GSA Sculpture and environmental art

Portfolio Oomph
3 min readJun 21, 2017


Last week we had the very special occasion of celebrating the degree show of our very first mentee who was graduating from Glasgow School of Art. We actually can’t believe that he’s graduating — time has really flown by!

Lachlan graduated from Sculpture and Environmental Art with a 1st class Hons and has been awarded one of the RSA New Contemporaries awards. I didn’t expect much less to be quite honest, as he was so engaged with life and art.

A great student, Lachlan had a place to study Sociology and Social Policy at University but didn’t take his place after he saw a Jeremy Deller exhibition and felt like it was ‘an epiphany’ and he just had to go to art school. I have to say that his interest in Sociology was a huge influence on the way he thought about his art and in turn, what he produced. To have an interest in the world around is essential if you’re to be successful in the art world. It doesn’t have to be that you’re hugely opinionated but you do need to be interested in ‘stuff’, else what are you going to make your work about? Read on and we can help you to unravel this.

It was great working with him, he hadn’t studied art at school past the age of 14. His degree show was an interactive performance which I had planned to film but as I was part of it, I couldn’t but we have a few of photos below of him in his performance outfit!

We are so very pleased for him, so grateful to be able to work with him as it was this first student who made us realise our services were REALLY needed.

Read the full story of how we worked together to get into art college. The way in which Lachlan was inspired by what is happening in the world around him was paramount to his success. It made his portfolio very personal to him which is what the art colleges want to see.

Our new PLAN CREATE SUCCEED course can help you to explore your interests — there’s content on the course that engages you in thinking in different ways than you might normally — how to interrogate your subject in a more conceptual, alternative way that makes you stand out from the crowd. Find out more.

Plan, Create, Succeed portfolio preparation course

Originally published at Portfolio OOMPH.



Portfolio Oomph

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