Avalonkiteshvara - finding my Buddha Nature

Sieben Krüsel
10 min readJul 30, 2021


My teacher, H.H.14th Shamar Rinpoche with his drum, my Buddha Nature and my drum in front of the tower of my covenant…

A spiritual autobiography, initiated by my teacher H.H. the 14th Shamar Rinpoche. The result is a 28 year long journey of self realisation manifesting in a global artproject using St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations to heal the world through music.

The accident that changed my life for good

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was a really dry throat, so I got up to check the ventilator that gave me breath for a button to regulate the humidity of the air. I looked all over but couldn’t find anything, so I went back to bed.

Next time I awoke everything was black. I had no idea what was going on until they told me that I had been in a car accident. I smashed through the windscreen headfirst, so they had to put my face back together with more than 100 stitches. If I would ever be able to see again, they could tell me in seven days because my eyelids had been cut off and there was damage to my eyeballs as well, so they had to wait for my swollen eyelids to deflate…

I could only feel with my fingers on my face what I might look like, and it didn’t feel very pretty, but I knew I wouldn’t stay blind.

The fact that I had looked at my ventilator made me realise that I must have had an out of body experience, I came back for a reason which I didn’t know at this moment, and I didn’t care, because my biggest question was why this accident had to happen to me…

Some buddhist friends of mine went to see H.H.the 14th Shamar Rinpoche to get an initiation into the Avalokiteshvara meditation, the Bodhisattva embodying the compassion of all Buddhas. They suggested I should come to take refuge into the three jewels of Buddhism with him as this course was on offer and try to get a private audience with him to ask my question, and so I did.

When we arrived at the buddhist centre for the weekend, the people who came to take refuge with the Rinpoche had to write down their name and their date of birth on a piece of paper, we were a group of 25 students taking refuge with the second highest teacher of the Kagyu lineage. At the end of the course he asked us to come forward to pick up our prayer book with our Buddhist name written inside. He just handed us the books without looking inside one by one from the top of the pile, and when I opened mine it had not only my buddhist name but also my birth name written inside. He gave us all the right books, without calling our names or looking inside them, it did make us wonder….

After that came the Avalokiteshvara empowerment.

It was held in a big marquee packed with 400 people, the sky was blue and the air was filled with incense as we took in the meaning of the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum. Towards the end of the teachings his Holiness talked us through the meditation. At a certain point we were told to visualise millions of Buddhas raining down on us for about 2 minutes.

When we arrived at this point of the meditation the skies opened with a thunder and the rain plastered down on the marquee roof for just about 2 minutes, and then it stopped as quick as it had started, allowing us to focus on the rest of the meditation. Since this day, heavy rain means millions of Buddhas to me….

I was granted a private audience to have a chat about my accident which had happened only 5 weeks before, so all the scars in my face were still fresh and shiny.

When I asked him why this accident had to happen to me, he said “don’t be angry about it, see it as a chance: with this accident you have lived out your karma which you built up in this and your recent lives. The balance is equal now and it is up to you in which side to invest. Everything you say, think and do is coming back to you, no energy is getting lost, this is the law of karma. If you only put out good things, only good things will return”.

From this moment I saw the accident as a gift, as I had been given a new life with my new Buddhist name, Karma Palchen Dorje and the empowerment to use the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum .

Now I was ready for my quest to find my Buddha nature for the highest good of all, putting the law of karma to the test.

3 years later I discovered my gift of rhythm while playing a Djémbe at trance parties in the south of Germany, and two years after that, guided by visions, I left my ordinary life working for Audi behind to live my dream as a percussionist on Ibiza. All alone with one Djémbe on my back, ready to conquer the world.The Djémbe quickly turned into a percussion kit and I played with DJs in all the clubs of the island, living a life money can’t buy in a world where money buys everything….

the dream I lived on Ibiza…

In 2004 I built myself a temple with small boulders from the beach. It was the most beautiful thing I ever created with my hands and I called it Ibiza Rocks to honour the stones it was made of.

the original IBIZA ROCKS a.d.2004

In December that year I went on a vision quest in my temple, knowing that there must be more to life than what I lived. It was at that moment when I found the most elegant piece of wood I had ever seen, like an angel the earth had grown for me to guide me on my quest. I stopped eating and after seven days things started to flow as I invited the forces that prevent humanity from evolving into my temple. When the veils of illusion fell I saw the dark reality of the drug fuelled magic system in which I had chosen to live my dream, and I made a deal with Spirit to stop it for the highest good of all.

All I had to do was to sacrifice the life I used to live and let spirit to take care of the rest. Guided by my newly found earthangel buddha nature holywood,

and powered by the sign of 7K that I received as the token of my quest, the universe would conspire to make my life a story to help with the change…

the sign of 7K as it manifested in concrete and Ibiza pebbles @ Ibiza Rocks and a Krüsel with 3 flames

This is the first picture of the sign that I had received on day 7 of my quest, it means 7K, which stands for Sieben Krüsel. Krüsel is my birth name and is the german word for oil lamp, so 7K means an oil lamp with 7 flames. I had no idea about the significance of this, but I knew it would play a vital part in my mission, enough to accept this as my new identity.

I just had to keep track of everything and write the story you are reading right now when the time has come to write it (which is now!).

When a musician plays his or her instrument without thinking, he or she receives energy from above and sends it out to the listeners. The audience sends this energy back, creating a loving light vortex. This is how humans come closest to our source love without any religious conditioning, this is the magic of live music !

This was one of the main insights of my quest after 8 years of playing live music together with Djs on an island where none of the bigger clubs had any parties with live music. Until the summer after my vision quest, when a new party arrived on the scene, and it was called Ibiza Rocks.

I thought “well conspired universe, feels like the plan is working…..”

the posters of Ibiza Rocks party showing up 7 months after these pictures of my vision quest @ my Ibiza Rocks 2004

I took my temple down, brought the boulders back to the beach and left the island for good with my Buddha Nature wood and my new identity. I made a movie about my awakening, called “Ibiza Rocks Excalibur” to raise awareness about the things I had seen behind the veils of illusion. Here’s a short version of it starting with the moment of the manifestation of my sacrifice. It explains how I ended up in Avalon. It is a fair bit to read, if you don’t like the music just turn it off…

Guided by spirit I arrived in Avalon in 2005, planting a Merkaba with programmed crystals around Glastonbury Tor, the Heart Chakra of the World. I settled down here because I knew I had to, and in 2009 I went to see my teacher again when he came to give teachings in a buddhist centre in Germany

I brought my wood to be blessed and had another private audience with him in his chambers. When he saw it, he called his house keeper and told her “look, this is his life, how beautiful !”. Then we had a chat about the things I had seen when I found my Buddha Nature and the movie about my awakening. I asked him if I may call the experience I went through my enlightenment, and he said “Of course you may call it your enlightenment, I will pray for you, do you need any help with your movie? I know some people…!” I answered “no thank you, I just needed this confirmation from you, my teacher and spiritual father.” He gave me his blessings and encouragement to talk about it, but the time for my movie hadn’t arrived yet…

my wood on tour to get it supercharged…

later this year I took my wood to India for 4 months to get it blessed by Amma and the Dalai Lama for extra powers…

Shamar Rinpoche passed away on the 11th of June 2014 in the same room where I had met him last. I will be eternally grateful for his teachings, here is a beautiful video of his last journey with his last recorded interview, wonderful words indeed…

He touched the hearts of millions

He might have left his body, but his spirit is still around. As I’m writing this they are searching for his 15th incarnation, and I’m really looking forward to meet him some time in the future…..

For the next 6 years I lived a simple happy life in the UK, and when the lockdown started I went up the Tor to play my Djembe as part of my daily exercise…

Glastonbury Tor at sunrise 30.12.2020

From July 2020 this exercise became ceremony, as I started to channel the Heart Chakra of the World with my Djembe, making the Tower vibrate in sub bass. Those vibrations went straight into the leylines upon which the tower sits, rippling through our earth’s grid, this is how I do planetary healing. I recorded some of this music and was guided to extract the sound of the tower itself at 47 Hz and some of the Solfeggio Frequencies out of those recordings, and this is how St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations will heal the world :

The bassline of the Tower and the Solfeggio Frequencies will be used by musicians to create their own piece of music with the intent set for world healing.

Those pieces of music will be played simultaneously around the globe over big sound systems, featuring the same St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations, acting like a Pacemaker for our Mother Earth, uniting humanity in peace through music.

I did a little test-run myself in December by releasing tracks coordinated around the globe, this is what this video is about. All the sounds you hear come out of one recording inside the Tower, enjoy

After I had done the test run, I was guided to put the church of “Babylon Is Fallen 2020” with my Buddha Nature Wood as the centre piece right in front of St.Michael’s Tower, anchoring the energies for the Aquarian age…

It stayed up from the 30th of December 2020 until the 11th of January 2021.

In the second part I will explain in detail how my vision to heal the world with St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations has manifested between July 2020 and July 2021 in Avalonkiteshvara, the entity of musicians which will make this vision work …..

wondrous times ahead,

Thank you very much

Sieben Krüsel

