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Revolution From Below: A Crypto Odyssey of Three musketeers

Portfolio Masters


An epic journey of a philosopher, a researcher, and a financier through the depths of Crypto, to the art of crafting a portfolio, to the owners of a fast-growing channel

Prepare yourself for the captivating story of three modern musketeers whose epic journey into the dynamic realm of crypto and blockchain unfolded in the seismic year of 2020 — a year etched into the financial history of our planet. Picture this: riding the thrilling highs of the bull market, only to plummet into the abyss of the bear market, navigating the treacherous waters of the DeFi world. Our odyssey is a rollercoaster, an unwavering pursuit of gains, the bitter taste of losses, and a metamorphosis that shifted us from the 95% who bought at the peak and panic sold at the bottom, to the 5% who do the opposite. A lot has changed since 2020, we have changed, but one thing remained constant–blockchain is a revolution that will stay, so you either join the saga or watch it pass.

For those with average attention, hovering at a mere 15 seconds, the temptation to abandon this page is there. But dear reader, this isn’t just our story; it stands as a testament to a revolution we witnessed firsthand. It’s a chronicle that began with naive enthusiasm, evolved into a steep learning curve — a narrative that not only withstood the crucible but delved into the intricate depths of DeFi, a realm not meant for the faint-hearted. We, after all, were part of the mere 0.005% of the world’s population that foresaw the change already back as 2020.

So, perhaps it’s worth immersing yourself in this humble article. You may have heard the whispers of a parabolic bull run being upon us, with murmurs that this might be the last of its kind. And who knows, perhaps by the end, you’ll be enticed to join our ranks in this remarkable journey that has just begun.

The beginnings: two phone case and a team

Two phone calls were enough to form an alliance and embarked on an incredible journey. The beginning was in 2020, around the time when Bitcoin became the best performing asset of all-times. The credit goes to the philosopher, our teammate, who saw the potential–a decentralized finance, cheaper, faster, more efficient and secure. “A revolution is upon us,” he said to me on the phone. Me, curious in nature, in fact very-much into studying “real-world” revolutions, cautiously adopted this “on-chain” revolution. The team was formed though not complete.

To us, blockchain seemed a marvellous technology, but it was also the foundation of digital currencies. The future of money. Thus, the team could not be complete without a financier, as the French say. The financier, who had made a career in the heart of Paris, was one phone call away. His phone rang, it was me, and he was in. It was then, I must say, that the journey really began.

Naive enthusiasm, unrealistic expectations

Anyone acquainted with revolutions can testify about their initial euphoria. Whether fuelled by aspirations for freedom, socialism, or the pursuit of dignity and equality, the promise at the outset often hits a wall. In fact about 75% of violent revolutions fail, or lead to bigger disaster. Revolution is a formidable, risky venture, a learning curve for both organizers and participants. Let’s hope the blockchain revolution will remain non-violent, which has a higher rate of success, but it surely won’t be an easy one to accomplish.

As for us, in the world of blockchain, we were curious participants, not leaders. Our experience was “from below,” so to speak. For us, navigating the learning curve of the vast world of decentralized finance (DeFi) in 2020 amidst the hype of the bull market was arduous. The beginning was marked by unrealistic expectations, a blend of romantic and revolutionary naivete, with an underlying determination to learn and, of course, make some money.

​​Amidst our journey through the intricate technicalities and know-how of this innovation, we awoke to green charts that initially seemed like an insurmountable ride. Perhaps, this rings familiar to those who, like us, yearned for the market peak, attempted to savor its heights, only to find the experience elusive. Nowhere was this more apparent than in our dismal attempt to acquire Valhalla (rebranded as ScarQuest). The plan was to buy the token at the bottom, and sell at the top, say around $0.4. Well, the opposite happened. We bought at the peak, at around 0.4, and the rest is told by this ugly chart. And that was not it. The bitter experience chased us over and over again.

ScarQuest Price Chart (SCAR) via CoinGecko

In the heady rush of the new revolution promising millionaire status, we unintentionally became the liquidity providers for early birds, investors, and those privy to inside information, leaving us outmaneuvered in the crypto chessboard.

The lesson learned was clear — to truly thrive in such projects, we had to unravel the complexities behind the scenes.

Another experience, a bit less brutal, had to do with Cardano. A solid, scientifically grounded project, the brainchild of Charles Hoskinson, an Ethereum co-founder. “I’ll retire on Cardano,” I confidently declared to the philosopher back in 2021, while steadily accumulating ADA, its native coin, at a price of around $2. Well, the chart says the rest. A bit of progress from the Valhalla-moment, but not much better.

Cardano Price Chart (ADA) via CoinGecko

Believe it or not, my ADA remains unsold, as I patiently await the elusive “retirement price.” The sting of previous losses served as a valuable lesson that with a serious project like Cardano, one need not be in close proximity to Hoskinson to assess its worth. Understanding the fundamentals of the crypto market, its movements, and delving into technical analysis could take a long way.

Thus, we learned that success in this space requires more than mere speculation; it demands a deep comprehension of the intricacies that drive the market.

Amidst repeated setbacks, discouragement loomed, though not for the philosopher. His resolve remained unshaken, fixated on the strategic horizon rather than dwelling on tactical losses. While skepticism crept into my thoughts, I held on, tethered by the philosopher’s unwavering faith. The financier, our third musketeer, chose to take a break from crypto.

Deep Seas: the fish, the pig, and the transformer

As the markets took a nosedive in spring 2022, a new chapter started for us. No longer enticed by Valhalla-like projects or the allure of altcoin rallies, we plunged into the hardcore realm of DeFi — a wild frontier, not for the faint-hearted. We kept one eye on so-called “passive income projects” that promised regular, passive income, and degen (very risky) projects that promised immense gains. In a landscape of contradictions, rife with scams, remarkably honest individuals, devoted DeFi enthusiasts and newbies, we emerged as battle-hardened crypto venturers. Here are three epic moments, with four additional lessons:

  • The “fish” was a degen, successful passive income project that introduced us to the extraordinary potential of crypto space. “There is a project, could be a hit,” the philosopher sent a late-night voice message that dragged me out of my bed. “It is the last day to participate in the pre-sale,” he said. My coffers were sparse, so I committed no more than 60 BUSD, while he went in with 180 BUSD. To our amazement, the project skyrocketed. The hows and whys remained elusive; perhaps it was a stroke of luck that bestowed upon us a staggering 100x return.

The lesson: luck is indeed a key player, but it favors those who are prepared to seize it.

  • Next in line were the “piggies,” a passive income project that involved investing in a pig farm. This investment yielded daily pigs, which could be exchanged on the market for cash. The catch? We discovered later that the earlier you entered the game, the more significant your dialy yield became — measured in milliseconds. It wasn’t our arena, the philosopher and me. However, for the financier, freshly returned from his break with crypto, it became a joyous pursuit as he reveled in the daily influx of “free” euros, courtesy of the ever-populating piggies.

The lesson: speed, not just luck mattered.

  • The “fish-ies” and the “piggies” paved the way to the Transformers, an epic project blending luck, the allure of passive income, and the privilege of alfa-information. The project, that shall not be named, brought us insane gains. “This is Valhalla experience but the other way around,” I remember saying to the financier. We were there, almost at the beginning, piling coins to be sold at 50x, 100x, 200x. Paradoxically, this major success in fact made us reconsider our path ahead for a good, hard-earned, lesson.

The Lesson: While passive income was a lucrative means for the fortunate, those well-versed in the game’s rules, and the risk-tolerant, to amass long-term wealth, one must widen the horizon. Next, we were hunting for small-cap, solid, promising crypto gems with real utility (no-degens).

An art unto itself: crafting a solid portfolio for tomorrow’s success

Amidst the market turmoil of mid-2022, panic swept through as Terra Luna and FTX witnessed a collapse. Many deemed it the demise of what had been labeled the crypto bubble. We found ourselves at odds with the bubble theorists. In fact, instead of foreseeing an end, we perceived an opportunity. Well, for his credit it was the financier who saw the opportunity and, and once again, we were about to embark on the next chapter of the journey — the very journey that has brought me here, dear reader.

A strategy was in the making: funnel passive income funds to solid, legitimate, low and mid-cap projects with real utility with long-term potential of 10x, 50x, even 100x. The timeline for this? Uncertain, but our best guess pointed to the next bull run. To execute this plan, we recognized the need to step back from the wild terrain of hardcore DeFi, and developed a distinct skill set and toolkit for the journey ahead.

  • Strategy: In the face of panic, our commitment to a steadfast strategy remained unwavering — buy low with the intention to sell high at a later time. While adherence to a strategy doesn’t guarantee success, it often paves a more reliable path.
  • Find good projects: content for high-cap coins is abundant. Finding and assessing hidden gems is the challenge. That pushed us acquire the skill to find, assess, and understand their potential — an intricate learning curve that proved highly worthwhile.
  • Know your projects: You don’t need to understand how BTC works to make money. The same cannot be said for small-cap projects. A comprehensive understanding, analysis, and embrace of their innovation is essential for success in this realm. Otherwise it is a risky gamble.
  • Narratives: fundamentals are important in crypto, but it is often the narrative that drives the project up. Immersion into crypto narratives like AI, Gaming, Real-World-Asset, tokenization, serve as guiding lights for market trends, allowing for a more informed approach to diversification.
  • Patience: the bad news is that no one knows when will the bull run arrive. the good news is that it will, sooner or later. So patience is key in the art of portfolio building .
  • ROI: recouping initial investment after price appreciation is not fear, it is a battle-proven tactic that mitigates risk and helps grow the portfolio
  • DCA: dollar cost averaging is a proven tactic, helps navigate market corrections.
  • A dedicated team: unless you are married to your laptop for 24/7, portfolio building is a team effort.

The portfolio we meticulously crafted in mid-to-late 2022 on the basis of our forming strategy, comprised around 40 projects. Most were heavily discounted at the time of purchase. We were hopeful, but little we know that an impressive 22x combined growth was waiting for us at the small rally early in 2023. For us, that was a sign we are indeed on the right track towards wealth creation in the next bull market.

Conclusion: A golden equation, a thriving community

Our journey, war remarkably rewarding and continuous to be. We also did some money, truth to be told. But the real gain was the culmination of these experiences that has birthed a treasure I am delighted to share — a golden equation for potential success in this tumultuous yet remarkable world of blockchain technology:

Join us and become a part of our vibrant community, where we share meticulously researched small-cap projects with real-world utility. Our community, much like our portfolio, has grown organically through dedication and hard work. Not sure? follow us on Medium or just drop a message, say hi.

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Portfolio Masters

A serious young author by day, a fervent crypto enthusiast by night. Here to share the journey of crafting our portfolio, poised for tomorrow's success.