Educational Email Courses vs. 5 Standard Lead Magnets: Why EECs Are a Must-Have for Businesses

Hardik Medhi
3 min readJul 10, 2024


A lead magnet is an asset or a deal (either paid or free) that businesses provide in exchange for their customer’s contact details.

Once obtained, the business can use those details to build its brand’s awareness and establish itself as a leader in its industry. Modern technology and the internet has made this task easier.

There are multiple types of lead magnets. One of them, however, has risen and is, arguably, one of the most effective way of obtaining contact details.

And that is an Educational Email Course — EEC for short.

I have already explained what it is in this article here.

In the present article, let’s compare an EEC with other traditional lead magnets.

1. EEC vs Newsletter

An EEC delivers valuable content continuously, whereas a Newsletter provides a one-off update.

Because of the periodic and structured format of an EEC, subscribers are more likely to look forward to the next lesson.

Newsletters often lack a cohesive structured learning path. Their one-off format leads to decreased engagement with the subscribers.

2. EEC vs eBook

An EEC builds a strong relationship over time, while an eBook is just a single download.

EECs regularly interact with the subscribers, which helps build trust and rapport. They can feel a sense of progression and personal attention as they go through the course.

An eBook has just one point of contact — the download. The lack of an ongoing communication leads to passive engagement with the subscriber.

3. EEC vs Whitepapers

EECs break down complex information into digestible chunks, while whitepapers dump dense information at once.

The step-by-step approach of EECs enhances comprehension and retention. The short format of emails make it easier for the subscribers to consume.

Whitepapers can overwhelm readers. They need to put in a significant amount of time to understand one document completely.

4. EEC vs Webinars

EECs offer a planned and sequential learning journey, while webinars are single, standalone events.

EECs can help subscribers build their knowledge incrementally, and engage them over a longer period of time.

Despite being informative, webinars can’t offer the same long-term treatment. They can neither maintain the attendee’s interest nor them help them reinforce their learning.

5. EEC vs Free Trials

An EEC effectively nurtures its leads through education, while a free trial offers a limited product experience.

EECs can establish trust and authority by providing valuable insights and knowledge. They can also increase credibility and help build a strong relationship with the audience.

A free trial gives potential customers a taste of the product in a short period of time. That duration may not be enough for the users to fully understand and appreciate the product’s value. A free trial also doesn’t build a relationship with the audience.

Even though each lead magnet discussed here has its own superior merits, Educational Email Courses can definitely provide an important nudge to a business’ marketing strategy.

By fostering long-term engagement, building trust, and delivering consistent value, EECs stand out as a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience and drive growth.

Hardik Medhi

PS: If you have a Science/Tech business and are interested in using the advantages of EECs for your gain, then you need not look any further!

I can help!

As your educational email course creator, I’ll design engaging courses tailored to your audience and help deliver complex concepts accessibly. I’ll aid you in maintaining consistent communication, and establishing you as an authority.

I am taking 5 Case Studies now — FOR FREE!

Let’s share your knowledge and passion, enhancing your brand’s impact and reach!

Contact me in any of these platforms to get started!



Hardik Medhi

Science Writer | Physics Gold Medalist | Astrophysics Researcher