Multiplier effect of Tech Evangelism

Sheriff Shittu O.
3 min readSep 26, 2017


It’s phenomenal to watch the radical evangelism of tech startup and software development in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general.

To say we have come of age will be saying the obvious, but to say the future is being birthed a line of code at a time won’t be an exaggeration .

Our developers are coming out of their shells, sharing their amazing knowledge, with passion and building awesome stuffs. We used to complain that our University system doesn’t have the right curriculum to birth world-class software engineers, the story has changed. As we speak, resources are available online and at meetups to learn. Only a learn student will refuse to learn beyond the school curriculum. After learning enough, a job will help build there portfolio and work with many more amazing people.

It was difficult getting just 50 people to attend a coding event in ‘09,’10,’11 instead you will have 85% internet marketers, 10% willing coders and 5% developers. ;)

As Forloop holds this weekend, there are over 400 people already registered to attend, this is no more a meetup it’s a movement. In 2–3 years down the line, I wont be surprised to see amazing stuffs that ideas birthed at these meetups will bring forth, because when 2 or more smart people are gathered, revolution starts.

Note to Attendees

Remember, as you attend today to learn from amazing developers, don’t stop from admiration, be inspired to conquer yourself in your private closet, fine-tuning your skills. Taking on projects, contributing to open source and getting a coding job or gig. Try as much as possible not to be an “Event Junkie”, attending every events, no! Pick the ones that aligns with your strategic direction/career in life and learn vigorously. Don’t ONLY go for the grams, go for the fire!

The people standing on the podium today, were somewhere quiet and anonymous 2–3 years ago but they were focused perfecting their crafts. The world needs you to build awesome stuffs and you can ONLY do that when you transform the inspiration you get at events to grit and develop your personal capacity. Fuck the selfies, don’t get drown!

Jobs, Startups and Talents

Tech jobs are coming out everywhere as more startups are being built, get into one. Take up jobs and take on as many projects as you can. I get emails of jobs openings from multiple tech companies daily through GetDev and I wonder if in 1 year or two there will be a developer without a job. Startup needs the talents, the talents need the startups and with a job in hand, that’s one less thing to worry about. Access to internet, power and maybe accommodation will be taken care of buy getting a job.

Talent scarcity will soon be a thing of the past, and with our “ministers” preaching the coding gospel, salvation will soon reach the aspiring developer somewhere we can’t imagine!

Big ups; Christian Nwamba, Prosper Otemuyiwa, Ridwan Olalere and Neo Ighodaro Your seeds will soon become oaks!

Let’s continue to build the future!



Sheriff Shittu O.

CEO at Keen interest in building African tech revolution and paradigm shift. A revolutionary at heart, raising more revolutionaries! Made in Lagos!