When an orthodontist is involved, the teeth are best aligned.

Dr. Maria Yazji Orthodontics
3 min readJan 16, 2023


Your case and the nature of the aligner treatment will determine how often you visit your orthodontist. Adult patients should visit their orthodontist at least every six weeks. Your orthodontist will check that your aligners are working properly during these visits. You may also need to have new aligners made if your current ones are not fitting properly. Routine checkups are typically brief appointments that answer any questions and monitor your progress. To ensure the best outcome, make sure you use your remote monitoring app and visit the office when necessary. Patients undergoing any type or orthodontic treatment should be closely monitored by a specialist orthodontist to ensure that treatment is going according to plan.

This is also true for regular dentist visits. Your dentist will perform a regular cleaning to remove tartar buildup and assess your general dental health. Even if you are undergoing Invisalign treatment, regular dental cleanings and checks are still important. Clear aligner patients may find it more important to have regular appointments with their dentist. If you don’t brush your teeth properly and clean the aligner tray after each meal, plaque can build up which can be detrimental to your overall oral health.

Aligner Treatment: Dentist visits

Regular visits to the Miami orthodontic specialists will help you keep your teeth healthy and protect them from calcium loss or decalcification. Untreated decalcification can cause irreversible damage and lead to cavities. It can be prevented if patients eat less sugary foods and drink less soda, visit their dentist frequently, and maintain good oral hygiene. After you have completed treatment, you want your smile to be beautiful. Your dentist and your orthodontist should be seen during orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign’s Benefits

While there are many options for straightening your teeth, Invisalign offers the only option that does not require wires or brackets. Invisalign allows you to work, eat, and socialize without any wires or brackets. You can also have a perfect smile with Invisalign. Invisalign has many benefits for its wearers. They are easy to use and flexible. We’ll be looking at eight benefits Invisalign offers.

  1. Invisible Appearance

Invisalign aligners can be seen through almost any transparent surface. They are completely clear so they don’t obstruct your smile. This is an excellent alternative for teenagers, young adults, and adults who want to live a life without the wires and brackets associated with braces.

2. Comfort

Invisalign trays made from smooth plastic are much more comfortable than traditional metal braces. Because the braces are custom-made to fit your mouth and teeth, there are no sharp edges or pieces in Invisalign.

3. Improved Cleanliness

Invisalign trays are removable. When you are ready to floss or clean your teeth, just take the Invisalign trays out and scrub them. Then, put them back in. You can also clean the trays! You can clean the trays with your toothbrush to ensure there is no buildup. Clean teeth are a healthy mouth. When straightening your teeth, it is important to keep your gums healthy and maintain your teeth. This will ensure that you have the best smile possible when you’re done!

4. You save time

Invisalign will save you time and money. They only need to be checked on average every six weeks. Others options for straightening teeth will take longer and require many appointments.

5. Secure and removable

Is your child involved in sports or band? Invisalign is more comfortable than other orthodontic options and can cause less scrapes. You can also remove Invisalign trays, which makes brushing your teeth and other daily activities much easier than with other options.

6. Enjoy Anything and Everything

One of the most difficult issues when straightening teeth using variety orthodontic options is food restrictions. Some foods are not allowed and can lead to serious problems. Avoid anything too sticky, chewy, or hard! Invisalign does not consider this a problem. You can remove the trays and enjoy whatever you want!

7. Better Dental Health

Straighter teeth are better for your gums and dental health. You can make it easier to care for your teeth by removing crowding and gaps. Better dental health results in greater overall health.

8. Straight, beautiful teeth

These results are convincing and clear. Invisalign gives you beautiful, straight teeth and a beautiful smile. This is probably the best reason to have Invisalign.

