A Model That Could Help Validate Your Grief Process, Plus Some Other Points

7 min readFeb 23, 2022
Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

These past 2 months have been hard, really hard actually. I’ve been in a ‘grief spell’, where the waves of grief have been unrelenting, towering over me and hitting me with full and merciless force. I’ve been through these periods countless times before but it never seems to get any easier.

Grief was a concept I only associated with bereavement: when someone you love dies. I never knew that grief was something we experience over any loss at all, regardless of how big or how small; and the depth to which we feel it, is directly proportional to the meaning which that loss held for us.

Grief never sets in when we are ‘ready’, not that I even know what that would mean anyway, who could ever be ready for the losses we endure in our lives? Losses of loved ones, health, friendships, relationships, work, opportunities, hopes, dreams. And as if the loss itself isn’t enough, life doesn’t ease up or pause to let us grieve the particular loss at hand. The needs of those around us and the problems of life do not stop. The left-field overwhelming stuff doesn’t cease to descend upon you at random. Relationships don’t suddenly get easier. People don’t get kinder or more thoughtful. Your partner still needs you to hear and support them. Your children still need to be cared…




Writing to normalize, inspire, teach, heal and build a better world