ATTN is a Comprehensive Entertainment Platform of eSports Ecosystem

4 min readJul 23, 2020

For decades now, gaming has been viewed as a waste of time, something only kids play while growing up. However the current time speaks differently, eSports being one of the fastest and largest growing markets in the world, players being offered long term sponsorships, full-time salaries just like any other profession and unbelievable tournament prize pools. All these are leading factors in pioneering the current and future eSports market towards a more established and recognized profession.

eSports is a new sport which is popular among young people. Since the birth of it, eSports participants have always maintained a high-speed growth. It has become an official event at the 2022 Asian games and is expected to enter the Olympic Games in 2024.

Even in China now, there are now “eSport schools” teaching and grooming students to play videos as a future profession, these schools offer a full curriculum around eSports just like any other traditional subject.

ATTN is a digital ecosystem platform for eSports games based on blockchain technology. Overview ATTN is a digital ecosystem platform for eSports games based on blockchain technology, featuring a variety of popular, self-designed PVP games. Migrating up the chain with tens of millions of active users, ATTN is the ultimate system to integrate all of the business practices in gaming industry, which is committed to creating a closed loop network ecology with the core goal of maximizing the value of gaming eSports IP.

ATTN is committed to creating a closed-loop network ecology with the core goal of maximizing the value of esports intellectual property.

Established in 2016, ATTN has become the largest esports eco-industry alliance in Southeast Asia with a global player base of more than 25 million. Featuring several popular self-designed player-versus-player games, the ATTN platform is about to integrate all of the business practices in the gaming industry, while the ATTN token is applied for the exchange of all services and applications across the entire ecosystem in order to address the adverse effects of a centralized platform.

“We are pleased to see more and more industries, like esports, entering the blockchain world, which shows that the ability of blockchain to transform traditional industries is increasingly recognized by the public,” said OKEx CEO Jay Hao. “ATTN is the most popular esports alliance in Southeast Asia and has a lot of influence. We believe that the combination of ATTN and blockchain will benefit both the gaming and blockchain industries. technology will help the ATTN platform improve fairness and transactional efficiency, while ATTN will, at the same time, help blockchain enhance its influence in a wider field.”

“We are glad to reach cooperation with OKEx, to jointly promote the popularity of blockchain. The characteristics of esports fans and crypto users have a great degree of overlap. We believe that esports will be a better entrance for crypto adoption,” said Daniel Santos, CEO of ATTN. “Blockchain is one of the most promising technologies of the 21st century. We believe blockchain technology can transform the gaming industry and bring users a fairer and more transparent gaming experience.”

K42 Announces Strategic Investment in ATTN

Blockchain industry investor K42 announces investment in ATTN, a digital ecosystem for gaming based on blockchain technology. ATTN is the ultimate system for integrating all business practices in the eSports industry, which has a variety of popular PVP games designed by itself. Based on the scale effect of tens of millions of active users, with a mature player pool, Content provider pools, traffic pools, and anchor pools, it is dedicated to building a game that will be the best in the industry. K42, as an OKEx strategic cooperation and investment institution, is committed to provide consulting services, technical support and financial backing to help potential entrepreneurs and teams grow in the blockchain industry.

We are pleased to announce that ATTN Token (ATTN) will be the project of 15th token sale on OKEx Jumpstart and will be launched on July 29, 2020 (UTC).


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