242
This Insignificant Loophole Could Save You Hundreds of Thousands of Dollarsand can be done in a matter of minutes.Dec 19, 2024Dec 19, 2024
Leaning inI made a choice about five years ago to leave my college town and move to a new state. I weighed the pros and cons, spoke to people who…Jul 30, 2024Jul 30, 2024
Free From The Need to EscapeIf you want to escape your life — something has gone terribly wrong.May 17, 20241May 17, 20241
3 Kinds of People Will Emerge From The AI RevolutionWe have dethroned ourselves as the most intelligent thing in the known universe.May 16, 20243May 16, 20243
Stuff Shackles UsWhen we buy a new thing, it cost money to buy, time to maintain, and takes up valuable space in our minds.May 15, 20241May 15, 20241