What is All Included in a Mommy Makeover?

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4 min readJan 28, 2020

Ever heard of a mommy makeover? Maybe you have heard about it from your friends, have read about it online, or have watched some celebrities or social media influencers undergoing such. Indeed, this surgical technique has conquered the world of the elite and mainstream media. Why not though, it can restore your confidence and change your life! But what exactly is this plastic surgery, and what is all included in a mommy makeover?

What is All Included in a Mommy Makeover?

What is All Included in a Mommy Makeover? — What to Prepare For

The mommy makeover is getting more popularity among women. Let’s find out what it really is and why more and more women are choosing it. This article will also go over some mommy makeover tips before the big procedure comes.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover is the term used to refer to a specialized combination of plastic surgery procedures performed together to enhance the physical transformations that remain after pregnancy and breastfeeding. You can tailor each procedure to fit your unique needs as it does not require a certain set component. It, however, generally starts with procedures involving the breast and abdomen, and then adding extra procedures as necessary.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Consist of?

Motherhood changes the entire being of a woman, and physically speaking, changes primarily happen in the breast and abdomen. That is why a mommy makeover is often focused around the breast and abdomen.

The breasts will enlarge throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. After all these, however, they will return to normal, which means you will lose breast volume and experience sagging. The same is true with the abdomen — after giving birth, its layers may not go back to its old, tight shape.

A mommy makeover may start with the following procedures:

  • Breast augmentation — this can restore the fullness of the breast
  • Breast lift — this helps lift sagging skin to improve the shape of the breast
  • Breast reduction — this is ideal for those who have large, uncomfortable breasts
  • Liposuction — this helps remove abdominal fat and contour the tummy
  • Tummy tuck — this flattens and tightens the tummy by getting rid of extra fat and skin
  • Circumferential abdominoplasty — this is similar to a tummy tuck but is more extensive

Other surgical procedures that are commonly added in a mommy makeover include an arm lift, butt lifts, and thigh lifts. Depending on the set of procedures to perform, a mommy makeover can be done in just one session or spread out over several operations.

7 Things to Remember About a Mommy Makeover

Planning to have a mommy makeover? Make sure you know these mommy makeover tips!

  1. A mommy makeover is an outpatient surgical procedure. This means you can recover at home. Normally, the surgeon will recommend an overnight recovery room during the first 24 hours.
  2. Depending on the procedures you have undergone, mommy makeover recovery time can take up to a couple of weeks. You will be sore and swollen during this time.
  3. You won’t be able to drive as you recover since your surgeon will prescribe pain medications to make you comfortable.
  4. Expect swelling after mommy makeover to last for six months or even longer. Some results of a mommy makeover can be seen immediately, while others can be assessed after all the swelling has ceased.
  5. If you want to have a mommy makeover, you should be a non-smoker. Smoking increases the possibility of complications. If you smoke, it is advised to stop it at least four weeks before and after the procedure.
  6. Avoid heavy lifting and intense exercise at least six weeks after the makeover. This includes carrying and lifting babies that are over ten pounds.
  7. Since a mommy makeover involves invasive surgeries, you would want to ensure your health, safety, and wellbeing. Be sure to only choose a certified and reputable plastic surgeon to perform the procedures.


What is included in a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of several plastic surgical procedures, but normally, it starts with a tummy tuck, liposuction, and breast lift.

What can I expect after a mommy makeover?

A mommy makeover can transform you physically and restore your confidence. Recovery generally takes up to two weeks, with many patients returning to work after that timeframe. Light exercises, except for abdominal exercises can be resumed usually after three weeks.

Do I need to lose weight before a mommy makeover?

You will need to have a healthy weight before the makeover is initiated. Ideally, you should not be more than 25 pounds above your ideal weight.

Bottom Line

Do you want to bring your body back to its pre-baby shape? A mommy makeover can help! Wondering what is all included in a mommy makeover? A mommy makeover often starts with surgical procedures that involve the breasts and abdomen, such as breast lift and tummy tuck. If you want to learn more about it, the best way is by talking with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

