Push-ups, Pull-ups, and Podcasts

2 min readNov 12, 2015


Many times in previous blogs and podcasts (Dominating Diva Podcast), we’ve mentioned how often people use lack of time as an excuse for working out, learning new things, and creating new habits. How about taking a few of those items many people blow off as time-consuming and combine them?

One of the most amazing creations is audiobooks and podcasts! You can listen while you drive, shower, and WORKOUT! There are a myriad of various educational podcasts on iTunes, and audiobooks can be found on on apps and online stores. (iTunes, Audible, Audio Bookstore, Amazon) Search for the topics you think you’ll love to learn, download, crank up the stair climber, and you’ll be beefin’ up your brain and your butt at the same time! It doesn’t get much better than that.

Often, folks tell us they’re actually able to push themselves further while listening to podcasts or audiobooks because they are distracted from the fatigue they otherwise would be focused on! In addition, as that blood gets flowing to the brain, you’ll process that info and more than likely remember more accurately than if you listened to the same info half asleep! Search some podcasts and give this technique a try. Make positive changes a little at time, and before you know it, your brains will match your brawn while saving yourself precious time!

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