A poem about a Greyhound


Greyhound, so swift and so light

Your body a perfect machine

Your coat of grey like the night

Your eyes so bright and keen

You run like the wind, so happily

Your legs a blur of grace

Your beauty so pure, so wild and free

Your spirit a warm embrace

Your heart so full of love

Your soul so gentle and kind

Your loyalty so strong from above

Your spirit so sweet and divine

Greyhound, you are a gift from the sky

Your beauty a thing of wonder

Your spirit so strong and so high

Your love a thing of splendor

Jason Harper is a poet and artist who loves dogs! He has started a project at PortraitsofDogs.com to try to capture the beauty of every breed. You can find his work for sale there on a variety of products, including shirts and clothes, wall art, home goods, and more.



Jason Harper | PortraitsofDogs.com

Jason Harper is a poet and artist who loves dogs! He has started a project at portraitsofdogs.com to capture the beauty of every breed.