The 3 Ways of Building in Portals

5 min readJun 2, 2022

In this article, we’ll give you a high-level view of the 3 different ways that you can and will be able to build with Portals! They are:

  1. Spaces in Building One (interior only)
  2. Buildings in Districts (interior and exterior buildings)
  3. Experiences in Mini-Worlds (completely custom experiences)

Currently, it’s only “Spaces in Building One” that is live and ready, but “Districts” and “Mini-Worlds” will give a sense of where Portals is heading and what will be possible to design and develop in the not so distant future.

Let’s dive in!

1. Spaces in Building One

Spaces are how most people know or think about Portals at the moment. It’s a space in what’s called “Building One”, the biggest and most prominent building in Portals Downtown (there is and will be no “Building Two”).

It’s very easy to build out your Space in the browser with the Portals editor:

However, don’t be fooled! It’s possible to do incredibly advanced builds with Spaces in Building One. Especially when we soon launch the ability to use “Building Blocks”:

Here’s the overview of “Spaces in Building One”:

  • Easy to build right in the browser
  • No designer/developer is needed
  • Invite anyone to the space with just a link
  • Discoverability from Portals Directory if you have a public space
  • Discoverability from Portals Event Calendar (coming up) for events
  • Display images and NFTs, entertain with games, play music (soon), screen share (soon), do events with “speaker” moderation, let people mingle with “spatial audio”, embed HTML5/Webpages, add item interactivity to any item, change between night/day and much more!
Examples of (Onyx) Spaces in Building One
Examples of (Ivory) Spaces in Building One

2. Buildings in Districts

Districts were announced as a part of the Portals Roadmap 2.0, which you can check out here:

Here’s the first sneak peek about Districts too:

In the future, anyone with a Vision, Onyx, or Ivory NFT will be able to form a district, with Vision NFTs having the largest street presence.

We’re still early and are starting with Preview District Zero — formed by our collaborators and partners (and Portals holders) like Solana, Audius, Magic Eden, FTX US, OpeanSea & Binance.US.

Here’s the overview of “Buildings in Districts”:

  • The interior spaces of the buildings will be built with the Portals editor in the browser, just like the spaces in Building One.
  • The exterior (buildings) will be built from modular parts (image below).
  • You will also be able to choose your building colors/lights, use custom logos, and more.
  • Districts can be found and visited from the Portals Grand Terminal Map, (or districts/spaces directly with just a link).
  • You will be able to join an existing District or form your own if you own a Portals Real Estate NFT (Ivory, Onyx, or Vision).
Modular Building Parts
Preview District “Zero”

3. Experiences in Mini-Worlds

The third and newest option is entire custom “experiences” or “mini-worlds” in Portals. These terms/names might not be the final ones (it’s that early!).

Experiences were previously “hinted ” at the Solana Riptide Hackathon:

“Experiences” and “Mini-Worlds” is still in an explorative phase. The details and final mechanics are therefore not set in stone yet. We will be developing and finalizing everything with the Portals Community and our Metaverse Development Partners.

One thing is certain though, it will be based on Ivory, Onyx, and Vision NFTs. There will not be a new mint or another “tier” of Real Estate NFTs. If you want to build a custom experience/world in Portals, then you’ll need an Ivory, Onyx, or Vision NFT.

It will also require design and development resources since it won’t be designed and built with the Portals browser editor (at least not initially).

Here’s the overview of “Experiences in Mini-Worlds”:

  • Entirely custom scenes, experiences, and builds in 3D
  • Requires design/development resources
  • Will require a Portals Ivory, Onyx, or Vision NFT
  • More information will be released later in June

The first “Experience” in Portals will be “WAGMI Beach” (see below). It will be similar to the “Preview District Zero” in terms of being the “first case”.

“WAGMI Beach” in Portals

How to build “Experiences” and “Mini-Worlds” in Portals
If your project, community, or company does not have the internal design and development resources needed to create a custom 3D space, then the way forward is to contract a Metaverse Development Studio or independent designers and developers.

We did create a very early Portals Development Kit for the Solana Riptide Hackathon, however, stay tuned for more information during June on how to build custom experiences in Portals. For now, we just want to let you and everyone else know that it’ll be a possibility!

We are currently working with our Metaverse Development Partners/Studios (and are looking for more) on more details. We’ll publish a list during June as well for studios or partners that we know will know how to create a custom experience/mini-world in Portals for your project, community, or company.

Finally — check out the WAGMI Beach experience below!

The only limit will be your imagination (almost).

More information:
Follow or join the following channels:
- Twitter:
- Discord

Let us know in the Portals Discord if you have any general questions.

We have a dedicated public “#devs-corner” channel in the Discord as well for developers and studios looking to build in Portals.

Let’s build! 🚀

- The Portals Team

