It Takes Time

Brandon Poplstein
3 min readMar 15, 2016


All good things in life take time. Let’s face it, you can’t become a successful entrepreneur, designer, farmer, writer, or an established CEO overnight.

It Takes Time To Learn

This is a major problem with society today and I personally think we are losing sight of what is important. We want everything, and we want it NOW. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works.

We like to measure our personal success based off of the success of others. Others who have had a head start and are constantly perfecting their craft. There is no reason why a 22-year-old entrepreneur should be comparing him or herself to a multi-millionaire CEO of a fortune 500 company. Why? Because that CEO has put in years of hard work to acquire the skills needed to create work that you look up to.

Put your time in. Learn and understand the market that you’re trying to get into. So when it comes time for you to dive in, you’ll have some arm floaties keeping you from sinking to the bottom.

It Takes Time To Build An Audience

This is a topic that I’ve addressed in my other blog posts, however I can’t stress it enough. As DJ Khaled would say, building an audience is “A major key” when it comes to building your brand, product, or anything for that matter.

One of the best ways to build an audience is through social media. My last article gives a couple of great examples on how to do this. The better you are at engaging with your customers and providing them with actual value, the more likely they are to buy your product. Personally, I think the easiest way to do this is through social media. Remember that without an audience, you have nothing. So keep that in mind the next time you don’t respond to someone on Snapchat or Twitter. You’re always building your brand.

It Takes Time To Get It Right

“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together” — Brené Brown

People say things like “I’ve made some progress, but it’s not perfect” all of the time and unfortunately, it probably never will be. However, even though you might not perfect whatever it is you’re doing, you can always improve it.

Since I design apps, the best way for me to improve my work is to gain feedback from my users. It enables me to see how the users naturally interact with the app. By doing this, I’m able to see what works and what doesn’t. From there, I can make changes from my observations that make the user experience more natural to the users. This happens a few times throughout the duration of a project, allowing me to constantly make improvements to my designs.

However, just because gaining feedback is how I personally improve my craft. It doesn’t necessarily mean that feedback is going to be your golden ticket. Remember, becoming successful is a process. It isn’t going to happen over night, but it’s going to happen. It just takes time.

Thanks for reading, I’m Brandon Poplstein. Co-founder, UX/UI designer, and Web Developer. Since 2015, I’ve been helping other young entrepreneurs get started with growing their own businesses and personal brands. You can ask me to work with you, invite me to speak at your event, or reach out to have a conversation with me. I’m excited to hear from you! My username for everything is poplstein_brand.



Brandon Poplstein

SaaS Entrepreneur | Digital Marketing Consultant | Connecting People With Opportunities