How to Correct Neck Hump — 3 Essential Steps

Posture Videos
4 min readJul 29, 2019

There is no doubt that we live in a world of manipulation, false promises and exaggerated claims. This is especially true in the fitness industry. I’ve been a Chiropractor and self-confessed posture addict for more than 20 years, and my online students are always asking me about the latest quick-fix exercise or posture gizmo that promises a two-week fix. Ya, never going to happen!

These products often become popular because they are presented and marketed very well. The marketing campaigns use testimonials and before-and-after transformation photos. That’s one reason I was cautious about including a before-and-after photo (but I do anyway in the video below).

I want to make it clear that there are definitely some very impressive, genuine structural transformations possible and I’ve documented many in private practice over the years. What I do take issue with are the transformations that are manipulated with Photoshop, professional lighting and false postures that impair or enhance the look of a body. I will not be doing this because it is unethical and sets us up for inevitable disappointment.

When the goal becomes something outside of ourselves, we stop believing in our own body’s ability to heal and we place greater faith in some ridulous posture prop or worse, we compare ourselves to someone whose structural…

