rapid wrinkle serum

Potentlift Reviews
6 min readMar 2, 2019


3 Factors That Warrant the Appearance of Crow’s Feet

When you study people, do you notice any lines around the outer corners of their eyes? If the lines are visible when they smile, squint, laugh or relax their face, it’s called crow’s feet. You can study yourself too by using the mirror. What did you see?

Many factors contribute to the formation of wrinkles and crow’s feet. Also, there are preventive ways and rapid anti aging procedures that can reduce or erase them.

Now, let’s take a look at what crow’s feet are, and we’ll also analyze three contributing factors.

Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet are aging lines or wrinkles that appear around the corner of the eyes. They can be given the same classification as wrinkles. Throughout this post, we will use the words “wrinkle” and “crow’s feet” interchangeably. Note that wrinkles are the lines, creases that appear on the face while crow’s feet are these wrinkles at the eye region — around the corners of the eyes.

Dynamic and Static Wrinkles (Crow’s Feet)

Dynamic wrinkles will only appear when there is a muscular contraction on the face. For example, when you look into the mirror and smile, you may notice lines around the corners of your eyes. The lines you noticed are referred to as dynamic wrinkles (crow’s feet).

On the other hand, if you relax your face while looking into the mirror, any lines you notice around the eyes are called static wrinkles because they are static — permanent.

Now, let’s consider three factors that can warrant the appearance of crow’s feet.

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Sunlight Exposure

Sunlight is good, but not all the time. When the sun shines, it emits harmful energy called ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is of 3 classifications. UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.

The one concerned with wrinkles is UV-A. It has a longer wavelength than the others which makes it penetrates deeper into the dermis — the second layer of the skin where collagen is produced. It damages collagen, the protein supporting later that ensure suppleness and wrinkle resistant skin.

To lessen the effect of ultraviolet radiation, many people use wrinkle cream. You can also apply sunscreen, sunglasses or better avoid sunny weather, as possible as you can.

Repetitive motion

Frequent contraction of the face muscle can gradually develop static crow’s feet. For example, people with one form of dystonia of the eye muscle may develop “excessive blinking.” Excessive blinking is a type of contraction that occurs around the eye which is considered to be more frequent than typical.

Because the skin around the eyes is very thin, frequent contraction will lead to a reduction in skin’s elasticity produced by elastin. It will cause crow’s feet to appear early and become a permanent feature of your face.


Smoking infuses harmful chemicals into the body and skin. For example, nicotine present in cigarette narrows the skin blood vessels which, in turn, impairs the flow of oxygen, blood and many other vital nutrients to the skin. Other harmful chemical inhaled by a smoker will also result in damage of elastin which provides elasticity — ability to regain original shape after contraction.

Unfortunately, you will have to quit smoking to prevent further damage. Quite frankly, that’s the right thing to do.

Crow’s Feet and Facelift

Crow’s feet can be reduced or erased by the help of instant firming cream without surgery.

While there are many instant anti wrinkle products, rapid wrinkle serum is very effective as they give an instant facelift against wrinkle and crow’s feet. It contains natural ingredients that penetrate faster and deeper into the skin to firm the saggy skin. Some serum brands even boast permanent result by religiously applying their products.

Because of the ingredients contained, some products do not work as required. Their long term application may even escalate face skin problem.

4 Causes of Face Wrinkles and How to Prevent it

One of the aging signs is face wrinkles. Without realizing it, our body “records” some of the facial gestures we use and with time, these become a permanent feature. For some people, wrinkles result from sunlight exposure, smoking, diet, genetic component or sleeping patterns.

Let’s take a look at the following causes of wrinkles and preventive measures like making a shift in lifestyle and rapid wrinkle cream.

Exposure to UV Ray

Ultraviolet radiation reaching our earth surface is classified into UVA and UVB. UVA causes wrinkles and premature aging. Also, it causes other skin damage in which light skinned people are prominent.

Also, UV interacts and break down our natural skin connective tissues found in the dermis — collagen and elastin. In the absence of these supportive tissues, your skin will lose its strength and elasticity. The result will be premature wrinkles and sagging.


Smoking is one of the apparent cause of wrinkles. When someone smokes, the nicotine in the cigarettes narrows the blood vessel of the outermost skin layers, and this impairs the flow of blood to the skin. The result is a shortage of oxygen supply and the flow of essential nutrients like Vitamin A.

Likewise, thousands of chemicals in tobacco smoke destroy elastin and collagen which gives elastic support and strength to the skin. Also, exposure to cigarette flames may speed up wrinkle formation.

Chemicals present in cigarette sag and wrinkle the skin prematurely. In addition, facial expressions used like squinting when smoking and exposure to cigarette flames may speed up wrinkle formation.

Repeated Facial Expression

Repeated use of facial muscle will cause wrinkles and lines. Every time you use your facial muscle in ways like squinting, frowning, smoking or use of a straw, there is a groove formation beneath the skin surface.

As we age, the ability of the skin elastic muscles to retract after use of facial expressions depreciates. The skin becomes less elastic, and the grooves become more of a permanent feature.

Age Factor

Age affects our skin youthfulness. This is so because the skin becomes more fragile and less elastic. Not only that but the natural supply of oil decreases which, in turn, renders the skin less hydrated and wrinkled. The fat present in the inner layers of your skin also reduces which eventually causes saggy and loose skin.


Some of the factors discussed herein are inevitable, but there are ways and products like rapid wrinkle cream that can help in reducing their effect and cuff of some years off your look.

For instance, while aging cannot be reversed, there are quite some exercises, diet, lifestyle and products like instant anti aging cream that can help revitalize and give you a smooth, moisturized skin.

To eliminate wrinkles and accelerate your skin rejuvenation, you’ll need the best wrinkle serum that lifts and tightens a saggy skin face.

For a safe, well formulated, and effective rapid wrinkle serum that will revitalize your skin, visit potentlift reviews

