7 Sacred Synchronicities

Sieben Krüsel
46 min readMay 6, 2022


Being guided from above, you receive confirmations through synchronicities, as the universe shows you the truth of your path. What you believe, needs to be lived to know, this is how knowledge manifests in Life.

Since my awakening call by AA Michael I believed in his guidance strong enough to let go of my life twice. Now I know his guidance to help me heal the world with St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations is real, as the confirmations I received were biblical indeed.

In this article I would like to focus on the 7 Synchronicities of 7K which amplified my belief to knowledge most, they are part of this story..:

The timeline of the above story ends in July 2020, this is where we start to look at the final synchronistic chapter of my journey until July 2022. Initiated and orchestrated by AA Michael, conspired by the universe to help me and you realise that my guidance to set things up to anchor Christ Consciousness into the planetary grid on a global scale is real…

  1. The accident (April 1993 / December 2004 / July 2021)
  2. Ibiza Rocks (December 2004 / June 2005 / May 2022)
  3. Buddha Nature (December 2004 / December 2020 / May 2022)
  4. Comets and Conjunctions (July 2020 / December 2021 / July 2022)
  5. The Church of Babylon is Fallen (1500 BC / December 2020 / May 2022)
  6. The Yurt (April / May / July2022)
  7. Light Up The World Chariot of Fire at St.John the Baptist Church

For details of the story until luly 2020, please read the piece posted above to put the syncs. in context…

The Accident

My spiritual journey started with an accident I had in April 1993. My face went through the windscreen of a car I was travelling in and had to be put together with more than 100 stitches. I had been living out my Karma, and with an equal karmic balance I left my life in Germany behind to live my dream as a percussionist on Ibiza from1998 onwards.

Ibiza Rocks & my Buddha Nature

In 2004 I built myself a temple with small boulders from the beach. It was the most beautiful thing I ever created with my hands and I called it Ibiza Rocks to honour the stones it was made of.

In December that year I went on a vision quest in my temple, knowing that there must be more to life than what I lived. It was at that moment when I found the most elegant piece of wood I had ever seen, a phoenician Juniper shaped like an angel the earth had grown for me to guide me on my quest. I stopped eating and after seven days things started to flow as I invited the forces that prevent humanity from evolving into my temple. When the veils of illusion fell I saw the dark reality of the drug fuelled magic system in which I had chosen to live my dream, and I made a deal with Spirit to stop it for the highest good of all.

All I had to do was to sacrifice the life I used to live and let spirit to take care of the rest. Guided by my newly found earthangel buddha nature holywood and powered by the sign of 7K that I received by AA Michael as the token of my quest, the universe would conspire to make my life of service a story to help with the change, all I had to do was keep track of everything to write a book when the time is right (little did I know it would take 17 years…)

This is the first picture of the sign that I had received on day 7 of my quest, it means 7K, which stands for Sieben Krüsel. Krüsel is my birth name and is an old german word for oil lamp, so 7K means an oil lamp with 7 flames. I had no idea about the significance of this, but I knew it would play a vital part in my mission, enough to accept this as my new identity. By the way, I was pink during my vision quest in Ibiza Rocks which went on for 13 days in December 2004….

Later I would find out about a band in America who released this album on the 31st of December 2004….:

7K — Through the Windshield

I thought it was quite a coincidence for this album with my new name and a reference to the beginning of my new life to be released a week after my awakening….

When a musician plays his or her instrument without thinking, he or she receives energy from above and sends it out to the listeners. The audience sends this energy back, creating a loving light vortex. This is how humans come closest to our source love without any religious conditioning, this is the magic of live music !

This was one of the main insights of my quest after 8 years of playing live music together with Djs on an island where none of the bigger clubs had any parties with live music. Until the summer after my vision quest, when a new party arrived on the scene, and it was called Ibiza Rocks.

The only party with bands playing live in any of the main clubs, apparently named after my place and the faces of the protagonists in red like mine when I went on my vision quest. Today Ibiza Rocks is a big pool party venue of the island, anchoring the name of my temple (it was there first !) in the subconscious of millions of visitors to Ibiza.

For me these, and many more confirmations for being on the right path made it clear that there was no turning back from my decision to leave my dream life as a percussionist on Ibiza behind. I took my temple down, brought the boulders back to the beach and left the island for good with my Buddha Nature wood and my new identity. I made a movie about my awakening, called “Ibiza Rocks Excalibur” to raise awareness about the things I had seen behind the veils of illusion. Here’s a short version of it starting with the moment of the manifestation of my sacrifice. It explains how I ended up in Avalon. It is a fair bit to read, if you don’t like the music just turn it off…

Guided by spirit I arrived in Avalon in November 2005, planting a Merkaba (sacred geometry) with programmed crystals around Glastonbury Tor, the Heart Chakra of the World. I settled down here because I knew I had to, in the following years I always kept a shrine with my Buddha Nature as the centrepiece, and lived a simple happy life working at festivals and as a carpenter making Yurts…

Then Corona came, and when the lockdown started, I did not want to join the big division through arguments. Instead of discussing things I would come up the Glastonbury Tor twice a week to play my Djémbé inside St.Michaels Tower.

Celebrating Vessak May 7th 2020, pic by REUTERS/Toby Melville ( REUTERS ) from the Hindustan Times

It was part of my daily exercise and the only thing that kept me sane during those troubled times… I went on journeys with my Djembe and sometimes people would join me on my escape from this reality… In these moments the music was all that mattered, this was where we healed our hurts in a time when the music had stopped to play. We consider Glastonbury Tor to be the Heart Chakra of the world, connected to our planets energy grid by the leylines upon which it sits. All the actions up here have a ripple effect through the energy grid of the whole planet. To us the Tower itself feels like a portal into another dimension, and sometimes during the summer of 2020, we opened the gates to this portal right up.

12th of July 2020 was the first time that Michael guided me to channel the Heart Chakra of the world with my Djémbé inside his Tower up on Glastonbury Tor to activate the Merkaba that I had planted with the programmed crystals back in 2005. It was the time when a comet that only passes by every 7000(7K) years by the name Neowise was visible in the night skies, random Musical strangers stepped into the vortex and the magic happened, the music of the above videos was recorded at the beginning of this evening.

When I listened back to the recordings, I could hear the electromagnetic pulse when the activation happened, at 2:22 of track 7 from the night, and I started to realise that the magic was real….


Comets and Conjunctions

Comet Neowise next to St.Michael’s Tower, 19th July 2020

When I came back to do my thing one week later, the energy inside the Tower was on fire. Once again, unsuspecting strangers joined my channelings with their gifts of music to create the magic of the night. All becoming one in the flow, my drum made the Towers walls vibrate, and those vibrations went straight into the planetary grid via the leylines upon which the Tower sits. One guy that was playing his cow horn left the tower after a while to do some fire juggling to the music inside, and that’s when Stonehenge dronescapes took this picture of the comet Neowise next to the Tor. I had recorded the whole evening with my phone, but little did I know that I would be guided to use the recordings of this very moment in time to extract the sound that the the Tower’s walls made while this picture captured the magic, create a musical drone out of it and play it in churches to anchor the light into the planetary grid. It sounds a bit like a biblical task, which it turned out to be, but I guess that’s what angelic guidance is all about.

Good job I took it one step at a time, and the first step was to get the recordings from my phone mastered. I went to “Muddy Roads Studio” who made it sound like this…

I called the album “celebrating the lightbody of Glastonbury Tor”, as the Merkaba around it had been activated the week before. When I listened back to the album over a decent soundsystem, I could literally feel the walls of the Tower shake, so I went back to the studio to ask if he could extract everything below 77 Hz, because I knew the sound of my drum goes down to around 100Hz, so anything below this would be created by the walls of the Tower…

You need to listen to it over headphones or speakers tho hear the bass vibrations of the tower. When I heard it for the first time, I had a little bit of a Moses moment, knowing deep inside that I was destined to use these Frequencies to heal the world. As of now, I was completely remote controlled, and I would do whatever it takes, to make this happen.

11th of November 2020 I went up the Tor to pulse my vision into the planetary grid, for more details read the blurb of this video, recorded while I did it (my hands look really funny…). I would also like to point out the presence of a very special crystal in the foreground, It’s a triple double terminated smoky quartz with Lapidocrocite to link with the angelic realms. I was given it after we had programmed the crystals we used for the Merkabas in 2005 and it has been powering my magic ever since.

There is a lot of magic embodied in England’s most sacred soil, and this was the moment I stepped into the game to clear the path to use it for the highest good of all.

Next thing to do was to extract Solfeggio Frequencies out of the recordings, they all have different healing properties relating to different chakras.

So I went back to the studio, and we found the only way for my uncommon approach was this…

Now I had the original recordings, the vibrations of the Tower and 7 Solfeggio Frequencies extracted as files, and I was on my own again. The mission was to use the vibrations simultaneously around the world, so I was guided to release music around the world with specific timings to create an energetic chain to anchor the energies of my vision., here’s what it sounded like, and the vision is explained…:

While the tracks were released, I played my drum in the Tower to make the magic work, staying in my van at the bottom of the Tor to not leave the energy field.

Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, 21 December 2020

this was the night when I was told to put up the

“Church of Babylon is Fallen”

to anchor the energies of my mission with my Buddha Nature into the landscape of Avalon.

My first thought was “really….? right in front of the Tower….? It needs to be up on the morning of 30th of December…? During Lockdown…?”

“just ask for help and help will be given !“

was the answer, so when I went back up on the 22nd, I met 7 strangers in the Tower and I shared my vision together with the story of my awakening and some drumming. They could feel the truth of my words and actions in their hearts, so when I asked them for help with my mission to put up the church on the night of the 29th, they said they would come back….

Everything I needed was already there, I had my Juniper Buddha Nature, two leftover fenceposts and a rectangular canvas tarp which I had made to be used as an awning for my van a few years back. I had no idea what was going to happen, my helpers said they would take care of the authorities, and there were also the elements to be considered, as it can be very windy up there… But we just did it, I will never forget the sound of the post rammer up on the hill at 3am, apologies for any inconveniences caused by my actions, but sometimes a man’s gotta do….

The Church is up, mission accomplished

The “Church of Babylon is Fallen2020” was up on the 30th for sunrise, anchoring the energies of 7K and the forces of light for the Aquarian Age.

A new dawn for humanity, everything set up in the flow….

People won’t forget the sunrise up on the Tor on the first of January 2021, it brought some of them to their knees ! We had an Altar for incense, and in the morning I had brought my window from my temple Ibiza Rocks to be in the Church. The woman who brought up the window bread-cookies didn’t know this, so it was obvious at this moment that this was the communion that had arrived.

“are you ready to see the truth which will set us free?” was the question as I handed it out, and everybody said “yes !”

Mind you, it was lockdown, so the police came to do their job, but I didn’t have to talk to them, I will be eternally grateful to my guardians who camped up there in minus temperatures, bless you guys so much !

On the 6th I took my Buddha Nature and my drum to the Abbey to anchor the energies there, but at this moment nobody was allowed in the crypt. (Not that you’re allowed to play drums anywhere in there, but hey..) And in the evening we had a gathering. Little did I know that someone had just discovered a comet on it’s way towards us, I will remind you later in the story…

The church stayed up for 12 days and nights, when I came back on the 11th to take it down, somebody had taken it just a few hours before I arrived. I had already taken everything important out, so the only things that went missing were the fence posts, my tarp and my incense burner that I had since Ibiza… I felt sorry for the person who did this.

Then came a time of reflection and “ what happened there….?”

As I had felt a bit like Moses when I heard the vibrations for the first time, I searched him up and found out that he had a mobile church in a tent, so I looked for a picture

And I thought it looked a little bit like my tent, turns out it it has three spaces, a bit like The Tower, my tent and what’s in front of it (the courtyard)

funnily enough, we had a square fire dish and a large copper laver as you can see in the picture.

In the holy place there was an Altar of incense (check !), a table of Shewbread (window cookies good enough, check!) and a menorah (oil lamp with 7 flames, 7K, check !)

The Holy of Holies would be the Tower of my Covenant with St.Michael - once there are 7000 pacemakers for our mother earth, the pacemaker will turn into a peacemaker ! (check!)

One of the first pictures that I took when the church was up, turned the fire dish into a pillar of fire, turns out that there was a pillar of fire in the holy place as well, just thought I’d mention it as the pictures look quite similar…

So basically I was guided to put up something that resembled a bit to Moses’ Tabernacle. When I saw the similarities, I had no doubt that I was on the right path, all I had to do was keep going…

Did I already mention that things would get a little bit biblical at times…?

All of this was only a test run strengthening my belief, and as of now I would keep channeling the Heart Chakra of the world with my drum in the Tower religiously every full moon, new moon and at all the other festivities like solstices and equinoxes, like I did since July 2020.

I shared my vision with hundreds of people inside the Tower, most of them could feel the truth of the vibrations in their hearts, leaving with a spark of hope inside that this vision will come true. Those sparks are scattered all around the globe, and once this story finds them, it will ignite the truth they carried in their hearts to make it spread like wildfire…!

The accident July 2021

It had been exactly one year since I had started my channelings inside the Tower, and as I met some people again for the first time since we first met exactly one year ago, it felt like circles were closing.

At my work as a self employed subcontractor carpenter, I slipped with a Stanley knife due to inadequate lighting. The result was a really deep cut in the palm of my left hand, on my way to hospital I just thought I needed to have a break to do some writing anyway.

It was the first time that I had to go to a hospital to get stitches since my accident 28 years ago. As the nurse was looking at my hand , I told her about my accident, and she said she has had an accident just like that, I said “my face had to be put together with more than 100 stitches “ she goes “I had more than 90, and my eyelids were cut off “ I said “snap, my eyelids were cut off as well “

She was the first person I had ever met with the same facial injuries like the ones I had, and as she is stitching my hand back together, she points out that I had been extremely lucky as my tendons were missed by less than 1mm, so I should be ok to move my hand again…

When she was finished, I had 7 stitches inside the wound and 13 on the outside. I obviously loved the 7 on the inside, and I realised that the new lifeline I had cut myself consisted of one stitch for every mooncycle of my channelings. Celebrating my Saturn return after the accident with a new lifeline cut in my hand, I felt very blessed indeed, and I used the time to write the story which I posted at the beginning of this one.

During the healing of my hand it became clear that I had to take things down from the hill to move on. I kind of had churches in my head, but no idea how to get there or what to do exactly, when I met this woman who introduced herself as Holly Wood. She had been doing sound chambers at Pandorra’s, where they experimented with harmonies without words. When I told her about my vision, she suggested to join forces and maybe do it in a church, as she had the connections to get into St.Benedict’s Church Glastonbury.

So I was guided to make a musical drone out of this very 15 minute track which was recorded while the picture of the comet Neowise was taken.

It’s called “get your freedom wings ready”, and it contains all the Frequencies I was told to use to create the musical drones for

St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations

What followed was weeks of me sitting in front of my computer, listening to the Vibrations and Solfeggio Frequencies, trusting that my guidance is real. The first musical drone I created was “Eternal Heartbeat of Glastonbury Tor”, as the name suggests, it sounds like a Heartbeat created by vibrating rocks.

7 different rhythms at 77Hz and below, each of of them 14 minutes long, connected by 7 different Solfeggio Frequencies from 396 Hz to 963 Hz, extracted out of the same piece of music like the rhythm it encapsulates.

The vision was to play this over a bass speaker in the church to make the walls vibrate, and then charge those vibrations with our intent for world healing by opening up vortexes through music without words or songstructure.

On the 14th of November 2021 it happened. I was guided to use this date as it is the anniversary of the execution of Richard Whiting & co up on the Tor back in 1539, in my books an act of black magic by the royals, and this spell had to be cleared first to use the vibration’s of St.Michael’s Tower to heal the world.

This what it sounded like when my vision manifested (listen to it over headphones or speakers as you can’t hear the bass on the phone). Eternally Grateful to the amazing musicians supercharging St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations with clear hearted intent to create loving light vortexes channeling universal love into the leylines to heal our Mother Earth. Sara Goldy (Singing Bowls & angelic voice), Will I Om (singing bowl & Oms), Riki Buckingham (guitar & chants), Karuna Mahi (chants) and Holly Wood (chants, medicine drum, connections), you are amazing, thank you so much for making this magic happen ! Before this night, I strongly believed that St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations will heal the world, having lived my belief, now I know it !

St.MTV @ St.Benedict’s Church Glastonbury
St.MTV @ Magdalene Chapel Glastonbury

I was told to do 7 Sundays (turned out 7 Sundays and a Solstice) to heal the world with St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations (St.MTV), and whenever we held our ceremony in Glastonbury, I released St.MTV at the same time on Youtube. This would enable people to use the vibrations simultaneously all around the globe to create the “pacemaker for our mother earth”

The musical drone we were using for St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations, headphones or speakers advised !

From December we opened the ceremonies with 3 Oms and a lion’s roar, to prepare the grid for our energy. Every single one of us a Lion Bringer of Light by anchoring it into the leylines through music and dance. I place the bass speaker with St.MTV in the pulpit, and the whole church starts to tremble with the power of the Tower. For the first half hour most of the people lay on the floor to feel the vibrations and listen to the medicine drums, the chanting and the singing bowls. As the pace picks up, so does the drumming as we open the vortexes to anchor the light into the leylines upon which the churches sit and towards the end most people are dancing hands up in the air, everybody finding their way to become a transmitter of light. We start with our intent to anchor the light, and when we’re finished, we know that’s exactly what we did. Some people can feel angelic presence, others can see dark matter getting vibrated out of the floor to be dissolved, people are having profound spiritual experiences. What we did in those churches will ripple through the planetary grid forever…

This was the moment when I met my soulfamily who speak the same language and share the same certainty that we have been working on this for so many lifetimes. This is the lifetime where we finally all connect to embody the change to awaken humanity through vibrations, Frequencies and conscious connection to source through music without words. While activating the planetary grid, this is what we came here to do.

It was the time when the comet that they discovered on the 5th of January was closest to earth, and its name was Leonard. I thought at the time that Leonard goes really well with the Lion Bringers Of Light.

The vision to create a

Divine Union of Sacred Sonic Temples to Unite Humanity in peace through music.

was born and around Christmas Leonard was closest to the sun and its trail exploded into a wonderful being of light, 17 years after my awakening at Ibiza Rocks.

After 7 Sundays and a solstice we had to anchor the energies with my buddha Nature up on Wearyall Hill on the stump of the Holy Thorn that according to legend had been planted by Joseph of Aramithea. For 24hrs from the 5th into the 6th of January. As of now, I wouldn’t have to walk this path alone, I had met the most magical Irish being. Her name was Emily, she came to Avalon to become a priestess and sing and dance on the leylines. We were a match made in heaven to anchor it on earth, which her feet hardly touched while we did so. Without her, this would have stopped here, as this magic to heal the world could only be done by 2 fully dedicated souls in love.

\On the 10th of January someone in America was inspired to post a video about John the Baptist and the Elijah to come. At this moment in time I didn’t even know this video existed nor did I know who Elijah or John the baptist were, but I will talk about this at a later point.

Having been such a powerful experience, it became clear that we can’t stop anchoring the light like this, so we just carried on in St.Benedict’s (he who prepares you for the difficult path ahead) Church and in the Magdalene Chapel.

When the war in the Ukraine started, I was told to send energy to the Ukraine by focussing on St.Michael’s Golden domed monastery in Kyiv. It did make sense as St.Michael’s Tower used to be part of a monastery dedicated to St.Michael. We did this for the first time on the 6th of March, the same day they burned a Tower of Babel in Russia….

I thought it was rather peculiar, having anchored the energies for this project with the church of Babylon is fallen, and then there was this…

A channeling from AA Michael, asking for full body praying for heros and heroines…, ...and stomp dance, and we think yip, that’s us…! Those and many more confirmations of live showed us that we were on the right path…

I released an album from our ceremony on the 6th, to give an introduction in to how we use the vibrations. Track 1 to 7 start with the relevant solfeggio Frequency followed by the vibrations and after a minute our additions from the church fade in.

Just after the Jupiter Neptun Conjunction on the 12th of April, I received orders to let go of my work as a carpenter to fully focus on my path to go to Kyiv to anchor the energies of our mission there…

Here’s a picture of the last Yurt Ring I ever made, I was certain the company would manage without me.

I wasn’t too sure at first, but the universe would send me some signs I could not ignore : I first met Michelle Musical Mud on the day when I first channeled the Heart Chakra of the world inside the Tower on the 12th of July. She joined in with her round-didge which she had made herself out of clay, you can hear her playing in the second video of this article. She also happened to be there when I put up the church, she’s on the first picture of it, sitting next to my Buddha Nature, that’s how I met Michelle. She was always saying that maybe one day she would make me an oil lamp with 7 flames, good things take their time, miracles take a little bit longer, but on good Friday she told me that she would come on Easter Sunday to present me the oil lamp Michael had instilled in my soul 17 years ago. Another missing piece of my shrine was also on its way, the incense burner that got stolen with my church. Not the same one, but in December I had managed to track down the Glastonbury artist who used to make them more than 10 years ago, I had to draw it for her, she remembered it and said she would make me one just like that. I had completely forgotten about it, so it was quite a surprise when she called me to let me know that I can pick it up from her shop on Easter Sunday 17th April.

After we had anchored the mission to go to Kyiv into the planetary grid with St.MTV, I was guided into the crypt of the Abbey House. It’s right inside the Michael line in between the Tor and the Abbey Ruins, this is where the local Essenes would meet. Funnily enough there was a big white fluffy dog present during the Vibrations, and in a channeling from the local Essenes a few days later they were talking about a lions roar that banished the evil for good…

In the following weeks my Buddha Nature would show me its magical powers for real, guiding me into a life of service for the higher good of all. We asked for help, and help was given. The support from our Glastonbury Light Family was amazing ! 7 days later we lit the flames for Kyiv with the Glastonbury Unity Candle in St.Benedict’s Church Glastonbury for the very first time, anchoring the magic to bring it to Kyiv in 2 weeks time.

Poster of the 7 flames to Kyiv fundraiser with the top cross of the golden domed Monastery photoshopped to be positioned on the breast of my Buddha Nature.
Poster of the 7 flames to Kyiv fundraiser with the top cross of the golden domed Monastery photoshopped to be positioned on the breast of my Buddha Nature.

7 days later, on the 1st of May, the 7 flames for Kyiv were lit at the bottom of the High Street by the Hiroshima Flame, the Glastonbury Unity Flame, the Brigid Flame and the peace candle. I had the honours to carry those merged flames together with the dragon drummers as part of the Beltane procession to Bushy Combe where the Maypole was erected, keeping the flames lit to end the celebrations of this day at the White Spring where we lit the fire to burn the Maypole from 2019.

After the final send off fundraiser at St.Benedict’s we made our way to Kyiv. As we had used up all our savings we entirely depended on the goodwill of people who could feel the truth of our mission in their hearts. We left with a return ticket to poland and a one way ticket on the train into the Ukraine, I guess you could call it trust. Here’s a report of our mission with more details, written by the amazing Sam from the Glastonbury positive living group…:

After more than 48 hours of travel, having passed copious military checkpoints, the bells of St.Michael’s Golden Domed Monastery struck 7 when the traffic lights turned green, divine timing at its best…

When we arrived, they were just about to close, when they looked at my lamp, they said “there is an Om, a star of David and another sign on your lamp — what kind of sect do you belong to…?” “I don’t belong to any sect, Michail sent me from Glastonbury to anchor the energies of peace by lighting theses flames here in his monastery” I’m not sure if he fully understood, but as he was only selling candles and he was about to close, he decided to shut the doors behind us on our way out. So we decided to walk around the building, and at the back we found this…:

I thought “are you guys having a laugh..?” at the back of the monastery they left 7 segments without any plaster, revealing a wall that definitely looked a fair bit like Ibiza Rocks, it did make me wonder…

Next day we came back during opening hours, with my triple double terminated Smoky Quartz in one hand and my Siebenkrüsel in the other. I asked one of the monks if I could light my lamp with their flames, he wasn’t so sure about it at all, until the head of the monastery signalled him to come behind closed doors. When we stood there waiting, we thought - this is the moment of truth as he came back handing us 3 candles to light the lamp with.

They left us in there all alone for 15minutes to do our thing, what an absolute blessing, my soulpurpose lit in St.Michael’s Golden Domed Monastery Kyiv !

When we left the monastery, we found a monument to the Holodomor outside, the size and the shape reminded me of something….

Same height, same shape to the point where it even bends its head in the same direction like my Buddha Nature. Emily pointed out that it had the cross in the same place like my poster photoshop from 2 weeks before, you couldn’t make it up !

The next days we spent planting crystals and anchoring the energies with my drum via the walls of sacred sites in Kyiv, the sound echoing through the city for miles…

On Wednesday 11th of May we connected to the Agnirotha ceremony in the Abbey House lit by the flames from the Siebenkrüsel we left behind in Glastonbury by lighting our flames on our terrace in Kyiv while air raid sirens were howling. A few hours later an emerald meteorite with a sonic boom cosmically anchored the transmissions in Somerset. Mission accomplished.

The day we arrived back in Somerset, my last ever yurt got put up in David Hatfield’s Unicorn Healing field at the Queen’s Jubilee Wood in Highham without me knowing it, at the time I thought it was interesting timing…

The welcome back St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations in St. Benedict’s Church was number 21 and the most powerful ceremony yet. The energies went through the roof as we activated the Tabernacle for the Aquarian Age.

While this picture was taken I was chanting, becoming a transmitter for the energy from above. It was the first time that I felt the energy leaving my hands into the planetary grid. When we left the church there was a 4 hour long thunderstorm with massive lighting, it appeared to be the natural continuation of what just happened in the church.

It was that night we started to sing “Let’s get biblical, biblical..” to the melody of ‘physical’ by Olivia Newton John. (I told you it would get biblical at times) The conscious activation of the Glastonbury Startemple had just begun…

The people from the parish could definitely feel the energy, they said I went full circle at St.Benedict’s, I went to Kyiv and back, it’s time for me to move on. Having gone full circle in a Church dedicated to a saint that prepares you for the difficult path ahead can’t be a bad thing, so I saw it as a very positive sign…

A few days later I came across a symbol, and I thought how interesting, it has all the elements of my Tabernacle in it…:

An angel above (AA Michael -check !), an oil lamp with 7 flames (Siebenkrüsel -check !), a star of David ( check !) and a fish representing the Piscean Age (my window with the fish doing the same thing -check !) and a Triquetra at the bottom (Triskele at the bottom of my lamp -check !)

The picture is from a Stone in Iona Abbey, the inscription reads: ‘This symbol was discovered in an excavated catacomb on Mount Zion in 1996 (the year I first touched a drum) and is dated around 200 AD. This is the earliest known Christian sign. Menorah. Star of Hope.’

So for our next session in the Magdalene Chapel I asked my daughter to adjust the sign with the Fish diving into the Aquarian age, as it’s all about this very transition, and I felt inspired to have it hanging on the door.

The sign of the Tabernacle for the Aquarian Age

It was another very energetic ceremony, supercharging our planetary grid with universal love, we carried on a bit too long and the neighbours complained, so we’re not allowed back any time soon. Considering the fact that everything is divinely orchestrated, I didn’t worry too much.

I had been trying to get us into St.John the Baptist Church in Glastonbury since February, due to circumstances it hadn’t worked out yet, but I knew we were on our way. So for now we focussed on activating the Glastonbury Star Temple, high white magic for peace. On the 24th of May we did a ceremony at Lytes Cary as it made sense to carry the flames there, followed by one at Butleigh Cross, the centre of the Glastonbury Zodiac.

Carrying the Siebenkrüsel past the 12 Apostles at Lytes Cary, inside the chapel and in the woods.
Anchoring the energies at Butleigh cross, the centre of the Glastonbury Zodiac

The next day we invited Michelle Musical Mud over for dinner to show her my shrine in the roundhouse at the place where I live for the very first time. She was in Glastonbury on her way to ours, and as she walked to her car past Victoria buildings, she started chatting to a woman she had never met before. After 10 minutes she said she had to go now to meet her friend Sven, and the woman says “Is he Swedish ? Today we had a tidy up in the house and we found a painting that had been behind our couch for more than 10 years. Apparently it belonged to a Sven, and when we looked at it, we felt like it really wants to go back to its owner, so we put it in the hallway a couple of hours ago. We have no way of finding Sven, would you mind having a look to see if it might be the Sven you are about to see…?”

So Michelle had a look, and when she saw it, she knew immediately that it was mine and she send me this picture she took with her phone…..

Picture of the painting of my shrine by Paul Scott from 2009, I’d like to point out the pink Lilys, similar to our last set up in the Magdalene’s Chapel and the ‘honor 7x’ imprint that had recently appeared on all of Michell’s photographs on her phone.

It’s a painting of the very shrine she was coming to see, painted by my friend Paul Scott in 2009. I used to live in Victoria buildings before I moved to my humble static in 2010 without the space to take it, so I just left it there to be picked up when the time is right. I’d like to point out the pink Lilys, just like the ones from our last set up in the Magdalene’s Chapel and the ‘honor 7x’ imprint that had recently appeared on all of Michelle’s photographs on her phone. I guess it’s moments like this when you know the magic is real…!

Next mission was to anchor this magic in the Glastonbury Abbey Ruins, but it had to be done under cover as you are not allowed to do any ceremonies on Englands most sacred soil. There was a concert that day, so I took my chances and my drum to do my thing in the crypt chapel of St. Joseph of Arimathea inside the Lady Chapel.

14th-century monks claimed that the Old Church was founded by Joseph of Arimathea in the year AD 63, and this is exactly the place where it stood, I guess you could call it the cradle of Europe’s Christianity.

I did make the walls vibrate, transmitting the energies directly into the leyline inside which the chapel sits. After the second session security had made it past the people who were standing in the doorways and on the stairs. They were not very happy and said “It sounded really nice but can you stop it now ! You are not allowed to do anything like this in here ! “ I answered “Sorry, thank you so much, we just did it ! “ and we left to do the same thing in the Abbots kitchen next door…

I must say it’s more like a sound chamber than a kitchen, the acoustics were amazing and our invisibility cloak worked, hardly anyone noticed….

When we told David Hatfield (author of “the Glastonbury Grail” and an expert in the Glastonbury Startemple, I live at his place) about what we did, he was quite excited and told us that Lytes Cary, Butleigh Cross and Abbots kitchen are exactly the line representing Excalibur in the landscape (which we ‘accidentally’ activated). He got out his maps and gave us a good rendition, here’s a snippet that I managed to video before my phone ran out of battery…:

“once someone has unlocked the truth, it activates the whole of humanity through this, it’s a time lock…” and he carried on a with a brief introduction of a field in the shape of a harp symbolising the house of David which is represented in a stainglass window showing Joseph of Aramithea in St.John’s Church. This field is in Compton Dundon, and there’s a church with a 1700 year old Yew Tree in the front. The next day it was new moon in Gemini so we went there to set our intentions and I used the trunk of the tree to anchor them into the landscape. Ute who I had met 2 days before in the Abbey joined us with her wings, tuning into the energies of my channellings.

It was quite a profound experience for me with my head pretty much stuck in the tree while playing, this is how I tune into my guidance. Now I was told to let people know that I channel AA Michael with my Djémbé, so they could tune in accordingly, and I was told to ask John Cousins, the Mayor of Glastonbury if I could join him and the others with the official processions for the Queens Jubilee the coming weekend. To anchor the energies of my mission. Jon had witnessed first hand what we had been doing in the churches, and he had written me an official letter of support for our mission to go to the Ukraine. So I asked and he said Yes !

There were 3 processions altogether, starting with the lighting of the Queen’s Jubilee beacon on the 2nd of June. For the first time in history it was lit by the Vicar and the Archdruid of Glastonbury together from the sovereignty flame.

When the beacon was lit, the crowd started to sing the song Jerusalem, something like the second national Anthem. A woman came up to me with a note written on the back of this poem, and she said “could you please come and pick up your painting from my place, I recognise your piece of wood, here’s my number to arrange it “ I said I would come and pick it up this weekend.

Here’s a video of the flames being lit while the crowd sings Jerusalem, the sound quality is rather bad, but my friend Catherine who filmed it was standing in the right position to make it look as if my Buddha Nature (my soul purpose) was on fire…

Next day was the procession down the High Street into the Abbey…:

So one week after I was told off for playing my drum, I came walking back in with a whole procession, followed by local children dressed up as Kings and Queens. In our books we celebrated the kids coronation. I had joined the flame bearers of the unity flame, the peace flame and the sovereignty flame with my Buddha Nature and my Siebenkrüsel. Once we finished with the official part above ground by singing Jerusalem, I asked the flame bearers to join me for a ceremony to anchor the energies below ground in the crypt. It all had to happen undercover, and the band was fittingly playing the James Bond Theme (007) while we prepared for 3 Oms and a Lion’s Roar.

Seven of us were holding hands around the shrine in the crypt, our roar did not go unnoticed, the security were rather upset, telling us to stop it as there were no ceremonies allowed. We said “So sorry, thank you, we just did it”, and left…

On Pentecost Sunday was the procession from the Town Hall up the High Street to St.John’s Church which I attended as the escort of the deputy mayor, who took care that my lamp was placed in front of the Altar during the service which ended with everybody singing Jerusalem.

Afterwards I finally picked up my painting that had been in storage for 11 years, and in the evening I went back to St.John’s for a monthly service called sacred @ 7. I went there with my Siebenkrüsel, took the Holy Communion and shared my vision to heal the world with St.MTV with the priest. Then I lit my lamp with the flames of St.John’s to prepare the way….

A few days later I had a look at my old oil lamp which I had left discarded since I used its wicks and chain for my Siebenkrüsel. All I needed was some Irish magic in form of a copper Triskele by Emily to turn it into an oil lamp with 7 flames. Turns out I had a 7K all the time, and with the 3 outer and the 3 inner flames forming triangles like a star of David, they form a Merkaba. The flame in the middle represents the activated lightbody (of the Irish Magic). When I saw that the flames withstood the wind and even some light rain, I decided to keep it lit for 24 hours.

The next day I sat it on top of another one and kept them lit for 24 hours…

Then I obviously had to see if I could manage 3, turned out I didn’t even have to change a thing, they just sat on top of each other like they were meant to be united like this.

A Trinity of Siebenkrüsel is what I thought, and then I found out that it was Trinity Saturday. It felt Big, the beginning of a new chapter. I obviously kept the 21 Flames lit.

I knew I had been given my Chariot of Fire for the Tabernacle for the Aquarian Age.

Chariot means light vehicle, and this certainly looked like a vehicle of light to me, I would use it to travel to heal the world!

On Trinity, Sunday, after the 21 flames of my Chariot of Fire had been kept lit for 24 hours, the download for the next chapter was complete :

In the next chapter we will be taking St.MTV down the Sword Of Michael, an energy line which connects 7 sacred sites dedicated to St.Michael. It starts on the small island Skellig Michael in Ireland and goes via Cornwall all the way down to Jerusalem. The Vibrations are supposed to be played simultaneously all around the world in Churches, Mosques and Synagogues, acting like a pacemaker for our Mother Earth. Once we have 7000 of those pacemakers, they will turn into one peacemaker. As AA Michael initiated and orchestrates this event, all the people making this happen will connect at the right time, all we have to do is keep trusting the guidance, he will take care of the rest.

Hums the tune of biblical, biblical…

Have a look at the tests we had to pass in the last 8 weeks since the resurrection of the 7 Flames to receive my Chariot of Fire, I made a video about it to the sound of my New moon in Gemini channeling…:

On the same day I looked up the origins of the Chariot of Fire that everybody asks for when they sing Jerusalem (I’m afraid I never read the bible loads, and what I read was in German more than 35 years ago…) and I found out it originates from a guy in the bible called Elijah, and when I looked up Elijah, I found out that he was protected by a Juniper with an angelic presence. My Buddha Nature is a Phoenician Juniper and certainly has an angelic presence, and I just received my Chariot of Fire, how peculiar I thought, just like Elijah…

We kept the 21 flames going for 7 days, during this time I finally managed to have a date for St.John’s Church, I had been trying since February, but it obviously wasn’t meant to happen before the 8th of July. After this I took my latest 7K up to Wearyal Hill to anchor the energies of the next chapter on the stump of the Holy Thorn where we held our 24hr vigil in January, we hadn’t been back since. It was raining, but that didn’t matter, as I knew the flames could withstand the rain. The lamp was sizzling away as the drops met the flames in the wind, at the same time the setting sun came out through the clouds….

The clouds unfolded to release the most golden blue sunset I had ever seen…..

Followed by a double rainbow from the stump of the Holy Thorn to Glastonbury Tor, we could not have asked for a more biblical confirmation.

I realised that I could carry those flames in a paper bag by placing the lamp in a wicker basket Emily had made. Only the four inner flames, but I had finally found my windproof flame carrier.

So we walked back into town through the drizzle with the flames lit in my paperbag. I decided to carry them around St.Benedict’s and St.John’s Church and then thought i put it to the ultimate test by going up the Tor via the White Spring. It was there where I met Father Kieran for the very first time at 1 o’clock at night at the White Springs. He had only recently arrived in Town to start his assignment at St.John’s Church beginning of July. Our first St.MTV at St.John’s on the 8th of July would be his first concert to oversee in his new job, and he was very much looking forward to this.

It would be the 23rd of our ceremonies to anchor the light into the planetary grid as initated and orchestrated by AA Michael. From 2 oil lamps to 3, the activation of my Chariot of Fire, when I looked at this picture from the bottom of my first lamp it appears like predestined…

On this day a shaman from spain came to my last ever Yurt in David’s field to put a stone circle around it. When he doused how many he would need, he said “normally I have to put between 8 or 12, but this one needs 23 rocks”, so this was their task for the day. The universe conspired to set my decision to leave this live behind in Stone.

While the business partner of the yurts owner was doing an event in Wells Cathedral (which is on the top of my list) with Vibrations and Frequencies at the same time while a guy called Sieben had a gig in Shepton Mallet. Both pretty much the same distance from Glastonbury. At the same time while I was doing St.MTV with my 3 Siebenkrüsel. It did make me think…

Our friend Sue, who is a grafic Designer who knows what she’s doing took care of the poster and brought out the essence of what we were doing with St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations - we Light Up The World. Tonight was the baptism at St.John the Baptist’s, the key for the Sword of Michael…

Everything was set up to anchor the energies to take the Tabernacle of the Aquarian Age along the sword of Michael from Skelleg Michael in Ireland to Jerusalem with my Chariot of Fire. In Glastonbury’s biggest Church with a floor made from Kilkenny limestone from Ireland, where this pilgrimage will start…

This video is a reel of the night to give an idea what it was like. The sound quality is not so good, as we are pennyless we couldn’t get it mastered yet and we have to work with what we got (Faith !). The video which the amazing Rindert Dornbusch was filming is on a different level. Have a look how he captured the essence of anchoring the light visually….. Obviously none of this was practised, everything happened in the flow….

This video is the lifestream of the night starting with 3 Om and a Lion’s Roar….

Everybody left the church buzzing, when I chatted to Father Kieran later, he was very happy how everything went, but he was thinking of passages in the Bible to justify the energetic drumming in front of the people from the Parish. When I told him about my Chariot of Fire and my Juniper with an angelic presence like Elijah’s, he said that Jesus had called St.John the Baptist Elijah… my mind boggled, but later it would all make sense.


We stayed at the backdoor afterwards, basking in the energy of the still buzzing church, reflecting on what happened, feeling truly blessed.

On the 14th of July there was another comet closest to earth by the name K2, so I obviously thought comet 7K would have been much nicer, so I looked up its full name, and that was C 2017K2. then I googled comet 7K just for giggles, and the comet Neowise comes up, because it is coming around every 7000 years.

So when you search comet 7K and comet 7K2, it gives you the timeframe between the moment I received the transmission in July 2020 to the moment I had used those transmissions to anchor the light into the planetary grid at St.john’s.

This is something bigger than life, I’m just a mere vessel following guidance from above.

It did feel biblical at times, and now I know why….

Since November 2021 we have sent more than 250.000 supercharged St.MTV pulses into the Avalonian Landscape, rippling through the core of our Mother Earth for eternity. People from all around the world could feel the shift in energy, the Glastonbury Startemple has been activated to awaken humanity.

As I was writing this, I was keeping the flames in the roundhouse lit, asking Michael to help me find the right words.

and I found the right words in this video that someone in America had posted just after we anchored the energies up on Wearyall Hill on Epiphany in January…

In this video he explains a little bit more detailed what Father Kieran had told me in St.John’s when my mind boggled, but now it does make sense. He finishes the video saying

“so there’s going to be another Elijah, or another work that will stand in the office and power of Elijah, prior to Christ’s second coming”

I have strong reasons to believe that St.MTV stands in the office and power of Elijah, anchoring Christ Consciousness to awaken humanity…

During all this time of my guidance, I was always drip-fed the information as it came through, I had to pass many tests to gain this knowledge, and i only found the confirmations in the Bible as I was writing this story..

Matth.17.12 Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. That included myself

When the veils of Illusion fell during my awakening in December 2004, I saw the connection between the Dj-Culture and ancient worship of Baal with child sacrifice. This is why I had to leave this system behind to end their game, details are in the video Avalonkiteshvara pt.2 at the beginning of this story. Apparently Elijah was sent to show Israel the evil of their ways of worshipping Baal and encourage them to return to the Lord.

Matth.17.4 if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah. Three Tabernacles with 3 7 flamed oil lamps maybe…?

So the Tabernacle for the Aquarian age is to connect people to our source Love (God) through music without words or songstructure. This is the principle of St.MTV.

I had a Moses moment when I first heard the vibrations

I had a Moses moment when I was told to put up the tent upon the Tor

I had many Moses moments with what we did in the Churches

And apparently Moses had to raise funds for his Tabernacle, and essentially this is where I am at now, have a look and listen to this video, created with the help of Sue and Rindert…:

As I am writing this on the ninth of September we are completely broke as we dedicated our lifes fully to this mission, set in stone by spirit.

I need help to get this story out, I need help to master the next set of Vibrations, I need oil for my lamps and I need help to get to Ireland to start this pilgrimage in Skelleg Michael before it closes until April on the first of October.

I did tell you it would get bibical

any help is essential and much appreciated

I’d like to end this story with the poem

Jerusalem by William Blake

And did those feet in ancient time

Walk upon Englands mountains green:

And was the holy Lamb of God,

On Englands pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,

Shine forth upon our clouded hills?

And was Jerusalem builded here,

Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:

Bring me my arrows of desire:

Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!

Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,

Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem,

In Englands green & pleasant Land.

The New Jerusalem has already been built, and we will keep activating it with St.Michael’s Vibrations to prepare humanity for the second coming of Christ Consciousness.

Biblical Times ahead

Sieben Krüsel


Lion Bringer of Light

