10 Ways to Shift Your Thinking, Post-Covid

4 min readJun 24, 2020


[image: Forbes]

The Covid Storm and a few basic Ideas on how to keep your small Fleet afloat.

Week 4 was the one that got us.

New Zealand took some of the most drastic and urgent measures to protect our country. We closed the borders. Every school was shut and all citizens were told to go home indefinitely.

Covid-19 was wrecking havoc across Asia, Europe and North America and it had finally reached our Paradise. Though a bit late in coming, what our leaders did was incredible.

They pulled up the drawbridge!

Aotearoa-New Zealand was truely an Island-Nation.

And for 8-long weeks, we learned new words like Coronaviras and learned how to live in our Bubbles, cooking, cleaning, thinking, missing.

With some small joy, Rotorua finally upgraded to online food and grocery deliveries, our tribe pulled together to keep all families connected, protected and safe, and our small city held its own.

Bit overall, what we witnessed (and continue to witness) is absolute carnage.

And then the death of George Floyd and the Black Loves Matter revolution rocking America and the world, right in the midst of a global pandemic – All of this shit is unprecedented (unless you’re Biblical, and this ‘End-of-Day’s’ stuff, well, you’ve seen it all before. js)

So it was Week 4 when the money officially ran out, and we knew that our business was c,owed and that half of our members are never coming back.

You see – I am the sole lunatic at the asylum we call Digital Basecamp.

Lunatic, in that I own a co-working space at the same time WeWork destroyed its reputation and then by association, took the shine of our entire sector.

Lunatic, because we could see Covid coming back in December, and like everyone else thought it would pass. So not only am I a lunatic, but I am also dumb.

And finally, a lunatic because 2 weeks ago, we emerged from our forced hibernation and returned back to work.

So yes, Digital Basecamp is open for business (for now) and these are the 10 things I’ve had to consider as we reset:

  1. Life is the most important thing, and then soon after that comes love.
  2. Connect with Family and Friends to share each other’s daily lives, fears and new dreams.
  3. Think about NOW and what we can do to make our daily lives better.
  4. Take your Business Strategy out of the bottom drawer and take a new look at the Business, the Vision, the Values, your Missions and Goals. Are they even relevant today?
  5. What are your True Costs? Living? Business? How much do you actually, actually need?
  6. Take stock, evaluate what you have a lost, mourn. Even in business, we struggle and suffer, and not every idea, product or person makes it.
  7. Get some Spiritual support. Be it in-person, online and 1–0n-1 with the Divine, this situation is bigger than one person, it’s greater than the entire planet, but it’s still about that 1-important person – You.

8. Be imaginative, be creative, but stay realistic. Though all people and businesses are re-setting, it’s not a complete reset, and there are now more restrictions and limitations. All the same, think around think under, think over, just think!

9. Commit everything to a Plan. For me, I can write extensive notes for days and then condense everything into one clear picture. Then I see what that inspires and what parts I left out and then re-arrange the picture. And once I’m happy, I talk myself through the story and build a brand narrative. What’s my new BBQ/Elevator Pitch? What is my Core Business, and who is my Support Team? Do we have a Vision, is it clear and what our own new Challenges. A Plan prompts those discussions.

10. Circle of Care. This is more than just networking or reaching out to previous clients. We all know what a bubble is and how important connected bubbles are. This applies both personally and professionally. A Circle of Care are a group of people who love and respect you, are willing to give positive support and constructive feedback and act as a cooperative commune, rather than a aggressive tribe of mercenaries out for a quick buck.

What I’ve come to appreciate is that life is both the big moments and the small events, and it’s all up to our own individual selves how we react and respond. Sometimes the challenges are too much, they’re too big; other times we might feel alone, isolated, powerless. That’s all natural. I get stuck with the tsunami of problems in my life that it’s hard to catch a breath and it can often feel overwhelming, like my ships taken on too much and we’re about to sink.

And then I hear a toot and look up, and one of my family are there. And then a friend. And then I realise I’m part of a fleet and we’re all going thru this together, right now. If you can keep your own personal ship secure and afloat, and then work with those around you to begin, at least you have the ability to equalise and find your feet & bearings.

Don’t give up. Don’t give in.

Reach out. And sometimes, dig deep.

Kia kaha tatou!




