CASE STUDY: Designing a Visualization for a Manager

4 min readJun 19, 2023


Hello Everyone,

Today we will create a visualization dashboard in Tableau, to find out the solution for the given task.

First, let’s explore persona 1 of Sylvia, followed by the goals and find out the challenges and needs faced by ACMER Superstores for this case study


Review criteria

For this task, we had to highlight the three worst-performing product Sub-Categories in each region, and we had to demonstrate how these worst performers compared to other product Sub-Categories in their respective regions.

Finally, the visualization had to highlight the three worst-performing Sub-Product Categories overall with a colour emphasis. The scenario given to this task was that a sales manager had to cut the three worst-performing Sub-Categories in her region and needed a visualization that addressed her concerns.

Data Viz: Do check out this link for the entire project:

Alright, we are set to go! let’s jump into the tableau with the provided dataset of ACME superstores and find out the measures and values in the data fields. For this dataset, the dimensions are product category, subcategory, profit, profit ratio, sales and discount.

First, we need to consider which field is KPI, for this case, I’m considering profit ratio as a critical parameter. Based on that, I can find out which regions have high-profit ratios and which regions are bottom which prevents loss.

Once when you load the data into the tableau. I created the hierarchy of fields(optional) in a relationship for the fields. Our first job is to create a viz for % Avg of Profit using maps. By dragging the long. and latitude onto the rows and columns the map will be generated. For this viz, In the data pan, I’m mentioning the detail of the country as detail, state as text and avg. profit ratio as colour, followed by creating a set for the region and parameter. so, that you easily identify the worst 3 regions and the output is as expected below.

% Avg. of Profits
% Avg_Profit Ratio across all
Avg. Profit across the region
Sales vs Profit

Insights from this Project

1. to explain how design choices fit your intended audience’s needs, goals and abilities (Sylvia).How does your visualization leverage at least one “pop-out effect” or “pre-attentive attribute?” Which one(s) was (were) chosen and why?

Pop-out effect or pre-attentive attribute: Visualizations can use distinct features like colour, size, or shape to draw attention to important elements and guide viewers’ focus. For this case study, I used green and red colours to showcase the % of the profit ratio

2. How does your visualization utilize at least one Gestalt principle? Which principle(s) is (are) being reflected, and how?

Gestalt principles: Visualizations can organize related data points in close proximity to indicate relationships and patterns, leveraging the principle of proximity.

3.How does your design reflect an understanding of cognitive load and clutter?

Cognitive load and clutter: Good visualization designs simplify and remove unnecessary elements to reduce cognitive load and make it easier for viewers to understand the information. For this viz, I used filters and highlighters to clutter elements according to audience choice and the audience can select according to performance, rank and region as well as profit scale to f

4.Is your visualization static or interactive? Why did you choose that format?

Static or interactive format: The choice depends on the purpose and audience. Static visualizations are fixed, while interactive ones allow users to explore and manipulate data. For this viz, I used the interactive viz, as the audience explored and manipulate the data for the other categories across the region

5. What need does this visualization address that words or numbers alone cannot fill?

Beyond words or numbers: Visualizations provide an intuitive and comprehensive representation of complex data, revealing patterns and insights that may not be apparent with text or numbers alone. They engage in visual processing for easier comprehension and decision-making. I made this viz according to the manager's context of what it needs.

To select the bottom 3 performers, enter the values in the given column so that the dashboard pop-up the elements according to the value.

Business Outcome Business:

Sylvia will use this visualization to inform which Product Categories to cut, and in which regions are tables, appliances and tables in the central, east and south regions.

Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you in the next project.

Until then, signing off Poojit




My journey as a Data Analyst has been a thrilling one, made possible by the powerful tools of Python, Excel, SQL, Tableau, and R.