The Paradox Of Time

1 min readMar 25, 2024


Seeking Stillness

Lovingly Crafted With Microsoft Copilot

Time, a river swift, it rushes by,
Days blend into nights, under the sky.
Work piles on work, a mounting stack,
Morning routines lost, I can’t get back.

Yoga's stretch and hold, a distant dream,
Life's relentless pace, a constant stream.
I wish for a pause, a break in the flow,
To stop the clock's hands, and just let go.

The UK sun, a gentle, warm embrace,
A weekend walk, nature's quiet grace.
Not long as I wish, but still a treat,
A moment of peace, subtly sweet.

I dream of a button, to freeze the frame,
Where life stands still, yet night and day remain.
To hold the world still, yet let time's cycle spin,
A paradox of pause, where I can truly win.

Grateful for the sun, its soothing light,
It lifts my spirits, makes the world right.
But time, it flies, and I chase in vain,
Wishing for more hours, to ease the strain.

So here’s to the moments, the sun’s soft rays,
To walks and talks, and better days.
May time slow down, just for a while,
And life’s simple joys, make us all smile.

❤️Poppy Poet❤️




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