Power Deed NFT — The future of NFT

5 min readJan 14, 2022


Proof of Participation in the Energy Race

Power Deed NFT is a new type of digital asset that has been created to help fund and provide green energy to the world. Power Deed NFT holders are provided with proof of participation in the Energy race. Holder of Power Deed NFT will be owners of Solar Power Plants and Solar Manufacturing Facilities around the world. Profit Sharing among Power Deed NFT keeps this community alive and desired holding.

Power Deeds can be bought by anyone who wants to participate in this effort, and Power Deeds will be available for purchase on an open market — making it possible for individuals from all walks of life to participate.

Power Deed is more than just an NFT. It’s a token of participation in the Energy race.

The Power Deed NFT is more than just a digital asset. It represents your participation in the Energy race and your commitment to creating a better world.

By holding Power Deed, you are pledging your support to our team and our mission. You are helping us build solar farms, research new solar technologies, and make green energy available to everyone.

What is Power Deed NFT?

The world needs more people who care about making the future sustainable. Power Deed NFTs are deeds to new solar power plants and manufacturing facilities that were crowdfunded by community members, proving they’re active owners in this cause! They also get profits from operating these installations as part of their investment into our planet’s green energy future — so you can feel good knowing your funds will go very far indeed with such an important goal.

What’s In It for The Community?

Could you imagine a world where we have no need for power plants, coal mines or oil wells? Power Deed NFT is about to make this happen. You can be part of this mega project. Power Deed NFT aims to use their community members’ efforts and resources to build solar farms around the world while researching better quality solar panels, inverters and self-cleaning solar panel glass for lesser maintenance.

They also want to manufacture their own highest quality solar panels and inverters before building more solar farms using these new products. Power Deed NFT will keep expanding by adding floating solar farms on oceans all around the world.

Power Deed NFT’s goal is to provide enough renewable energy so everyone in the communities can live comfortably without pollution from fossil fuels. Power Deed NFT is a power deed non-fungible token which can be collected by spending time and effort in the Power Deed ecosystem.

How’s Your Participation With Power Deed NFT?

The Power Deed NFT is a unique type of token that allows you to participate in the Energy race. By holding Power Deed NFTs, you are helping to provide green energy to the world while building a community that can apply ideas and make a difference. With Power Deed NFTs, you can help build solar farms, research new solar technologies, and build solar manufacturing factories. Plus, you can have fun while doing it as a community !

What Can Power Deed NFT Do?

Power Deed NFT is a way for you to participate in the energy race. Power Deeds are real world applications and visible infrastructure. Power deeds can be used as a flex card that helps you save the world from harmful emissions by owning solar power plants. Power deeds show you directly own those solar power plants and actively saving our earth from pollution.

In addition, Power deeds have many benefits such as: producing clean, renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, helping combat climate change, forcing coal and nuclear stations to shutdown due to abundance of green energy, lowering electricity bills, creating jobs and increasing tax revenue.

Power deed owners also receive compensation for hosting these projects, which goes back into their local community. Lastly, Power Deed NFT gives people a chance to vote on matters that matters most towards our goal

Power Deed NFT is a very unique type of Non-Fungible Token as it represents real world assets. In this case, it is a solar power plant that you own and save the world with. The Power Deed NFT can be used in many ways, such as:

  • Profit from the revenue generated from this project. Part of the profit will be dropped to 50 holders every 3 months.
  • Proving your participation in the energy race to claim rewards from the government or other institutions.
  • Showing your support for renewable energy by owning a solar power plant.
  • Use it as an asset in the trading and speculation market.
  • Flexing this social responsibility badge to the public in real world and on metaverse

Why Solar Power And Not Anything Else?

Solar power is a more sustainable and profitable option than other forms of power generation. Solar panels are long-lasting and can generate power for many years, making them a valuable investment. Additionally, solar farms don’t require as much manpower to maintain as other forms of agriculture, making them a more efficient use of land. Ideally this will hold the value of Power Deed NFT forever high.

What Can You Expect From Power Deed NFT Price?

The Power Deed NFT is not like any other NFT in the market. It has a real world application that will only increase in value over time. Not only that, but the demand for green energy is always on the rise, which means that the price of Power Deed NFT is likely to increase in value over time.

Where Do The Funds Go?

Funds raised by Power Deed NFT will be used to set up solar power plants around the world. This will help to reduce the amount of electricity that is used, and in turn, will help to save the real world from destruction. Signage will be placed at the entrances of these solar farms to create a sense of pride among our deed holders and to also create brand awareness for Power Deed NFT.

The Power Deed NFT holders will be responsible for the funding of the solar power plants. These plants will be used to provide energy to the metaverse, and in turn, help to save our world. The funds will also be used to create a sense of pride among the Power Deed holders and to create brand awareness for the Power Deed NFT.

What Challenges We Might Face?

The main obstacles that we might face are the lack of community involvement, the price of Ethereum dropping significantly, and slow research and development. These factors could all have a significant impact on our branding and marketing progress, capital seed funding, patent and new product development, and even our primary source of power.

In Conclusion, Power Deed NFT is the Power to Save The World.

Power deed can be your only way to save the world from harmful emissions. So, don’t wait and get your Power Deed NFT today! Owning a Power Deed gives you the power to participate in the energy race and help combat climate change. Be owners of Solar Power Plants and Solar Manufacturing Facilities around the world.

For more information and road map,

You can visit Power Deed NFT Official Website

