AR Filters

The Magic Behind AR Filters: A Muggle’s Guide to
Augmented Reality

Pooja Ovhal
4 min readDec 20, 2023

I am a big fan of Harry Potter and as any Harry Potter fan wants, I would love to see and experience magic in real world! Well, thanks to the technology, we muggles now have our own magical realm too! it’s called augmented reality!

For the couple of months, I’ve been creating augmented realty (AR) filters for Instagram using the Spark AR Studio and Snapachat using the Lens Studio Snap AR. These allows you to easily create AR effects for smartphone cameras. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE playing around with those sparkly, creative AR filters on social media. Adding a some glam to my selfies or making my face into cute animations just makes me happy. But have you ever wondered what makes those filters work their high-tech magic? Lets dive into it!

Casting the AR Spell: How These Filters Transform Reality

It all starts with YOU, the user. Your facial expressions, gestures, and surroundings captured by your device’s camera are the key ingredients. It’s like you’re gathering potion materials to brewed something magical!

Next, the AR filter works its magic, create those inputs into delightful visual effects overlayed right on top of your real world. It might apply a fantasy theme, fun animations that respond to you, or just an sparkle effect.

Maintaining the Enchantment: The Role of Tracking & Feedback

Keeping the magic seamless takes some technological spells behind the curtain. The tracking programs follow facial features, objects, and environments to ensure the virtual elements blend perfectly with reality.

The filters also give visual, audio or haptic feedback to make the experience more lively and intuitive. It becomes a fun back-and-forth dance rather than just a one-sided camera feature. Almost like having a conversation with the filter!

When the Magic Gets Buggy: Limitations and Challenges

While fun to play with, AR filters do come with some limitations too. Many filters still struggle with accurate facial tracking across all skin tones and lighting conditions. It seems, the magic just doesn’t work as well for everyone. It shows patches on face when you start the filter.

Trying and using filters has made it clear to me that we have a issue with battery life and augmented reality. The camera is a huge battery drain. AR filters needs lot of memory usage as those can be heavy in size. Also, not every filter is compatible with every device or operating systems. These limitations can frustrate every muggles and make them lose interest in it.

The Future of AR: Where Can This Magic Take Us?

Filters aren’t just about changing your face, cute selfies, the technology has SO much more potential. We can create mini games, interactive quizzes, inserting 3D, 2D objects. It can reshape marketing, digital interfaces, and even how we perceive the world around us.

I created few magics below. First filter is a mini game — here user can eat food in a limited time and the game will show total food you ate along with timer. It’s fun playing it!

Third filter is a face filter which gives nice old grainy effect to the your face!

Third filter — a simple target tracker. magic is, as your camera detects the logo image it will show the same logo floating back-and-forth with some particles. I used digital image as a target. you can use paper drawing (or any physical object where the same logo is present) of the logo.

Casting More Inclusive Spells: Improving AR Filter Experiences

Allowing users to tweak or change the filters the way they want. Upgrade processing speeds and capabilities to have filters respond in real-time without lags, clipping or glitches. Quick response times make interactions smooth.
Add accessibility features like subtitles/captions, audio guidance or screen-reader capability for those with disabilities to enjoy filters too.

Overall, focusing innovation around the human experience — comfort, delight, creativity — rather than just technological capabilities will make AR filters more welcoming and magical for all.

Enchanting Responsibly: Regulation Considerations

AR filters magic let us experience beautiful, flawless effects. I don’t think current filters in the market now are violeting any cultural sensitivity. On one hand, setting legal restrictions could hamper creativity and innovation. But on the other, leaving it fully unregulated raises ethical risks if misused either unintentionally or intentionally.

Keeping magical law regulations in muggels community can be balance the technology, fun. These laws help keeps us the peace and prevent anarchy.

Final Takeaway: Magic is Meant to Delight!

At the end of the day, AR is modern magic — meant to delight and inspire us! These filters will become integral to how we capture and share life’s everyday moments. AR filter are here to stay!

So embrace your inner witch or wizard, and have fun making some digital magic! 🧙✨ What AR filters bring you joy? Let me know in the comments!



Pooja Ovhal

I am a seasoned Senior Product Designer based in Pune, India, with over 9 years of experience in the UI and UX field, now residing in New York City.