3 Helpful Practices To Lift A Bad Mood

5 min readJul 11, 2020
Photo by Kien Do on Unsplash

Over the last few months, I’ve noticed myself feeling “bad” a lot more than usual. Just down and kind of sad, you know?

And I can’t attribute it to any one thing honestly, it’s just a heavy fog that follows me around.

I don’t think I’m alone in this either. A lot of us are probably feeling the weight of collective stress that’s heavy in the air right now.

These last few weeks, I just got fed up of feeling this way. So I started actively seeking out habits that could make me feel better when that sad, foggy feeling decides to visit.

I’ve identified three that were especially helpful and I’m working on making these a part of my daily routine (which is still a work in progress because self sabotage, but that’s a different can of worms altogether).

These aren’t ground breaking or new practices, but I think there is some merit to the attention they receive in the personal development world.

If you’ve been experiencing a bad mood lately too, I would encourage you to give these a try.

I. Stream of consciousness journaling




Through writing, I like to explore how we can set ourselves free from pain, achieve our wildest dreams and live a beautiful life.