The Incredible Survival Story of Monica Laso at Heavenly Ski Resort

3 min readJan 29, 2024


The Incredible Survival Story of Monica Laso at Heavenly Ski Resort


Heavenly Ski Resort, located in South Lake Tahoe, California, is known for its breathtaking slopes and thrilling winter adventures. However, the serenity of a skiing trip turned into a nightmarish ordeal for Monica Laso, who found herself trapped in a gondola for a staggering 15 hours overnight. In this article, we will delve into the harrowing experience of Monica Laso, her struggle to survive in freezing temperatures, the subsequent rescue, and the investigation into this extraordinary incident.

A Fateful Trip to Heavenly Ski Resort

Monica Laso embarked on an exciting skiing adventure with her friends at Heavenly Ski Resort on a cold winter day.

After a day full of thrilling descents, Laso, feeling exhausted, decided to take the gondola down the mountain. Little did she know that this innocent decision would lead to a terrifying ordeal.

Trapped in the Sky

As Laso boarded the gondola around 5 p.m., she anticipated a smooth descent to the base. However, just minutes into her journey, the gondola unexpectedly came to a halt, leaving her suspended in the air.

Panic set in as she realized she was stranded alone, without a phone or any means of communication.

A Desperate Cry for Help

In a desperate bid to attract attention, Laso screamed at the top of her lungs whenever she spotted resort employees below.

However, her cries went unheard, lost in the vastness of the mountain. “I screamed desperately until I lost my voice,” Laso recounted, reflecting the sheer terror she experienced during those long hours.

Battling the Cold

With temperatures plummeting to a bone-chilling 23 degrees Fahrenheit, Laso faced the daunting challenge of staying warm throughout the night.

Left with no other options, she resorted to rubbing her hands and feet together, desperately trying to generate heat and stave off the freezing cold.

The Ongoing Search for Monica Laso

While Laso fought for survival in the gondola, her friends grew increasingly worried when they couldn’t reach her.

Concerned for her safety, they reported her missing to the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Office. Little did they know the magnitude of the predicament Laso found herself in.

Discovery and Rescue

It wasn’t until the following morning, when the gondola started operating again for the day, that resort staff made a shocking discovery.

As the gondola descended the mountain, they realized that Laso had been trapped inside for the entire night.

The relief of finally being found was overshadowed by Laso’s frustration at the circumstances that led to her ordeal.

The Aftermath and Investigations

Upon being rescued, Laso was treated by first responders from the South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue Department. Remarkably, she was responsive and declined further medical assistance.

As news of her ordeal spread, questions arose regarding the incident’s cause and the resort’s responsibility in ensuring visitor safety.

Heavenly Mountain Resort’s Commitment to Safety

Heavenly Mountain Resort, deeply concerned about the incident, launched a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Laso’s confinement.

Tom Fortune, the resort’s vice president and chief operating officer, emphasized their commitment to guest safety, stating, “The safety and wellbeing of our guests is our top priority at Heavenly Mountain Resort.”

An Anomaly in the Skiing World

The incident involving Monica Laso has been described as an anomaly by Kim George, a spokesperson for the South Lake Tahoe Fire Rescue Department.

In her 23-year tenure, George stated that they had never responded to a situation quite like this. The uniqueness of this event has left many wondering how such a mishap could occur.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

As the investigation into Laso’s ordeal continues, it serves as a reminder of the importance of preparedness and safety measures in ski resorts. The incident at Heavenly Ski Resort highlights the need for robust communication systems and the implementation of protocols to prevent similar incidents in the future.


Monica Laso’s nightmarish experience of being trapped in a gondola at Heavenly Ski Resort for 15 hours is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. Her survival against the odds serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of outdoor adventures.

As the skiing community reflects on this incident, it is hoped that comprehensive safety measures will be implemented to ensure the wellbeing of all visitors to Heavenly Ski Resort and other winter destinations.

