How to Use Power Words On Your Site to Boost Conversions

6 min readJun 27, 2017


Within the previous write-up, we explained what power words are and how they work. Power words speak to our subconscious minds and trigger automatic reactions. This is valuable knowledge to possess for any marketer who wants to convert website visitors into leads and achieve goals much more efficiently.

Read more about it <….> and find out what 5 big magnet words you should master and use universally in your marketing communication.

Let’s now focus on rules that apply to the usage of power words in specific on-site elements.

We will go through the major site’s elements:

  1. Headlines
  2. Calls to action
  3. Testimonials
  4. Landing Pages
  5. Product Pages

Power Words in Headlines

The conversion funnel begins with a well-crafted and actionable headline. This is a key on-site element because it’s the first point of contact for online searchers.

A headline’s role is pivotal because it can make or break your conversion success. This is why you should make sure to include power words in headlines and make them click-worthy.

The first tip is to make a habit of writing your headlines as questions so they include the power words: Why, How, What and Which.

It turns out that phrasing headlines in the form of a question indeed increases click-through rates. In fact it does more than doubles them, on average. — source

It’s all about Neuromarketing.

However, a headline in the form of a question must do more than simply ask a question; according to The Copywriter’s Handbook written by Robert W. Bly, it must be a question the reader can empathize with or would like to see answered.

To confirm this, I took a quick look at Pocket’s Must Reads in the Explore section. The conclusion? Many of Pocket’s most popular topics are formulated as questions. See below:

How Technology is Hijacking Your Mind — from a Magician and Google Design Ethicist

Why we think terrorism is scarier than it really is (and we probably always will)

What Romance Really Means After 10 Years of Marriage

How Exercise Shapes You, Far Beyond the Gym

Pocket’s must reads algorithm collects the most saved, most read, and most shared stories on the platform. And the number of times Pocket users save a specific article depends entirely on how powerful its headline is.

This makes Pocket the right tool for checking whether you have a successful headline structure.

Another power word sure to make your headline an instant success is How to.

It works like a charm. How to headlines carry a promise of educating people, and that’s why they’re so popular!

How to plant a bonsai tree from a seed, step by step

How to bake a perfect cheesecake

How to organize Easter for your conservative family to impress them.

How to start astanga yoga and become more flexible in 3 months.

How to Make Money With a Book

Thanks to Pocket, I was able to pick out some other power words and catchy headline formulas.

Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead.

Learning These 9 Tough Skills Will Immediately Improve Your Entire Life

The Most Important Lesson George Lucas Taught His Student Are These 3 Words

Do you notice what the 3 headlines above have in common? You don’t really know what the text is about because it’s hidden under the words This or These. They cleverly heighten curiosity and guarantee a strong boost in clicks. The effectiveness of these headlines is due to the curiosity gap too.

Power words in headlines should evoke emotion. Coschedule prepared a list of 180+ power words that will make any headline powerful and emotional. Apply them to your headlines today.

Power Words in Calls to Action

A call to action is your second most important on-site component (right after your headline) because it converts website visitors into a prospects or leads no matter what marketing offer it promotes.

Due to this fact, mastering how to phrase calls to action and knowing how to maximize their effectiveness is an important skill to have for any marketer.

Your call to action is a relatively small component of the website design, but it should fit neatly into the site’s structure and be a complementary element to the whole. Its role is vital so you should do your best to help it stand out and demand attention.

A call to action copy should be clear and easy to understand. Your site’s visitors need to know exactly what will happen after they click. An actionable CTA is highly persuasive, it taps into people’s emotions and encourages them to complete a specific action.

When crafting a powerful CTA, always focus on the benefits your website visitor will gain from using your product or having access to a specific marketing resource. And since a CTA’s goal is to make people take action, you should always include an action word: the verb.

Include these power words if you want…

To persuade:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Build (grow)
  • Join
  • Learn
  • Discover
  • New

To make your copy sound more personal:

  • You

To make readers feel more confident in their purchase:

  • Guarantee
  • Results
  • Free
  • Because

To imply exclusivity and/or urgency (according to SproutSocial):

  • Only X days left
  • Limited supply
  • Closing soon
  • While supplies last
  • Today only
  • Last chance
  • Offer ends on “date”
  • Hurry
  • Immediately
  • Now
  • Request an invitation
  • Now closed
  • Members Only/Subscribers only
  • Only available to ___
  • Pre-register/Pre-order
  • Limited spots
  • Exclusive access

Power Words in Testimonials

Testimonials are proof of the effectiveness of your product or service. They’re short stories about your best customers whose personal or work lives have been improved because of what you do. Such success stories give you the opportunity to demonstrate — through real stories — that your goods are worth using. So each case study is a great opportunity to show your company in the best possible light.

Identify your customer’s initial challenge, their end goal, and what your product/service did for them. Conduct a thorough yet fun interview with your customer in order to pull out the most interesting, meaty information.

In the case of testimonials, numbers hold the most power. Numbers let readers know just how much progress and growth your customer’s business has gained thanks to you.

Power Words in Landing Pages

Your landings are made to fulfill one single goal: growing your business. Your copywriting is highly helpful in meeting this goal.

When creating landing pages you should master the “hook.” Yeah, that’s right. Even if the product is great and it practically sells itself, your copy should still efficiently hook a potential customer’s attention before the art of persuasion even starts.

Phrase your landing page’s copy in a way that focuses on your customers and the problems that brought them right to you.

Before you write anything, imagine what you want the landing to communicate, and simultaneously, what your prospects will gain by converting on this specific page.

Try to get into the mindset of potential customers and think of the struggles that may have brought them to your page. If you imagine the pains they are trying to alleviate, it will be much easier for you to find a contiguous point between the two sides and word your copy appropriately. An appropriately written copy will speak to them strongly and help you achieve your goals.

Use the bait right. Take a look at the example below and see how these brands craft their landing pages.

Screen Shot 2017-04-17 at 10.10.47 PM.png

Click to see the full landing page

As you can see, the Wix landing page has been optimized for the phrase “landing page builder.” The copy here isn’t too wordy. Wix uses only a few magic words that are highly persuasive: free, easy, just free clicks away, start now. These words imply how quick and easy it is to create a landing page.

The product’s features listed below are also qualities of the product users find very beneficial. This is the right way to craft landing pages.

Back to you

Remember, in the right context, all words can be powerful; so be creative. Think of the website’s purpose and what you want the users to do. Such thinking will help you create a genuinely persuasive message and the right words will follow.

Originally published at Unamo Blog.




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