Types of Pygmy Possums Found In Australia

Possum Removal
3 min readFeb 20, 2019


Everything about this beautiful country is great except one thing, i.e. the climate that is suitable not just for humans, but different kinds of pests and predators as well. This fact brings into attention the huge population of possums residing all across the country. In some regions, the situation is so bad that the possum busters businesses are the most flourishing business there. According to the experts, the most prevailing type of possums is the pygmy possums that feature smooth and silky fur, which is used to make cushions, blankets, sofa throws and clothing.

Based on their features, these creatures can be classified into different types and here in this post, we will have a brief look at the popular types.

Mountain Pygmy Possums (Burramys Parvus)

• The first notable fact is that they are very small in size and their maximum weight is 45 grams.
• However, you will find that the males have a bigger body as compared to females and their length is somewhere between 5–12 cms.
• Experts consider them really excellent because of their prehensile tail.
• As far as their physical appearance is concerned, according to the experts of possum control Sydney companies, they have a rich coat and it is basically grey in colour.
• They also have big eyes, which point forward and short round ears.
• These possums are omnivorous, feeding on insects, nectar, fruits and seeds.

Eastern Pygmy Possums (Cercartetus Nanus)

• According to the experts, this type is found sparingly in Australia and it is basically a small rodent that weighs between 15 and 45 grams.
• The entire length is somewhere between 8 and 11 centimetre and their tail is significantly long with the size of around 10 centimetres.
• This species of this creature is generally a solitude lover and because of this reason, you will find these creatures mostly around the shrubs.
• They live in tree hollows, thumps or abandoned birds’ nests.
• They feed on insects, but when there are no insects to feed on, they feed on soft fruits.
• They also use their tails to feed on nectar and pollen.
• In terms of physical appearance, a fact that needs a mention here is that the body is full of fur, but the tail has no hair at all.
• Due to their prehensile tails, they are very good at climbing trees.

Western Pygmy Possums (Cercartetus Concinnus)

• Experts of possum busters companies say that this species is also given the name of south-western possums and this is a rather larger pigmy possum type.
• The maximum length of a fully grown pygmy possum could be between 5 and 7 centimetres and the body is covered with a bright coloured fur on the top.
• Underneath the body of this species, you will find fur of the purest white colour and this type also features a long prehensile tail.
• This type of tail makes this type an excellent climber and this species also feature a long tongue that they use to catch insects and other hunts.

Long Tailed Pygmy Possum (Cercartetus Caudatus)

• This species of the pygmy possum is found in rainforests and it got its name from its very long tail.
• The tail is almost twice as long as its body size and this version has rodent-like ears, big and pointy.
• This possum is solitary and as such rarely found in groups.

