A poem about a Golden Retriever

Golden retriever,

your coat of sun-kissed fur

a reminder of the light

that shines from within.

Your eyes, a deep brown,

the color of the earth.

Your love, unconditional,

your loyalty, unquestioned.

Your heart, a pool of joy,

your spirit, a beacon of hope.

Your playful nature,

a reminder of life’s simple pleasures.

Golden retriever,

you are a reminder of all that is good

in this world.

A pencil and charcoal portrait drawing of a Golden Retriever

Jason Harper is a poet and artist who loves dogs! He has started a project at PortraitsofDogs.com to try to capture the beauty of every breed. You can find his work for sale there on a variety of products, including shirts and clothes, wall art, home goods, and more.



Jason Harper | PortraitsofDogs.com

Jason Harper is a poet and artist who loves dogs! He has started a project at portraitsofdogs.com to capture the beauty of every breed.