New Feature: Custom Data Mapping between Excel data and PDF form

Megan Joyce
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Today, we are excited to announce a brand new feature — Custom Data Mapping.

With this feature, aligning your Excel data with PDF form fields has never been easier. Let’s dive into how this transformative feature works.

If you haven’t, install Power PDF Filler for Microsoft Excel here:

You can also watch the 2-min video tutorial.

Open your Excel file with the data and launch the Power PDF Filler add-in for Microsoft Excel.

Select a PDF file to work with, for example, ‘sample.pdf’.

Choose the Excel Data Range you want to map.

Now in step 3, notice the new template dropdown with ‘Default’ selected.

This uses the default mapping order.

Let’s preview this to understand the default mapping.

In the preview, you’ll see how Excel columns and PDF form fields align by default.

Because the order of the PDF form fields is determined when the PDF Form was created, it might not be ordered as you wished.

For instance, ‘Address 1’ might show up as field 17 in the PDF, but we need it as the 3rd field, matching our Excel sheet.

Scroll down in the preview window to find ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ options.

Let’s hit ‘Edit’ to customize our data mapping.

Here, you can align each Excel field with the corresponding PDF form field, ensuring everything is in perfect order.

For instance, we want to map ‘Address 1‘ in the Excel spreadsheet to PDF form field 17. We will continue to map the remaining Excel data to PDF Form fields.

After mapping, click ‘Save’ to keep this configuration for future use.

Name it something meaningful to you, like ‘sample’, and confirm.

Upon closing the preview, you’ll see ‘sample’ as a new, selected template.

Now, hit the ‘Ready go’ button to process your data.

It’s that simple! Your Excel data now perfectly aligns with the PDF form fields.

Embrace the ease of Custom Data Mapping and transform your data processing workflow today!

