Sophie Pous
1 min readMay 15, 2017


hello! I know, it is out of subject, but I work in an average company . I started in 2014. And, I feel very tired, empty. I don’t make a burn out . People say: health is work. Yes, of course, it is hard when you do not work, you annoy, you are embarassed and then, I am going to see. I already make years without work. I know perfectly that.Without money just a bit of money fast wasted. I would like to leave from Nice to Aubagne near Marseilles. It is a beautiful village. I will be near my parents.I want to leave because of my old friend who is not nice. And then, to have a flat, it is necessary to pay it .For me, two or three years without work to look for another job, it is possible. Because, I work in a protected company (ESAT) . I work with eleven persons and we open the busts or envelopes from a French organism CAF “ Caisse d’allocations familiales” who makes the payments for the poor people. Then, your article makes me thinking to that. I know my passions: reading, writing, I wrote an entire book, 300 short stories, severals books that I began

thank you, sorry for my out of subject. I needed to speak at someone.



Sophie Pous

Writer -10 books- since 1997. Projects: Podcaster, a real book from me like a classical book, a book on Amazon PDK… and to send independant + edition houses