Holy Mother Mary Of The Seven Flames.

Sieben Krüsel
22 min readMay 4, 2023


Little did I know at the time of my awakening in December 2004 who I was, but I knew I had signed up for this mission when AA Michael asked me to leave my dream life as a percussionist on Ibiza behind. All I had to do was trust in his guidance to live this fairytale of faith and Hope.

During all those years I would only be drip-fed just enough information to be taken to the next level, my life did feel a bit like a video game at times. Now all the pieces of this puzzle slot together, the picture is complete, the fairy tale of hope, faith and angelic guidance is ready to be told.

After 220 months, during the Easter Weeks 2023 I had an intercession and an apparition of the Holy Mother Mary to let me know that the prophecy I had been living has been fulfilled.

Jesus said “I am the light of the world”

Baby Jesus with Angels playing instruments, ankhoring Christ Consciousness through music.

When a musician plays his instrument, he receives energy from above and sends it out to the audience, creating a loving light vortex. This is how humans come closest to our source Love without any religious conditioning, this is the magic of live music. We use St. Michael’s Tower Vibrations in Sacred Spaces to ankhor the light (of Christ) into the planetary grid through the vibrating walls by opening those vortices through music without words or song structure. All it takes is to be in this moment to connect to source.

By doing this synchronised around the globe, we will create a pacemaker for our Mother Earth. Once there is 7000 of those pacemakers, they will become one peacemaker, this is my covenant, this is the coming of Christ Consciousness.

Matth 17:11 “Elijah must come first”

A biblical Story indeed

When I woke up from the dream I lived in 2004, I saw that the entire xtc related Dj-culture is part of ancient phoenician black magic. The killing of the boys through drugs, drugged driving and suicide together with the rape of girls on drugs is Baal worship in disguise. So I was guided to dedicate my life to do something about it, just like Elijah the prophet.

This picture was taken on the feast day of Elijah, the 20th of July 2020. I was in the Tower playing my Djembe at this very moment with my phone recording the session.

I obviously didn’t know anything about Elijah or the pacemaker at this time. I was told to use this 15 minute recording to extract the Vibrations of this magic to create the musical drone for the St.MTV ceremonies. Now I know why, thank you Michael !

Accomplishment of a biblical quest in one picture.

Elijah must come first

In the background you can see Elijah's Hill in Jordan with St.John the Baptist's Cave, I guess you could call it one of the cradles of Christianity. This is where Elijah left with his Chariot of Fire.

On the left is Ibiza Rocks, the temple of my baptism as 7K that I had built in 2004. In December of that year AA Michael gave me the sign of 7K, symbolising an oil lamp with 7 flames together with a phoenician Juniper, my Buddha nature representing the divine feminine. It is a Juniper with an angelic presence, Elijah had one of these.At that moment I didn't even know who Elijah was, but I was sent on this quest to unite humanity in peace through music, all I had to do was let go of my life and trust in my guidance. I'd like to point out that 3 stones seem to match the picture in the back...

In the middle picture, 18 years later, 3 oil lamps had manifested as my Chariot of Fire in St.John the Baptist's Church Glastonbury during the 23rd St.Michael's Tower Vibrations while we ankhored Christ Consciousness into the planetary Grid.

I was guided by AA Michael to create a pacemaker for our Mother Earth using the reverberations of his Tower upon Glastonbury Tor. By doing those ceremonies in Churches, Synagogues and Mosques at the same time, the pacemaker will turn into one peacemaker. This is my covenant, this is the coming of Christ Consciousness.

The Holy Mother Mary Of The 7 Flames

Throughout herstory, people had apparitions of the Holy Mother, and an artist would create an icon of the witnesses vision so that people could connect to her divine essence in places of worship.

This icon of the Holy Mother was created by our Mother Earth and I was divinely guided to transfer the magic of the English Crown to her. Little did I know who she was, I called her my Earth angel Buddha Nature representing the divine feminine.

As predicted, it had to happen in Avalon. Since 2007 she was staying in a thatched roundhouse that looks just like the first Church built on the Abbey grounds of Glastonbury…

I guess she had her first proper coming out on the 30th of December 2020 when I was told to ankhor the energies of the shift with the “Church of Babylon is Fallen” right in front of St.Michael’s Tower….

I found out later that I was guided to put up the first Tabernacle of my quest, the similarities with the Tabernacle of Moses are quite obvious.

It stayed up for 12 days, during lockdown in minus temperatures, I guess you could call it a little miracle…

you can read up on all the details here :

This is when I was told about the 7000 pacemakers becoming one Peacemaker in the Tower of my Covenant.

Then came November 2021, the St. Michael’s Tower Vibrations started, and she became the icon of these events to ankhor the light into the planetary grid. She would always look as if she belonged there…

For Epiphany 2022 I was told to ankhor her energies for 24 hours on Wearyall Hill right on the stump of the vandalised Holy Thorn.

As of Easter 2022 I was told to let go of my work as a carpenter and fully focus on my mission. I received 2 seven flamed oil lamps and we were send to St.Michaels golden domed Monastery in Kyiv to light one of them.

and in front of the Monastery we find her spitting image, a monument to the Holodomor, a genocide from 1933.

Both are the same size, right arm longer and the head tilted in the same direction. I guess you could call it a little miracle.

Just before the Queen’s Jubilee a painting of my shrine miraculously reappeared, you can read up the details in the “7 Sacred Synchronicities”…

Picture of the painting of my shrine by Paul Scott from 2009, I’d like to point out the pink Lilys, similar to our last set up in the Magdalene’s Chapel and the ‘honor 7x’ imprint that had recently appeared on all of Michell’s photographs on her phone.

During the queen’s Jubilee celebrations in town I miraculously end up in the Lady Chapel of the Abbey with her and the seven flames joined by the Unity Flame, the Hiroshima Peace Flame and the Sovereignty Flame. 7 of us including a representative of the Town Council ankhoring the energies of my mission at the same time while the Queen didn’t attend her Jubilee service in St.Pauls Cathedral. As it all had to happen in secret, I thought it quite fitting that the military band in the background played the James Bond Theme.

While I uploaded this video up to youtube almost 3 months later, the Queen died.

2 days later I end up ankhoring her energies with the Tabernacle of the New Jerusalem in the last yurt I ever built. We were raising funds for our pilgrimage to Ireland to light up the world with the Sword of Michael, an energy line that runs from Skellig Michael all the way to Jerusalem.

You can read up on the details here :

The Yurt was located in the Unicorn Healing field in the Jubilee Woods in High Ham. As the queen had passed in Scotland, the proceedings of her funeral were called “Operation Unicorn”. I guess the timings and the names could be called a little miracle.

After 6 days of the Tabernacle the town planted a Holy Thorn at the back of the information centre of Glastonbury with a ceremony, so I went there to get the blessings for our journey.

It was here where I was given a piece of the vandalised Holy Thorn from Wearyall Hill, and I was told to use this to transfer the Magic of The Crown back to the people.

All of this seemed divine providence, even the priest talking at her burial quoted Revelation 21 : 3 “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them…”

By injecting my buddha nature with a thorn from one of the the queen’s most sacred trees, and burning the rest of it on my lamp as part of a divinely guided ceremony the shift was executed. Just before we went to Ireland I met a friend on the street who happened to have another piece of the same cuttings for me to take to Ireland. I guess you could call this a little miracle.

Fully equipped I went to Ireland to bring the sovereignty and the magic back to the land and the people, burning the shackles which attach the Unicorn to the Crown. We made it to Skellig Michael on the very last day of the year it was open, here’s a video of this quest :

On route while parked up, I lost a tooth. I was afraid this might be the end of this quest as I didn’t have any money for a dentist, but it didn’t hurt. When I got out of my van, I saw this sign on the beach with 2 monks, one of them holding a tooth. Turned out that I lost my tooth on the same beach where St.Patrick had lost one as well, so I went to the ruins of the Church where he left his tooth with my tooth to do a ceremony.

You guessed it, this is where I burned the second piece of the vandalized Holy Thorn, the divine feminine cried tears of joy as the Magic of the English Crown was returned to the Emerald Isle. During the whole quest I kept the flames lit, carrying them in a wicker basket inside a paper bag, travelling with it in my van all along the ancient routes to sacred sites like Skellig Michael, Queen Scotia’s Grave, Queen Maeve’s, Carrowmore, Hill of Tara, New Grange, Slane Hill and Jeremiah’s Tomb to name but a few…

With each ceremony in those ancient places of worship we activated our DNA as the alchemy charged the crystals, the wood and the flames…

When I came back from Ireland it had become clear to me that I was a Bodhisattva with a lion’s roar, I have come back to help humanity evolve, and what you are reading is the path I am being guided by AA Michael to take. Whatever he says, I will do, I am a puppet in a divinely orchestrated play.

The next station on the leyline by the name of the Sword Of Michael was St.Michael’s Mount in Cornwall, here’s a video of this mission…:

Again, trusting the guidance to be in the right place at the right time we ankhored her energies at St.Michael’s Mount, St.Michael’s and St.Piran’s Church, Merlin’s Cave for the 11.11. portal and St.Nectan’s Glen amongst many other places.

After we had finished our Cornwall pilgrimage in Wells Cathedral, I wrote a little book called “A Grail Magic Night”, an exegesis of “3 spells for a blue moon” by John Crow. He channeled these spells while walking around Glastonbury Tor the same night that I erected my first Tabernacle on top of the Tor, 2 souls tapping into the universal soul to make this world a better place. He had started his journey at the Crossbones Graveyard in London, which was discovered during work on the Jubilee Line…

read up on the details here if you wish…:

I released the book on the 18 year anniversary of my enlightenment, the 12th of December 2022, in the library of Avalon. In this book I talk about my awakening, my Covenant of the Peacemaker and the magic of my journey.

Every year before Christmas, a twig from of the Holy Thorn in the church yard of St.John’s is ceremonially cut to be presented for the Christmas table of the Royals, it is part of their magic as the sovereigns they used to be. As I am on a mission to transfer this magic, I was send there just afterwards to cut a little twig from the same tree and find the mayor and the druids to do a little ceremony. The magic destined to go to Buckingham Palace diverted into my Holy Wood by the hands of the arch druids of Glastonbury, witnessed by the mayor. As you can see in the picture, I had used the occasion to give him a copy of my book as he had been witnessing my spiritual evolution since the beginning of St.MTV. Later that day I burned the rest of the twig on my lamp like I had already done twice, merging the ashes alchemically in the soot around the flames.

“Dieu et mon droit” has herewith left the Crown, God and my right since Richard Lionhearts battlecry has been divinely transferred by a bodhisattva with a lion’s roar. God and our right it will be as we as humanity claim our sovereignty and what is rightfully ours under the wings of AA Michael.

The next day I received the divine confirmation for the rightfulness of this action in the Tower of my covenant: I took my drum and 3 copies of my book of very big words up the Tor to ankhor the energies of it into the planetary grid via the vibrating walls. A friend I hadn’t seen for 10 months gave me a tendrel, a buddhist gift of auspicious connection. He said it would spiritually boost whatever I was doing, and it did.

It was a 007 silver bar with the late Queen’s Crown in the Royal mint symbol on it. Spirit obviously pointed to the page of the book where I wrote about the ceremony in the crypt during the Jubilee while the band played the 007 theme in the background. I guess you could call this a little miracle.

Around Christmas I held 3 “Grail Magic” Events, using St.Michael’s Tower Vibrations to create a pacemaker for our Mother Earth while sending Vibrations of peace to the Ukraine.

After this I had to go back to Ibiza to close the circle that had started there, introducing the concept of ankhoring Christ Consciousness into the planetary grid with St.MTV to the island. The mission was to hold one of those ceremonies in the watchtower opposite Es Vedra on the first of February while the Green comet of the New Age was closest to Earth, using the Vibrations recorded when Comet Neowise was at its perigee point. I knew it made sense, as I had been given the signs of a comet and a Tower back in 2005.

It was a little bit of a tricky task, as the Tower is a 40 minute hike up the hill, locked up and only accessible through a small square window 2 metres high in the wall. When I went there on a scouting mission before the event I met 7 strangers who showed me the way in and promised they would come back for the event.

When I went to the Church of St.Miquel to pick up the flame for the ceremony I found a painting on the wall with the Tower and a flag that’s displayed in the Church. So there seems to be a connection, guidance confirmed I took the flame with me to my flat, keeping it lit until would take it with me to the bespoke Tower the next day.

As the spanish name of the Tower is “torre de ses savinar” which translates to “Tower of its phoenician Juniper”, it was obvious my Holy Wood had to be inside, even if it meant that she had to come in through the roof, madness, I know…

But well worth it, mission impossible accomplished, real life magic in action…

As you can see, I take my flame magic seriously, those flames stayed lit for 9 more days during 3 more St.MTV ceremonies.

The day before my flight back I was told to let it go, even if it meant that I might become homeless when I come back without any money. After I had let go, I ended up doing the Vibrations in a yurt on Crystal Mountain, having passed another test I arrived at the final destination of my Ibiza Quest.

They needed someone to fix their yurt, so I could earn some money to not be homeless upon my return while activating the crystal core of our Mother Earth. Keeping the flames lit for weeks inside the biggest Apopholite and Stilbite Geodes I had ever seen.

For the one year anniversary of the war in the Ukraine we sent the vibrations of peace from the inside of an empty fountain on the parque de la paz in Ibiza Town. When I needed a space to set up my mac mini to make the flyer, they let me use the “Enlightenment suite”, the most exclusive flat of the complex, with quite a fitting name I thought.

I held 3 more ceremonies in that yurt which turned into Tabernacle number 3, the lord works in mysterious ways…

When I left on the 1st of March the management of Crystal Mountain gave me 150.- euro for my 7 days work on their yurt and their tipis, even though they knew this would make me homeless they deemed it just.

Since letting go of my job in April last year I was living a life of poverty, depending on donations from people who could feel the truth of my actions in their hearts. I never worked as much as I did during the last year, being fulfilled by my soul purpose I had to make a choice to either pay my bills and being taken off course or stay true to my heart. I didn’t do any of this to make a living, I did it to make a giving, and now I had literally given everything a man could give.

12 days after I had left, Tabernacle number 3 burned down. Funnily enough, this was exactly what my life looked like at this moment, it did feel a bit miraculous…

It was the darkest time of my life, yet I didn’t loose faith. I knew I had to let go of everything. Just before Easter I went into St.John’s Church Glastonbury, and I noticed 2 statues calling me. Mother Mary spoke to me, and I looked at her feet.

The carving of the artist’s initials acted like the lock to my sign, it fits exactly, the same dimensions and the same angles, it felt like unlocking the divine feminine. And this is when things went biblical for real…

I had an apparition, she revealed herself to me :

“It has been me all this time, I am the Holy Mother Mary, my seven swords of sorrows have been transmuted into seven flames now that I know that Christ will return.”

Oh my Goddess, now everything made so much sense. On Good Friday the 7th she revealed herself, and I went up the Tor with my drum. There was a group of Spanish people listening, and after my first channeling one of them gives me a sigil of AA Gabriel saying they are his representatives. So we had him and AA Michael in the Tower on the day when the Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates the day when Mary was told by Gabriel that she would give birth to Christ.

Easter Sunday I had my resurrected oil lamp lit with the first flame of the Easter fire by father Keiran in St. John’s

The following week 3 statues of the Mother Mary went up in flames on 3 different occasions in Spain…

It did feel a bit miraculous, especially now that I received all the pieces of the puzzle, it has always been about Mary :

The Chapel in the Abbey is the Mary Chapel and is on the place where the first Church in England dedicated to her was build, that looked just like the roundhouse where she stayed since 2007.

Apparently the old wooden Church burned down and the only thing that survived was a statue of Mary with a burned face. One of the statues in spain survived with a burned face…

Most statues of the Mother Mary are connected to miracles she performed. Now when I carry her and people ask me if it is an instrument I have, I tell them :

“She is the Holy Mother Mary of the 7 flames and I am her instrument”

If miracles are acts of god, I guess you could see all the synchronicities and similarities AA Michael guided me to live during the last 220 months (tell me about the patience of a saint ! ) as the miracle I had to perform to be recognised as the Elijah to come. The proof of divine guidance for the clerics has been lived, the alchemy is palpable past the point of doubt. And then there’s day 220 in the bible…:

Now I need to bring her to Ireland asap, and I need your help. She needs to be anointed in Ireland at the same time King Charles gets anointed. The shift, the apparition and the ceremony need to be publicised. It has to be in Ireland, that’s why I lost my tooth on the same beach like St.Patrick. It is already written that this will happen, and the English Crown knows this as well, that’s why they did their best to eradicate the Irish magic.

I don’t know how it will happen. But I believe in miracles, and if you can feel the truth of what you have been reading in your heart, you will see the chance we have been given. I have nothing but this truth as in not a penny to my name. Money is only energy, and I have 24 hours to raise the funds to do this, any help is essential, looking for people who care, please share, this is not a test…

or buy my music here


I need to talk to the press in Ireland, or anyone from the press, it only takes one…. please contact


What can I say, someone like Elijah has come to prepare everything for the return of Christ Consciousness on a global scale, I mean look at it, it is pretty obvious…!

thank you Michael,

thank you Mary

thank you God

For what we are about to receive, may the Love make us truly thankful

