Mass Shootings are Terrible and so are the Conservative “Solutions” to the Problem

Powered Soldier
6 min readMay 20, 2018


Mass shootings here in America have been going on for way too long to the point where the American public became desensitize to the concept of mass shootings. This mass epidemic of gun violence is being treated like a normal occurrences that you must expect to happen in your country every single week. There are two sides on this gun debate; those that are willing to address the problem or the ones that would rather ignore the problem. Ignoring the problem of course is way more damaging to anyone’s reputation.

Liberals when it comes to having solutions to the problem are more direct and specific with their own solutions. Universal background checks, banning semi automatic style weapons, High-capacity magazine ban, getting politicians with an A+ from the NRA out of office, banning domestic abusers from obtaining any weapons ,red flag laws and so on. Conservatives? They don’t have solutions. They’re forced to either address the problem or to ignore the problem. Choosing to ignore the problem is a more damaging choice to make for both sides of the political spectrum. Conservatives don’t want to address the problem in the room which is our lack of gun control laws here in America

“This is not a gun problem issue this is a school safety issue,”said the Conservatives. School safety is the best “solution” that they can come up with when it comes to dealing with a nationwide public health issue. Many of the Conservative families of Parkland (I won’t name) are forced to come up with solutions after the Parkland mass shooting without addressing the problem in the room and calling for more school safety is their preferred solution in order to deal with the problem of mass shootings in our schools. Calling for more school safety is a call of action and it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has specific objectives and goals. The Conservative Parkland families are almost directionless with their goals and plans while feeling hopeless at the idea of knowing that mass shootings are going to continue. Their call for more school safety almost feels substance less with a terrifying insight for the future that they’re unable to see through. Complete militarization of our schools. Schools aren’t meant to be treated like airports or prisons. Schools should be a safe environment where the students don’t have to feel like they’re being criminalized by their own school administration. Americans should avoid and speak out against militarizing our own schools just so that conservatives can avoid addressing our nationwide gun violence problem.

“This is a school bullying issue,” said the Conservatives. If this case is actually true then we must expect for more LGBT+ and POC school shooters rather than having more entitled straight white men who wants to inflict their authority on the society that they’re part of. The hashtag “Walk Up Not Walk Out” is a disgusting victim blaming “solution” where the blame is being placed on the students for not being “nice” enough to their fellow peers to the point of turning one of them into a school shooter and being nice to everyone in school is the only way to stop these school shooters from murdering their own peers is being perpetuated by conservatives in order to address the mass shooting epidemic even though that concept has already been debunked by a Parkland student who befriended Cruz. The idea of mass shooters becoming murderers after being bullied their entire lives originated after the Columbine Massacre where the cable news media was sensationalizing the entire event to the point of spreading misinformation about the two shooters as a result of them trying to churn out news stories about this event as quick as possible. Sue Klebold the mother of Dylan Klebold debunked this myth in her memoir “A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy,” where Dylan actually had friends beside Eric Harris and Dylan actually went to his high school prom where he partied in a limousine with his prom date including with his other classmates the days before committing the most well known mass shooting in America that got all of the media’s attention. The Klebold family actually lived in a very stereotypical white suburban middle class family and Sue described Dylan as a very typical teenager during her time. This is one of the most common responses to mass shootings is to blame cultural ills to avoid talking about the weapons itself. After the Columbine massacre, many adults decided to redirect their anger towards Marilyn Manson for producing “satanic” music and for “inspiring” the Columbine shooters with their killing spree. Both adults in different decades are refocusing their blame towards someone that had nothing to do with the shooters itself and blaming cultural ills (ie: School bullying and satanic music) is the most easiest way out to avoid talking about this public health epidemic.

One of the most favorite talking points that conservatives always use is the gun free zone argument to argue for more civilians walking around with guns in places like schools, colleges, concerts and offices. The best evidence that they can come up with is the Sutherland Spree Church shooting where the good guy with a gun was able to stop a bag guy with a gun. My counter argument for that is for them to re-examine themselves to have better standards. Instead of saving some lives we need to save ALL lives. 26 People already died before the good guy with a gun was able to stop the bad guy with a gun and saving some lives isn’t enough. All of us should go after saving ALL lives and never settle for less. How about the good guys with a gun who was able to stop the bad guy with a gun in Santa Fe High School? Armed personnel aren’t the same thing as an armed civilian. Every single Armed personnel already went through background checks and training on how to use a gun. They are employed to carry a weapon as a part of their job requirement. It also has been proven that when there is more guns there is more homicide based of a Harvard study that was done.

The best advice that I would give to my fellow gun control activists is to never settle for less. Many of the anti gun control Conservatives already settled for less and now they’re running out of solutions to throw against a problem that can only be fixed through gun control. As the time goes on they’re completely reliant on blaming everything that’s unrelated to guns as a part of their own solution. They’re now blaming schools for having too many entrances and exits, proposing arming teachers, proposing arming students with rocks , proposing arming our students with small baseball bats, clear backpacks, metal detectors and spying on our student’s social media posts to violate their privacy. Conservatives from what I just repeated multiple times in my previous statements are being forced to address the problem. Ignoring the problem is starting to feel like a much better and easier alternative than proposing insane and nonsensical solutions. They have no other choice but to treat the problem as a force of nature. An environmental problem like a storm that can’t be prevented or lessen with their severity. Any form of change to fix the problem is the equivalent of attempting to do weather control to save your town from danger. Even when you forced them to realize that there are more school children that died from school shootings than the military service members that died in the military, they will be forced to claim that any sources that didn’t came from Breitbart and Fox News are fake news perpetuated by the liberal deep state to take way your guns so that they can implement their left wing dictatorship to take over the U.S. Even when you point out to other countries like Australia for their successful gun control laws, they will respond by saying that a mass shooting just happened in Australia and not realizing that it took them 22 years to finally have a mass shooting where 7 people only died. Implementing a stricter gun control laws are meant to lessen the number of people dying every year to save more lives. It’s the equivalent of me stating that we shouldn’t even have speed limits and sit belts since people are still dying from car crashes but having those laws actually save more lives every single year. Never settle for less so that we can save not just some lives but ALL lives.

