1 min readAug 22, 2019


XCARD introduces a utility token, the MBM token that fuels the whole Platform that is the most liquid token in the XCARD Wallet. Once regulation enables legitimate issuance of equity or security tokens, special benefits for investors and MBM token holders will be offered

XCARD has already signed 9 strategic partnerships which include: Santander Bank, Visa (Principal Membership), Gatelab (Part of London Stock Exchange Group), several trading exchanges (e.g. Hybrid Block) and others that wills to utilize in their business models solution provided by the XCARD.

XCARD is the most convenient wallet for crypto & FIAT conversion with access to exchanges all over the world. Built-in internalizer – an arbitrage engine – provides users the best exchange rates available on the market. XCARD Wallet is combined with XCARD Biometric Credit Card, the most secure credit card for instant crypto withdrawal from any ATM.

