Fight Against Hate

Positive Whiteness
4 min readDec 15, 2022


How Positive Whiteness works to fight White Identity hate groups.

Photo by Matt Moloney on Unsplash

Since the year 2000, hate groups have experienced a rapid level of growth in America, fueled by demographic changes and the rise of the internet. Concurrently, race relations have fallen to their lowest levels on record with 68% of all Americans saying race relations are bad.

Positive Whiteness seeks to solve this problem using a different series of ideas and methods from what has been done in the past.

As demographics change, many White individuals have found themselves transformed from American/European/South American/etc. to their racial identifier label. Also because of demographic shift, conflict naturally erupts as people try different methods to create a more equal society. This creates a major opportunity for many of these hate groups, as they prey on the fear people have of others. For Whiteness they preach a cultural dogma of what it means to be “White” without any other group to counteract them.

What Positive Whiteness does, is it creates a “White Organization” dedicated to universal equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people of all races and identities. This blunts the two main weapons of hate groups. Firstly, by creating an association that defines a different culture of Whiteness, it helps to funnel White individuals away from hate groups that they would otherwise end up in. Secondly, by creating an infrastructure that develops positive perception and positive relationships with non-White individuals, it defeats the fear-based approach that hate groups use.

Here is a test case example of how Positive Whiteness would work.

  1. White individuals in search of a feeling of self-worth and identity search online for “White groups”.
  2. White individual sees hate groups like the KKK/Neo-Nazis/White Supremacists, but then also sees Positive Whiteness.
  3. White individual sees Positive Whiteness as creating a White Culture & Identity designed to lift everyone up and not tear people down which appeals to our higher nature.
  4. White individual sees approving media/social attention of Positive Whiteness.
  5. Positive social reinforcement then drives this White individual to associate with Positive Whiteness and become a partner in the mission.
  6. White individual engages in positive culture and actions for people of all races which leads to societal approval and awareness for Positive Whiteness.
  7. Positive Whiteness expands as supporters expand.
  8. Feedback loop accelerates more as others read about Positive Whiteness, take action, and give support.
  9. People of all races and identities are lifted up and a track to mutual success and harmony is realized.

On the internet, ideas can’t be de-platformed as new platforms for hate will be created. Instead, bad ideas must be fought with good ideas. Considering how the bad ideas of the KKK/Neo-Nazis/White Supremacists are able to ferment without being challenged, the current approach is in error. By creating a competitive cultural and ideological system against these groups that allows White individuals to realize their identity and culture in positive and constructive ways, it will create a mechanism that will blunt future growth for these extremist organizations. As long as Positive Whiteness exists, these other groups will now find themselves forced to fight on another front and experience follower bleed out as they lose people to Positive Whiteness. Also considering that these hate groups fuel the rise of anti-White hate and groups, Positive Whiteness also provides a mechanism for flushing out the extremists on all sides. By creating a conduit for harmony and equality, the conflict-driven extremist forces that feed on each other will be isolated and thus easier to identify.

As a note: Hate Groups hold a wide variety of beliefs. Because of the possible wide spectrum of beliefs, people who aren’t part of Hate Groups will sometimes hold beliefs that are also the same as Hate Groups. For example, there are Hate Groups that want a bigger government and there are hate groups that want a smaller government. There are hate groups that want to preserve the Constitution and there are hate groups that want to change the Constitution.

As a matter of policy, we only define Hate Groups as people who are openly advocating for Hate based policies. If someone has similar beliefs as a member of a Hate Group but does not consider themselves part of that group, we will not consider them as one. Other organizations might, but our process is judging people as they are. We, of course, will be wise to the true intentions of people and if they qualify they will get the label, but by default, we will work at face value.

Positive Whiteness is a Whites Organization for Good. Positive Whiteness was launched to counter record racial division by fighting racism and hate, creating a positive White Identity Culture, and taking charitable and social action.

Positive Whiteness can be found on Twitter || Instagram || Tik Tok || Reddit || YouTube || Facebook and welcomes all grassroots support.



Positive Whiteness

A Whites Organization for Good! Creating positive unity through media, charity, and action to help people of all races globally.