
2 min readFeb 8, 2017


What is contentment?

Content would be having a smile on one’s face even if the person is in whirlpool of problems.

Is it something like these things are fulfilled and I am content.. or a checklist being ticked off?

When we are self reliant and don’t get bogged with others opinion is true contentment. Self doubt, self pity, begrudging, non adaptable to change shows our darker side of being insecure. This takes away so much of our sunshine that we start feeling less and the “being content” just flies out of window :D…

How do we ensure that we are content throughout?

I claim to be just another person with loads of experience ;)… the things which I did for myself to be in a state of contentment are every moment efforts, let me share in pointers to make it more simple:

a) Gratitude for what I have in my life, whether it’s negative or positive, small or big, every small things.

b) Self comparison, very important where we live in this gregarious world and at the same time compare. Every life is unique… suppose we all had same qualities world would look grey rather than colourful ;).. understand the deep uniqueness one possess and stop the comparison.

c) Believe in change, nothing is permanent and everything is subject to changes. So if today I am having x problem, that’s not permanent.. the problem will have a solution… our over stressing is not going to serve anything.

d) Live in the moment… easy to say than done. Especially when one has lived something… forgetting a past for instance is difficult, but how long we can dwell in it? Living one day at a time is contentment.

e) Accept you can’t make every person happy… there will be instances when we can’t fulfill someone’s wish… does that mean we self criticise and become hard on ourselves? No… let’s start with being happy ourselves and then there will be the ripple effect.

Always love yourself if one needs to be content within. That’s the key to being Happy… it’s found no where but within our own core self.




Speaking mind! "Carpe diem", food lover, traveler, into healthy living with twist of junk food ;)