How to Manually Download and Install iOS Simulator Files for Xcode on Mac

Pouya Hallaj
2 min readDec 9, 2023



When working with Xcode on Mac, one of the essential tools for developers is the iOS Simulator. It allows you to test your applications in an environment that mimics a real device. While you can download these simulator files directly within Xcode, there’s a lesser-known method of manual downloading that offers some significant advantages. This approach can be faster, and it also allows you to pause and resume the download as needed. In this guide, we’ll explore how to manually download and install iOS Simulator files, a topic that has limited information available online due to its novelty.

Photo by Igor Savelev on Unsplash

Why Manually Download Simulator Files?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s understand why you might opt for manual downloading. Firstly, it’s faster. When you download files through Xcode, the process can be slow and sometimes unreliable. Manually downloading the files can save you time. Secondly, it gives you control. If you have an unstable internet connection, the ability to pause and resume the download can be a lifesaver.

Two Paths to Manual Installation

There are two primary methods to manually install iOS Simulator files: the official way recommended by Apple and an alternative manual method.

Apple’s Official Method:

  1. Download the Simulator Runtime: Visit Apple Developer Downloads and download the desired Simulator runtime.
  2. Install with Command Line:
  3. Select Xcode Version: Use xcode-select -s /Applications/ to select your Xcode version.
  4. Run First Launch: Execute xcodebuild -runFirstLaunch to install required components, including simctl.
  5. Install Simulator Runtime: Use xcrun simctl runtime add "~/Downloads/watchOS 9 beta Simulator Runtime.dmg". This command verifies the runtime's signature and installs it securely.

Manual Way:

  1. Access Xcode Package Content: Right-click on the Xcode 15 Beta app and select ‘Show Package Content’.
  2. Open Simulator File: Double-click the iOS_17_beta_Simulator_Runtime.dmg file.
  3. Locate Runtime Folder: Inside the dmg file, find the ‘Runtime’ folder.
  4. Copy to Xcode: Navigate to /Applications/ and place the Runtime folder here.
  5. Restart Xcode: Close and reopen Xcode, and the new simulators should be available.


Manually downloading and installing iOS Simulator files can significantly enhance your development workflow on Xcode. Whether you choose Apple’s official method or the alternative manual process, you now have the flexibility to manage simulator files in a way that suits your needs. This guide should help you through a process that, while not widely discussed online, is invaluable for iOS developers seeking more control over their development environment.

Note: This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of macOS and Xcode. Always back up your data before modifying software installations.



Pouya Hallaj

Tech addict, fitness fanatic, and ML devotee. Fueled by a love for programming and cutting-edge tech! Let's take on the world one algorithm at a time!