What is Nanotechnology? A Business Leader’s Guide to Understanding the Basics

Hardik Medhi
2 min read3 days ago


The science of nanotechnology will revolutionize the market of materials.

Nanotechnology deals with very very tiny objects.

A nanometer (nm) is 10^(-9) m.

That’s 8 zeros after a decimal, followed by a 1.

For comparison, DNA’s diameter is 2 nm, and the smallest cellular life forms — the Mycoplasma bacteria — are around 200 nm in length.

So, we are dealing with extremely small objects. The lower limit is literally set by the size of atoms — Hydrogen being the lowest.

At those scales, completely different laws of nature become pronounced.

As you scale down from the macroscopic world, the common laws of classical mechanics are no longer applicable.

The complex probabilistic laws of statistical and quantum mechanics prop up. Additionally, various physical properties (such as mechanical, optical, electrical, thermal etc) change drastically as you scale down.

For example, a material’s surface area-to-volume ratio increases. This gives rise to a whole host of different physical properties.

Innovative applications are born due to the new properties.

There is probably no industry that hasn’t utilized nanotechnology’s potential.

In healthcare, nanoparticles can target specific cells and deliver drugs directly. In electronics, nanoelectronics are creating faster and more efficient electronic devices. In material science, nanomaterials can create lighter, stronger and more durable products.

It’s everywhere.

Companies are already integrating those applications into our society.

Major businesses have realized nanotechnology’s potential and are using it to improve their products.

Gilead Sciences is using nanotechnology to delivery drugs, particularly in the treatment of HIV. Intel improves its processors’ speed and energy efficiency with the help of nanotechnology. L’Oreal is using nanoparticles in cosmetics to improve their absorption properties.

As nanotechnology advances with time, its integration into products will only increase. With a current net worth of USD $1.4 billion and rising, imaginative companies will undoubtedly find ways to integrate this technology into our society.

Hopefully this helps our lives become better.

Hardik Medhi



Hardik Medhi

I hope to initiate conversations about fascinating ideas with the folk who share an interest. Let's learn how to think critically & independently! Stay Curious!